The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 268 To love or not to love, this is a question

Chen Xiaomei finally agreed to the request of the passing dynamic superman and decided to help him. Not to mention that he has grasped his handle, knowing that he has the ability to arouse people. Chen Xiaomei was very afraid that her ability would be known by others.

This aphrodisiac ability is like her ability to sterilize people, and the number of times she can use it every day after returning to Earth is very limited. Mental sterilization three times a day, aphrodisiac twice a day. This is her limit.

Chen Xiaomei is a girl who knows how to protect herself. It can be said that her ability is largely derived from the projection of her inner thoughts. This world is dangerous, girls (beautiful boys) need to learn to protect themselves, don't they?

If someone discovers her aphrodisiac ability, Chen Xiaomei dares to give a 1000% guarantee that someone will come to her and ask her to do some bad things. Compared with mental sterilization, making people mentally estrous will attract other people's attention more.

Although it can help Gun Gun aphrodisiac, and then speed up the breeding of national treasures, it is a good thing. But what if this power is used to do other bad things? That would be too harmful. Chen Xiaomei didn't want anyone to use her ability to do bad things. This is the bottom line of being yourself.

If this ability is revealed, it is very likely that the harm will outweigh the benefits, so Chen Xiaomei knows that this ability of hers will definitely make a lot of money. You can earn much more than neutering cats and dogs, and maybe you can buy a high-rise apartment of Greenland Group in the area between the inner and outer rings of Huaihai within a year. But who knows if my abilities will be used by others to do bad things?

Although I really want to buy a big house on the edge of Huaihai Inner Ring Road (Chen Xiaomei has pursued it all her life), but in life, one has to do something and not do something, isn't it? So I have always been very careful, and I have never shown my other ability in front of people since I returned to Earth.

Now being discovered by the dynamic superman passing by is also called a helpless thing.

And the most important thing, the dynamic superman who passed by saved himself. Saved his own life from a handicapped homecoming. I owe him a big favor.

Others often say that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, and that there is no way to repay a great kindness, but only a personal promise. It is absolutely impossible for Chen Xiaomei to marry herself to that dynamic superman passing by! Absolutely not! The prince charming in my heart is Li Lianlong! (Li Lianlong, a returnee. Because he helped the country compile "Physical Enhancement Techniques for Middle School Students", he is currently promoting his military rank and is currently the most popular martial arts superstar.)

A masked guy, how could I give him a body promise? Don't even think about it! I, Chen Xiaomei, am an ambitious girl! I want to pursue Li Lianlong with my ability... um... really don't use my ability? Chen Xiaomei fell into deep thought.

Forget it, now is not the time to think about my business, I promised that dynamic superman passing by that I would do him a favor. See if a handsome man he has admired for a long time likes men.

Speaking of which, the dynamic Superman passing by was really shy. If you like beautiful men, you will like them, and I like them too! It's no big deal to say it, and I still refuse to admit it.

Although there are some strange eyes in the society now, everyone must admit that love between a man and a woman or between a woman and a woman exists. There are many grandpas and aunts in the People's Park with signs like [Find my son a boyfriend] and [Help my daughter find a girlfriend]. (It's true, People's Park or similar dating corners have appeared.)

This man is still too shy. What's the matter? Why don't you admit it. What else did you ask for a friend, needless to say, that friend must be yourself. This routine of a friend of mine is much more visible to Ms. Ben.

But there is one thing that is not good, if the guy he wants to help him read is really a straight guy, and he likes girls instead of boys, should he help him modify this person and use his aphrodisiac ability?

I always avoid using this ability in bad places. But the dynamic superman who passed by has mastered his handle again and saved himself. oops! It's so difficult, how should I choose? !

Chen Xiaomei was very distressed, she didn't want to use her abilities in a bad way. But because she couldn't refuse Zhang Tong's request, she felt in a dilemma.

"Now I can only see whether this guy likes a man or a woman. If he wants to like a man, I will be fine. If that dynamic superman insists on making this target tantrum against him, I must refuse. "

In the Awfully-Chocolate store on the B2 floor of Global Harbor, Chen Xiaomei was playing with her mobile phone while waiting for her prey to take the bait.

Awfully-Chocolate is a famous dessert shop specializing in cakes. Their chocolate series tastes good, but the service attitude of the waiters generally depends on the mood of the service.

Chen Xiaomei ordered a signature chocolate cake and played with her mobile phone while sipping the cake and drinking coffee. She has a photo of the target sent to her by the dynamic superman. From the photo, the target is a very heroic man. He's a very handsome guy.

And according to the information provided by Dynamic Superman, this handsome guy really likes to eat cakes!

Yes, Zhang Tong has met Zhang Moxuan more than once to buy cakes. He visited several cake shops nearby, and Zhang Tong saw them a few times later. After Zhang Moxuan had eaten the nearby cake shops, he chose a few of them as his regular places to buy.

This Awfully-Chocolate is where Zhang Moxuan often comes to buy cakes in the afternoon. Although Chen Xiaomei is skeptical, the taste of the chocolate cake here is a bit too thick to be cloying. Boys really like to eat such a rich and sweet cake?

This shop is obviously a place for those with a strong sweet tooth. As far as Chen Xiaomei knows, most men have a very low tolerance to sweets. They prefer lighter sweets, such as matcha cakes, lemon swiss rolls and the like.

"Unless this Zhang Moxuan has a girlfriend, that's why he comes to buy cakes every day to please his girlfriend?" Chen Xiaomei felt as if she had grasped why Zhang Moxuan bought cakes every day.

"But eating so many cakes every day, isn't his girlfriend afraid of getting fat? Or is she already a fat man of two hundred catties?" As a woman, Chen Xiaomei speculated about the weight of handsome Zhang Moxuan's [girlfriend].

Just when Chen Xiaomei was about to eat a piece of cake, and she felt that she might not be able to meet the target she wanted to meet today, Zhang Moxuan appeared.

He is so recognizable, he is tall and handsome, and the clothes he wears are of high class and taste, he looks like a high-end product at first glance. He walked into the store and smiled at the little girl at the counter: "A piece of super chocolate cake, take it away."

"Okay. Sir, do you need anything else? We have an event today, and there are discounts on drinks." The little girl smiled very sweetly and spoke coquettishly, as if she had eaten honey. Wow, you serve differently! Chen Xiaomei complained wildly in her heart: Why weren't you so enthusiastic when I bought the cake just now! Sure enough, you can't walk when you see a handsome guy?

Zhang Moxuan over there didn't know that he was being stared at by Chen Xiaomei, so he shook his head at the little girl: "No need."

The little girl at the counter is helping Zhang Moxuan pack chocolate cakes. And Chen Xiaomei here has already started to activate her ability. Her ability is a whole series, from sterilization to aphrodisiac, to the tendency of watching people's emotional changes to lust and so on.

Although my abilities have weakened a lot after returning to Earth, and I can no longer use my abilities in groups, but can only use them one-on-one and there is a limit on the number of times per day.

But it is very simple to see a person's sexual tendency by oneself. Like right now, the little girl at the counter has a sort of pink on her body, especially the brain. This is the meaning of emotion. This little girl likes handsome guys like Zhang Moxuan very much. I'm afraid that Zhang Moxuan could pick up this pretty little girl with a hook of his fingers.

Of course, the little girl was not the focus of Chen Xiaomei's observation. What she needs to observe is Zhang Moxuan.

In general, the normal male orientation is blue, and the female orientation is pink, which is generally what everyone calls straight men and straight women. But there are also some special cases, a certain person may not be this pure color. Because there are same-sex and intersex feelings in this world, it is also possible for men to appear pink and women to appear blue. Even both colors appear.

A more special case is that some people don't even like people (Chen Xiaomei has done this, making people fall in love with a tree crazily) but certain things or objects.

For example, it is very common in modern society. Some people really fall in love with virtual characters, anime characters and character figures. This kind of body will emit yellow color.

Chen Xiaomei took a closer look, trying to see what color Zhang Moxuan was and what his tendencies were. But it doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you will be shocked when you look at it.

"Ah!" Chen Xiaomei almost jumped up and spilled her coffee at the same time. The waiter immediately came over to wipe the table with a rag, and at the same time asked Chen Xiaomei: "Miss, what's the matter?"

Chen Xiaomei whispered guiltily: "No, it's all right. I just choked on the coffee." Zhang Moxuan looked curiously at Chen Xiaomei who had spilled the coffee, and then walked out.

Chen Xiaomei's eyes were still chasing Zhang Moxuan, and she watched Zhang Moxuan drift away. Until she was about to disappear from her sight, she couldn't help whispering: "I've never seen such a philanthropic person!"

In Chen Xiaomei's eyes, Zhang Moxuan radiated a myriad of dazzling lights.

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