The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 241 - It Runs Deep

Level 25

Sumi ran as fast as she could into level 25 but then she saw the destruction that was laid waste, her eyes trembled at the sight of it, her eyes then land on Shino on his knees, and then on Hiro and Yuki against the ground.

"Shino!" she said with trembling eyes.

"Dr. Kashi" Shino cried.

"He was the one... he was the Alpha"

She froze at his words.


Level 11: Special Facility

Room C

*Sound Of Clock Ticking*

Hiro sat on his bed, lost in thought, with a dark expression, the bangs of his red hair covering his eyes, he wore white clothing, which consist of a white shirt and pants, his hand laid out in front of him in tighten fist, his body trembling every minute, his right wrist connected with a drip.

"Are you afraid?" Yuki's voice came in, she was seated close to his bed facing him, on the same outfit also, she had an unreadable expression, her eyes sought of empty.

Hiro's lips pressed in a thin line but then it quivered, his senses still haunted by the presence of the Queen Kaiju, the encounter haunted his dreams for weeks ever since the Outbreak.

"Afraid?" Hiro said in a faint tone, that was one word for it, if not his body wouldn't be constantly trembling as it did, her presence, her words still haunted him like a constant nightmare.



"Your very existence makes my skin crawl,"

"This connection..."

"Years I have searched for this place longed to bury this place you call solitude"

"Human has always proven to succumb to their desires"

"Easy to twist and use... I don't need to send my army when I can just destroy it within"

"Two species can't live together in one earth, the predators... always... take... out... their prey"


"You stand in my way"


Hiro held his head tightly with both hands, his teeth clenched in a tight hold as he recalled her words, her distorted inhuman voice rang in his head like a plague.

"I-I can't get the voice out of my head," he said in almost a whisper as his body shook vigorously.

"there's no way..." he said shakily.

"There's no way we can kill such a thing... that power" his eyes shock as once again he was brought to an abyss, just him no Yuki.

And then a pair of eyes flashed open in the dark, mixed color bio-genetics eyes that haunted him in the dark, the sinister presence and the suffocating air around.

His body shook more unable to get the eyes and the presence off his head, the darkness consuming him, his chest where her hand once pierced, he was lucky she mixed his heart, or else he would have been a goner.

The same extricating pain found him again, the way she twisted her hand within, the sound of his flesh twisting, the horrifying pain she made him pass through, just to show how much she wanted him gone, how much she wanted to get rid of him, she detested his very existence, she wanted the last of humanity gone, she was the high predator that wanted to devour her prey.


He could still hear her voice.

"Stop..." he said in a muffled tone, his deep breath getting louder like he was having a panic attack.

He was still in the dark solitary background haunted by her eyes as they stared deep within him also like she could see his soul, maybe she could.

"Stop!" he hissed at the continuous voices in his head, he didn't know peace as her distorted voice haunted him.


Hiro gasped as he was brought back to reality at the sound of the voice, he felt a light cover him from the darkness, like a touch of it.

He turned his head towards the direction of Yuki, she had her hand placed on one of his hands against his head.

"," he said as his eyes shook vigorously and she did what he didn't expect, she embraced him tightly, his body froze at the action.

"It's okay Hiro," she said softly.

"Don't be afraid I'm here"

Hiro's eyes stops trembling as he buried his face in her neck.

Her grip tightens against him more.

"I'm here," she said softly.

Hiro shut his eyes close as his body calmed down, he was at peace at this very moment.


Room B

A tray of food was before Ten, on the bed, he has dressed in a white shirt and white pants also, his neck wrapped in a bandage, Ten just stared at the untouched food before him with sad eyes, almost seemed empty and lost.

"Ten," Haya said with worried eyes, she was seated on the bed, facing him, Ten barely ate... it was rare for someone like him who loves food a lot, at the mere glimpse of it he turned it away.

She understood what he felt, she knew what he was going through, she knew what happened with Kaiyo, they saw her body when they found him unconscious, she knew what he had to do, to set her free from her cruel fate.

She knew he was breaking within about what he had to do, it was at that moment she knew Ten loved Kaiyo.

Ten forced a smile raising his head to meet her gaze.

"I'm sorry Haya but I'm not hungry" he states.

She read his lips, the words he said hurting her, she didn't like seeing him like this, Ten was always the cheerful one and the funny one but right now it was like he was devoid of any emotions at all, and to a result, he forced a smile that didn't come from his heart and she hated it because this was not Ten she knew.

She was about to say something, but she bit her lip not knowing what to say, she hated seeing him like this but she didn't know what she could do to make the pain stop, could she ever make the pain stop?

Ten shifted lying back down, pulling his cover against his body.

"Ten" she began but shut her mouth as her eyes trembled.

She silently took the tray of food walking away, the door shut close behind her, her gaze landing on Shino.

"He still didn't eat huh?" he said sadly staring at the untouched tray of food she held.

Haya read his lips nodding.

"I see," he said with trembling eyes.

"I think it's best we leave him alone for some time..." he states as his eyes land on the other room which was Hiro's.

"...Both of them" he faced her.

She knows as she walks away, leaving Shino, he still stood at Ten's door but walks in the opposite direction.


Room A

You could hear a beeping monitor machine, Anzai laid on the bed unconscious, a mouth breather covered his nose and breath as he breathed slowly through it.

His chest was exposed, a bandage wrapped around his lower stomach.

Touka set the drip at the corner, before turning to Anzai with sad eyes, her heart felt heavy just by seeing him like this.

"How is he?" Kiyoshi asked.

"He's recovering but he's not like the bio-genetics who heals fast, he's only human" her eyes trembled. And yet he went after the Alpha in hopes of destroying it, it was either admirable or stupid of him, she didn't know how to explain it.

"His condition... he needs some time before he can fully recover, the operation was successful but the rest is up to him" she add, right now it was a 50% chance he might be in an extended coma due to his condition and the injuries he sustains, she prayed and hope that wasn't the case.

Kiyoshi walks up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"He's gonna be alright okay?" he assured her, he knew Anzai... Anzai was a strong man who didn't give up that easily and was very stubborn to the core, he wouldn't die so easily not just yet.

But he never knew his condition would hurt Touka so, he knew she cared for him but he never thought it was this much.

Tears instantly filled Touka's eyes as they fell against her cheeks uncontrollably, she suddenly embraced Kiyoshi tightly, he was stunned by this but rather than remain like that, he wraps his arms around her, as his chest warmed at her action, he never thought she would lean on him this very moment, she never did.

"I thought I was gonna lose him" she cried as her mind reminisced when they brought him all covered in blood and unconscious, that very moment she has never been afraid like that in her entire life, the thought of losing him overwhelmed her to a point she couldn't breathe, that moment she knew she could never survive losing Anzai, she cared for him too much.

"Shh...." Kiyoshi hush her gently as she cried her heart out like a child.

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