The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 242 - The Insider [Part 1]

Level 11: Special Facility

Room C

Hiro slowly opened his eyes meeting with a white aura lying down next to him, it was Yuki, fast asleep on his bed, facing him, he could feel the breath of her nose against his face, their faces inches apart.

She looked peaceful when she slept and seem like a vulnerable girl and not the tough girl she was, her long hair spread against her shoulders in waves.

Hiro's blind eyes were fastened on her, not advancing his gaze even for a split second. His mind suddenly began to drift to what happened with the Queen Kaiju, when he was unconscious after finding out that Yuki came for him, that presence he felt within his senses.

'At that time...' he thought as his eyes trembled.


Weeks Ago

Level 25

"You stand in my way", her hand buried in his chest began moving.

Hiro wailed in excruciating pain as blood kept spilling, he coughed blood also, the torture becoming unbearable.

"Your end will only make me more powerful" she growled as her hand kept turning.

Hiro shouts... as his widened eyes of horror shook vigorously, his brain shut off any thoughts the only thing pain he could feel and think was pain.

"LET HIM GO!" a loud voice came in.

Her head snapped in the direction of the voice.

"Y-Yuki," Hiro said weakly recognizing her voice, his hands fell to his side, darkness finding him, but his senses remained.

Suddenly he felt a presence he couldn't explain and a large form of energy zapped through like a wave.

He felt his body hit the ground hard, his eyes slowly open but faint, in that very moment he felt Yuki's aura but something... something he couldn't make sense of, or someone perhaps? just like an imaginary image, behind Yuki's aura and having feminine structure, her golden aura shined the brightest.


Present Day

Hiro couldn't wrap his head around what he saw, Yuki felt sorta powerful than usual and different even though it was just for a split second, he knew the Queen Kaiju didn't just disappear, she did by a powerful energy surge that overcame hers, an energy that most likely came from Yuki.

His eyes narrowed. 'Yuki' he thought 'Just what are you?' his eyes shook vigorously.

From the very first moment he met Yuki, he had always been there, wherever he went she followed, she was like a light to his darkness that he couldn't explain, he wasn't too sure of himself but Yuki was different from the rest of the bio-genetics.

"Wherever you go I will be there"

"I will be your eyes"

"I will be your anchor"

Her constant words rang in his head, words she always said to him. Hiro's lips pressed in a thin line. 'Yuki' he sat upon his bed. His mind was in a daze.

'Why' his fist clenched hard against the sheets, 'Why to follow someone like me?'

He couldn't understand the reason and it only just confused him more. Not wanting to think about it more, he got off the bed.

Holding onto the iron stance that gave him a drip, he walked out of the room along with it.


Hiro walked the lobby at a very slow pace, his chest gave excruciating pain but he ignored it, gripping the stance tightly as he forced his body to move.

He finally got to Room A after all the slow effort, he was sure General Anzai was in this room, he felt his aura coming from here.

He opened the door stepping into the dimly lighted room, he could hear the beeping monitor machine and the sounds of Anzai's slow breath, he could hear his weak heartbeat too due to his hastened senses.

His eyes suddenly become teary, he could already sense the state he was in.

"General Anzai," he said in a shaky voice, as a tear slid down his cheek.


Level 10: Training Hall

The hall was filled with intense silence, not even the slightest sound could be heard but the bio-genetics were present, all lost in their head with several thoughts and worried about the condition of their General.

"So the brain of the team, Ten is under depression for killing his girlfriend" Mosu began gaining their attention, he didn't say it in a mocking tone but more like a reason for their current situation.

"Hiro is haunted by the encounter he had with the Queen Kaiju and lastly General Anzai is in a life or death situation" he gave a heavy sigh, it was hard to even for him, he didn't like this, he didn't like the state of weakness they were in.

"I don't mean to be the bad guy here guys but I have to say this... I think we're broken" he finalized.

The certain realization struck them hard, not only did they lose half of humanity within this base but also their vital comrades were in a vital condition.

"You aren't the bad guy Mosu" Kaneki spoke up.

"The truth is... that's exactly what we're facing right now, I mean it's like this was meant to happen... like"

"It was the plan to delay the war," Sumi said sternly.

She hit the solid point with her words.

Shino looks darken, it could be but it was clear to them all this was the plan of the Queen Kaiju and got them to wrap around her fingers.

"All we should think about is General Anzai's recovery and finding the traitor within the base... the traitor who turned Dr. Kashi into a monster," Shino said as his fist tighten in rage as he reminisced the brief moment with Kashi when he freed him from the monster.

Sumi turned to him.

"Dr. Kashi," Kaneki said with trembling eyes.

"He was a really nice guy, he didn't deserve any of this"

"But is there a traitor? I mean rumors are going on that Dr. Kashi did this to himself while messing around with the virus in our blood samples" Usagi states, wasn't that the whole truth?

"How could you say that!" Kaneki yelled, starling her with his raised voice.

"Kaneki Senpai!" Mirai scolds not liking his tone towards her.

"Dr. Kashi was a really nice guy! There's no way he would have done something like that, he was always so friendly and bright..." Kaneki said with teeth clenched, he was suddenly brought in the memory with Kashi, when he talked with him about his brother and consoled him.

"There's no way" he adds with shaky eyes.

"What are we gonna do then? How are we gonna know who's behind this?" Homura said with a worried expression.

The hall fell silent.

Shino's eyes narrowed.

"We have to," he said.

"If we don't then a possibility of another Outbreak might happen"

"Commander Shino is right" Kaname spoke up.

The rest nodded in agreement.

"We have to find who's responsible"


Level 11: Special Facility

Room C

Yuki winced in pain, her fist gripping the sheets. She groaned as her head shook, instantly sitting up, gripping her head in pain. Her teeth clenched hard, her body trembling in pain.

Her nose suddenly trailed blood, she took harsh unstable breaths unable to calm it down, she instantaneously got off the bed, her stance unstable, she fell on her knees wailing silently discomfort, it felt like her head was about to crack open wide by the force of something.

She didn't know what was happening to her but she felt the faint presence that has always been with her diminish, why?

"Does it hurt?" a voice came in.

She gasp because she didn't hear anyone come inside the room, she quickly raised her head.

Kenta stood before her wearing a dark twisted smirk, his eyes on her.

"Dr. Kenta" Yuki said with trembling eyes.

He cleared his throat.

"You seem like you're in pain" he sounded worried this time.

He squats in front of her.

"Is that blood?" he asked with wide eyes.

"I'm okay, it's just a headache," she said quickly wiping it off.

"Here lemme help you up" he offered, taking her arms helping her up to a seat on the bed.

'So this is the one huh?' Kenta thought in his head, but his voice sounded like a distorted female's, the Queen Kaiju.

'The one responsible for breaking my connection with that beast' his eyes narrowed. 'This girl...' she doubted it because right now she didn't seem like what she was. 'I was granted no interference, but this is a nuisance'

Yuki continuously took harsh breaths unaware of the presence before her, her gaze to the bed as she tried to bypass the pain.

'Should I kill her...' he smirks, 'It doesn't matter anyway as long as the energy is absorbed, there's no harm in that' his smirks broaden. 'I will not let anyone else get in my way'

His nails slowly extended, black in color, it raised above her head ready to take the hit, she already had to deal with Hiro's sickening presence she was not about to deal with another.

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