The Awakening: Bio-Genetics

Chapter 244 - Predator




Kenta gasped as he came awake.

"Are you alright?" Kashi asked worriedly.

"I saw you here, lying on the ground"

Kenta: 'I remembered my encounter, I remembered everything'

Kenta held his forehead, he froze not feeling any mark against it like what happened was a dream but he knew it wasn't.


"I must have tripped," he said.

"Where are the others?"

"They didn't get there in time, one of the bio-genetics, Sand he's" Kashi couldn't finish his words as his eyes shook.

Kenta blinked puzzled.

"He's badly wounded"


Present Day

"Even though it was all so surreal, I knew it happened, her voice, it plagued my dreams, I wanted to hear more, I wanted to see her more and then..." He chuckled.

"I let her in"

Hiro's fist tightens.

"You should have said something, but you kept quiet, you let her get in your head and use you for her own goals!" Hiro yelled.

"You let her have her way... Dr. Kenta the Kaijus are our enemies how could you!"

"They were humans once weren't they!" he yelled as his body trembled, he stared at his hand covered in his blood from the wound against his shoulder.

"But then they evolved into something, they stood on top of the food chain!"

"They are planning to dominate us and get rid of humanity!" Hiro yelled.

"So what of it, we get to leave in powerful bodies, we get to grasp power" he retorted with widened eyes of amazement.

"You're a bio-genetic, you don't know what it feels to be powerless, to be beneath what you are, to be set aside and left alone multiple times" he held his head.

"Her voice in my head gave me power... even though I thought I was going crazy... I mean what are the odds" He chuckled.


"Dr. Kashi" Hiro began with clenched teeth.

"Was he worth it? Was he worth this your madness, I may not know much about you guy but he was your friend and yet.... you turned him into a monster!"

"Yes.." he drawled standing up straight, the wound against his shoulder healed.

"He was my friend" he add as his hands only turned to that of a Kaiju, black in color with dangerous claws.

"He was nothing more than any disposable one" he chuckled.

Hiro's looks turned furious as rage boiled within him, his body and mind may have been taken over by the Queen Kaiju but he sure as hell still have his senses with him, he let her sew her claws deep in his head, he was mad.

"I won't forgive you," Hiro said in dark anger, as his body swirled with a dark blue aura signifying his rage, his teeth clenched together painfully, unable to contain the pain and anger within him, his mind playing Kashi's face and then the monster he was turned into by his so-called friend.

"I WON'T FORGIVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO HIM" his aura swirled bizarrely.

Kenta chuckled.

"The Queen said you stand in her way, I shall have the honor of you killing you!" he yelled.

Hiro roared as in a zap he charged at Kenta, not with an intent to kill but to knock some sense into him.

"SNAP OUT OF IT!" he shouts as he plunged his fist towards supported by his energy.

"Idiot!" Kenta said chuckling as he turned to the side missing Hiro's punch.

Hiro's eyes went wide, he was fast, he didn't expect him to be, he wasn't a kaiju, right? But still, he was being controlled by the Queen herself.

"Your wounds are your weakness!" Kenta snaps as his claw slams on Hiro's chest, blood spilling from his mouth.

"You're rushing into your death!"

He slammed him hard against the ground, the metal deepening against it at the impact.

"We're nothing more than sheep waiting to be devoured Hiro!" he said as he continuously slammed Hiro on the ground, blood spilling.

"Let's accept the fate that awaits us" he laughed in a maniac manner as he kept slamming Hiro.



Level 10: Training Facility

Loud Alarm

"What's that? What's happening?" Yumi said in panic seeing the lights.

Others did too, it blew so suddenly.

"Are we under attack again?" Ren said in confusion.

'Could it be another attack?' Shino thought.

"Bio-genetics!" Touka yelled rushing in.

"Dr. Touka!"

"The alarm, it's coming from level 11!'

They froze at her words, General Anzai and the others who were still recovering were in that Level.


Level 11: Special Facility

Kenta's body was covered in Hiro's blood. 'Perhaps I might have overdone it' he thought smirking, he then heard the alarm.

"Fuck... the alarm triggered, I should wrap this up" his gaze drifts to Hiro.

"So long Hiro"

Hiro's body flinched.

"Still moving huh... with this much blood loss you shouldn't. I guess I will have to tear you to pieces" he chuckled as his claw went deeper into his chest.

Hiro choked in pain, his previous wound he had there haven't healed yet, his entire body shot in pain until he was numb.

"Just give up Hiro, and die like a good boy", he continuously dug his claw as more blood kept splashing

"Go and met your mom and dad in the other world," he said laughing as his claws plunged deeply.

Hiro wailed in pain, the sound of his flesh shifting, he could hear it.

Kenta kept laughing enjoying the sight before him.

"LET HIM GO YOU DAMN MONSTER!" Ten shouts behind as he came in view holding a chair and smashing it against Kenta's back but he didn't flinch.

Ten froze.

"Out here wounded, without your blood weapons..." he turned to Ten as his one eye beamed crimson.

"THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO!" he shouts as with one wave of his other hand he clawed the side of Ten abdomen, the force pushed him backward, he dropped to the ground holding his side as blood gushed.

"Dammit another nuisance, I won't make it in time" he cursed.

'Queen Kaiju, lend me your strength' he thought as then suddenly his entire body gave a loud pulse sound.

Instantly multiple large tails budge out of his body, each of them opened like a lotus flower forming red chaotic energy, he then directed them straight to every entrance leading to this level and blowing it up.

The sudden force caused the base to shake tremendously as all the exits were sealed with the irons.

"Hmph! That should keep any more nuisance out" he said in amusement as his eyes landed on Hiro.

"Now where were we?" he smirks.

"Ah yes, a slow painful death".

"L-Let him go," Ten said in pain against the ground holding his side as blood kept spilling, a wound from a kaiju was very slow healing and Kenta's hands were made of them.

"Still alive... well this will be fun, both of you are friends right," he said.

"Two friends about to die it has a nice ring to it"

"Y-You're crazy," Ten said with clenched teeth, forcing his body up.

"Because of you... because of what you did" the tears fell as an image of Kaiyo rang in his head.

"Thousands of civilians lost their lives!"

"So?" Kenta said not even flinching from his hurtful words.

"Ever since black storm this world no longer belongs to us, they belong to the predators now, we are nothing but hosts waiting to be consumed by it, don't you see it Ten? That fetish belief of reclaiming the surface is all a lie"

Ten's eyes trembled at his words, this wasn't the Kenta he knew, this was a man covered in delusional thoughts, his mind wasn't his anymore, or was it? Did he wish for it that way?

"Humanity shall be wiped from existence, you are a genius aren't you, you can see it you can feel it... this war you guys are planing to end this..."

Ten's whole body trembled.

"...Nothing good will come out of it, each and every one of you will die for nothing just like the rest of the bio-genetics this is only the beginning because it's meant to happen, your death shall be the beginning of earth domination"

Ten backed away as his wide eyes of horror trembled vigorously, his blood spill followed him.

Kenta grinned widely, his teeth replaced with sharp canines.

"You feel it don't you, you know I'm right, humanity is weak and forever will be!" he laughed.


"Hmm?" Kenta made a sound, hearing Hiro's voice, he turned to Hiro, his eyes narrowed.

Hiro was a bloody mess, his entire white clothing stained with crimson.

"Don't wanna die huh?"

Hiro's hand grabs his kaiju hand buried in his chest, it was a weak action that Kenta wasn't bothered about but it was this boy's persistence.

'What's with this kid?' he thought pissed.

"H-H-Humanity i-i-is n-not w-weak!"

Hiro's grip tightens against his hand, Kenta froze wondering where the strength came from but that wasn't the only thing that baffled him.

But Hiro's movement, was a silly move because his claws only penetrate deeper, but still, he kept moving as blood gushed.

Kenta sweated at the fierce action.

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