The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 243 - The Insider [Part 2]

Yuki continuously took harsh breaths unaware of the presence before her, her gaze to the bed as she tried to bypass the pain.

'Should I kill her...' he smirks, 'It doesn't matter anyway as long as the energy is absorbed, there's no harm in that' his smirks broaden. 'I will not let anyone else get in my way'

His nails slowly extended, black in color, it raised above her head ready to take the hit, she already had to deal with Hiro's sickening presence she was not about to deal with another, this body she temporary was a great use to her, she couldn't locate the base but with his host help, she could destroy it from within.

She needed to take out what stood in her way, she needed the last of humanity to complete her race, she needed more host bodies, she grinned, this will be over quickly, her claws came for Yuki's head.

But suddenly like a receptor the hairs at the back of her neck stood up, she froze her actions instantly, unable to move.

'This presence' she thought as just her eyes moved to the corner, she felt a presence behind her.

'Why are you interfering this only means more energy for you... why?' she thought like she was speaking to someone, and heard someone only she perceive.

'Don't touch her?' she thought as if repeating the words of someone else, her head turned back to Yuki who was frozen in time. 'Her?' her eyes narrowed as she observed her more, she didn't realize until now. 'This girl' her eyes went stiff. 'Neither human none Bio-genetic huh? Is this the reason?'

Her nail went back to normal. 'I was promised no interference, if it comes down to it, I will kill her' she turned her eyes back to the unknown presence. 'After all, they are just breading sheep's cowering underground'.

The presence faded as time resumed.

Yuki groaned holding her head.

"Are you alright?" Kenta asked back to his normal self.

"I'm fine," she said faintly.

"You have been looking after Hiro and forgot about your own health, don't be careless" he uttered rising to his feet.

"You should rest," he said with a forced smile against his lips walking away.

As he did, just his eyes move, watching her pass out on the bed.

"Tsk!" he made a silent sound annoyed.


The door slid shut as he walked the hall, another room door slide open as Hiro step out, strolling as he meet with Kenta.

"Hiro you should be in bed"

Hiro recognizes the voice and aura.

"Dr. Kenta?"

"Yes, hope you're recovering, heard you took a pretty big hit with the Alpha"

"I'm fine"

Kenta's eyes fell on the room he came out from.

"Don't worry Hiro, General Anzai will be fine"

Hiro just gave a nod as he walks past him, like in slow motion as he did, Kenta smirks faintly.

Hiro came to a stop now behind Kenta.

"Say, Dr. Kenta, you heard about Dr. Kashi right?"

"Yes such a pity, who knew he was capable of doing such a thing to himself and to the entire base, can't really know who to trust"

Hiro's eyes narrowed.

"Trust," he said faintly.

"You and Dr. Kashi were friends right?"

"We weren't really close but yeah you could say that" he utters as he stared at Hiro from the corner of his eyes. 'What is he getting at?' he thought sternly, Hiro gave off a vibe he didn't like.

"I see," Hiro said almost like a whisper.

Kenta turned to him fully.

"Is everything alright Hiro? Are you in pain? I could get Dr. Touka for you"

'The sooner I get out of here, the better, Hiro has high senses, he could sniff me out in seconds, I should know better to be wary of him' he thought in his own state of mind.

He didn't want anyone to know what he was harboring within him, it won't end well if they knew he was the cause of the Outbreak.

Hiro's lips pressed in a thin line as his grip against the iron stick he held tightened.

"Then tell me why..."

"Why what?" Kenta frowned, as a sweat trailed from his forehead. 'What is this feeling?' he thought unease by Hiro's presence, his blue aura was darker than normal and was fierce, he could sense it.

Hiro turned his head as his beaming bio-genetics eyes landed on Kenta with a pissed look, Kenta froze.

"Why did you betray Dr. Kashi!"

'Shit' he thought in a panic, he knows!

He took a step backward but instantly before he could take more further backward, Hiro's stance instantly pierce his shoulder, the force pushed him backward, pinning him on the wall.

Kenta wailed in pain as blood spilled from his shoulder.

"WHY YOU???" he roared as part of his face turned golden and his one eye turned into red bio-genetic eyes beaming dangerously.

Hiro gasped when he felt the shift in the aura, he knew it, he was right, Kenta was compromised by Queen Kaiju.

Hiro turned pissed the more as rage boiled his insides, the sudden realization made him angrier than he has ever been.

"Why Dr. Kenta, why did you give in to her!" he yelled.

Kenta roared as he pulled the steel rod off his shoulder, going down on his feet, he took a harsh unstable breath, as he smirks sadistically, blood spilling onto the floor.

"You wouldn't understand Hiro," he said chuckling evilly.

"She opened my mind to many possibilities," he said.

"That day Fukuoka was attacked, I thought I would die that moment" his eyes shock vigorously as he recalled.


Two Month Ago

Fukuoka: Humanity's First Surface Settlement 

Operation Base

A loud red alarm blew in the wide hall, everyone in confusion.

"What's going on?" Anzai demands, rolling the wheelchair he sat on further.

"The alarm system is picking up something," Kaede said searching for the cause of it through the system.

"What could that be?" Touka said with shaky eyes.

Kaede froze seeing the cause.

"It's the barrier!" she yelled.

"Something is trying to break through!"

They froze at her words.

"It could be a Kaiju," Kashi said in a panic.

"Or worse an Alpha!" Kenta retorted.

"Quick we must put the cannon weapons online, it isn't modified yet but it should be active," Kazuya said as her fingers went fast against the transparent keyboard. 'One month wasn't enough to modify it, but I hope it's enough, we don't know where the collision is coming from' she thought trembling.

"It's coming from the mountain!" Kaede yelled.

Kazuya froze.

"Kazuya! Your cannons aren't stationed there" Tori said.

"Why?" her eyes shake, why did the Kaijus choose to attack from the mountains.

"Our surveillance isn't picking anything up, not a single Kaiju or alpha in sight, where is the collision coming from," Yukio said checking the footage but he couldn't see a thing.

"We have lost all visual with the mountain, the sudden collision caused it!"

"Something doesn't feel right," Anzai said sternly.

"Yes, I feel it too," Hachiro said with a frown.

"It's like they are after something, why attack from the mountains? And more what is attacking?".

"The bio-genetics aren't safe there," Anzai said forcing his body up, his legs were weak, he held the table for support.

"General Anzai you can't move yet," Touka said worriedly.

"We need to find a way to get to that mountain right now!" he hissed.


Mount Sefuri

Anzai, Tori, and Touka rushed ahead.

Kenta followed too but he was slow in running, he stopped, taking a harsh breath. 'How did the Alpha get through the barrier? is it that powerful?' he thought, suddenly he heard a booming sound and then vibration on the barrier like something went out, quickly raised his head and froze seeing a red light.

Was that the Alpha that attacked them? His eyes narrowed trying to get a better look and then he did, the head of the Were-Alpha snapped at him, he gasp in fear driving back, staring at the monstrous beast.

It stood on two feet, against the air, having a body shaped like a werewolf, skin brownish and meaty just like the rest of the Kaijus, having no eyes, only coil ears like a humming sound vibrating able to detect any noise from a mile distance.

Teeth shark-like, two dangerous canines laid in front, sharp claws of complete five fingers, the body bulky with thick meaty muscles like a well-built monster. Two horns laid at the top of the being head, black in color, giving off slight black electricity sparks just like the one radiated off its body.

Kenta: 'Even though it was just a split second, I felt something within me, I should have looked away but I didn't, I saw immense power before me'

The Were-Alpha smirks as it halted flying on air, the tail swing behind it, and then like a zap it came for Kenta, piercing through the barrier even though it hurt, it was able to plunge a hole.

Kenta just stood wide eyes as the tip of the tail plunged his forehead, and then he heard a voice.

'I will have better use of you' he heard a distorted feminine voice in his head and then everything when blank.

Kenta: 'The most beautiful voice I have ever heard within my head'

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