The man is an amazing creature. Sometimes it's deep, but more often it's childish.

It should be said that all male creatures are sometimes naive and coquettish. Look at the natural world, the feathers of male mandarin ducks are so gorgeous. When many children see a mandarin duck for the first time and don't know much about it, they think that the prettily dressed one is the female mandarin duck. The gray one next to it is a male mandarin duck.

But the fact is just the opposite, the male one is the coquettish one, while the female one is more simple.

There are also peacocks. Many people who don't know anything about peacocks think that the peacock is the female peacock. Mother should be so beautiful. But after seeing the animal world, many people know, oh, it turns out that the coquettish one is actually a male peacock.

Many people think that female creatures are gorgeous, while male creatures should be simple. In fact, this is not the case at all. Most of the time in this world, male creatures are much more coquettish than female creatures.

High heels were originally designed to increase the height of men, and the plaid skirts that countless people think are very sexy are born out of the costumes of bearded uncles in Scotland, and silk stockings were originally designed for men to wear.

So let's sum it up in one sentence: If a man becomes coquettish, basically there is nothing wrong with women.

So from the historical process of human beings to the biological laws of nature. After summarizing all these things, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion, that is: most male animals are extremely vain, coquettish, and good-looking creatures.

And this kind of natural law is vividly reflected in human beings. It can be said that the public humans have brought these characteristics to the extreme.

Most male humans are prone to being irritated by a few key words in their short lives. And the word that is most likely to irritate the public, according to informal surveys and studies, this word is: You can't.

This sentence is simply forbidden to the public. How many men have fallen on this word?

Some men’s faces turned red when they drank, and some persuading guys kept persuading them. If they didn’t drink, they would boo and say, “You can’t do it, you can’t do it.” Then they continued to drink.

And doing something, obviously already very difficult. But when someone said by the side: "Don't do it, you can't do it." At this time, the public and human beings will strengthen their spirits and must finish it. To prove that you can.

In work and life, many public people cannot accept the other party saying that they are "not good enough". Therefore, in the process of making friends, male humans generally do not easily say to their friends: "You can't do it." Because saying such words at a certain moment is a very hurtful thing.

Especially like Zhang Tong, he shook his head and sighed that Ji Xiaochun's kidneys were weak and he couldn't give birth to children, and added the word "no way" to the last sentence.

Most men hate being told they are bad at two things. One is the brain. If someone says "You are not brainy, you are mentally retarded", many people will be very angry. From scolding to fighting is normal.

Another one is the waist. If someone mocks and says [Hey, your waist is not good, the kid at home belongs to the old Wang next door]. There is no need to quarrel, just pick up the bricks and open the film! Whoever dies first loses.

Especially in front of a beautiful woman, saying that a man's waist is not good, for many people, it is simply a knowing blow plus a superposition of a critical blow!

Although Ji Xiaochun was studying psychology, he knew he shouldn't get angry at this time. But his anger still came up all at once. The so-called healers who don't heal themselves are talking about this kind of situation.

Ji Xiaochun immediately became angry. It's his fate that this little bastard named Zhang Tong didn't die today. How dare you laugh at yourself? ! Ji Xiaochun pointed at Zhang Tong and said angrily: "What did you just say? If you have the guts, can you say it again?!"

Zhang Tong raised his head and sighed, and then said in a compassionate tone: "Young man, listen to my brother's advice. In the future, don't drink alcohol. Alcohol destroys the liver but also the kidneys. Drinking too much is not right. You are no good."

"Also, don't eat anything that is raw or cold in the future. If you have nothing to do, you can eat more leeks, and then buy a thermos and buy some goji berries to soak in water. You should also be more restrained in your private life, and you should be able to make up for it." Zhang Tong Completely looking for Ji Xiaochun's sake.

His compassionate look, and the look of pity in his eyes are completely worthy of Oscar awarding him a statuette.

Jiang Hua, who was standing aside, was very confused. She didn't know if what Zhang Tong said was true or not, but after she glanced at Ji Xiaochun, she felt that Ji Xiaochun was really weird.

Jiang Hua couldn't help but said to Zhang Tong: "Old Zhang, don't make such jokes. I won't help you when Teacher Ji gets angry later." Jiang Hua was looking for Zhang Tong to step down.

As a police officer who often deals with various sudden situations, Jiang Hua naturally knows how lethal Zhang Tong's words are to ordinary men. So she wanted to give Zhang Tong a step by joking and let him go down like this.

But Zhang Tong looked at Jiang Hua sincerely at this time and said: "Officer Xiao Jiang, I'm serious! I have been opening restaurants in another world. That world pays great attention to food tonic treatment, and pays attention to the same source of medicine and food. So I I learned a lot there as well.”

"For example, judging the condition of a diner based on his complexion. It is not a joke to say that a good chef can be half as good as a doctor. This is the first time I have seen him, and I don't know him. Why should I offend people like this? If you didn’t look at it, I thought it was your friend.” Zhang Tong said righteously with a sense of justice.

"If he wasn't your friend, I wouldn't be bothered to take care of these things. Besides, he still wants to eat king crabs when he has kidney deficiency like this? After eating half of it, he urinates blood, and then call the police to the Food Sanitation Bureau to complain about my shop. Do it? This is a big business of 50,000 yuan, can I rush out the door-to-door business? Am I stupid!"

Zhang Tong's three sentences cannot be separated from Ji Xiaochun's kidney deficiency, and he is crazily stabbing Ji Xiaochun with a knife. But Jiang Hua looked at what Zhang Tong said was convincing and well-founded. From all aspects of analysis, Zhang Tong really has no reason to reject Ji Xiaochun!

Could it be that Ji Xiaochun really has kidney deficiency? Zhang Tong is afraid of getting into trouble if he eats badly later?

Ji Xiaochun felt that he was going to be pissed off by Zhang Tong. This little bastard probably doesn't know how to write dead.

At this time, Zhang Tong suddenly slapped his hands and said: "Yes! Officer Xiaojiang, for your sake. I have something good to give to your friend today."

Zhang Tong came out with some eel bones left over after processing the eels tonight and said: "Eel bones! Make soup with wolfberry, astragalus, Codonopsis pilosula, and Huadiao wine, which is especially good for kidney deficiency!"

Zhang Tong said to Ji Xiaochun with a smile on his face: "What is that, Mr. Ji? For the sake of you being Xiaojiang's friend, these eel bones are given to you for free. Take them home to make soup, if you don't know how to cook them I can do it too. Just charge a processing fee. Now that you are still young, there is still time to make up for it. You’d better not eat king crab or something, and Xiao Jiang and I will eat it later. Oh yes, you still have time Didn’t eat dinner. I’ll make you a clear soup with eel bones and then fried rice with eggs. It’s not your money, what do you think?”

Zhang Tong really behaved like a good gentleman, making it impossible to pick out any faults.

But Ji Xiaochun was almost outraged. Especially at this time, Jiang Hua also added a sentence: "Otherwise, Teacher Ji, you can eat eel bone soup and egg fried rice? Or don't eat king crab?"

Jiang Hua felt that what Zhang Tong said was quite reasonable, anyway, logically, he didn't think Zhang Tong had any flaws.

But Jiang Hua's words completely set Ji Xiaochun's gunpowder barrel on fire. The corner of his mouth twitched for a while, then he stared at Zhang Tong and said, "But what if I'm going to eat king crab today?!"

PS: A chapter will be updated in the early morning, so ask for a ticket

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