Zhang Tong's "painful persuasion" was fruitless. Teacher Ji Xiaochun became even more angry. Because in front of Jiang Hua, he felt that he needed to ask for an explanation for his waist.

If retreated at this place, or left. So did I acquiesce that there is a problem with my waist? It's okay to bear shit and pee, but this thing can't be tolerated!

Ji Xiaochun wanted to justify his name. And Zhang Tong was still talking over there: "Really, listen to my advice. Teacher Ji, the body is the capital of the revolution. Don't make fun of your body!"

But Ji Xiaochun didn't believe that eating a king crab would be a big deal. I don't know if I have kidney deficiency or not? Although he said that he had never been to the hospital for an examination, he never felt that he was weak. I've been using it a few days ago, and it works great!

It's a pity that the relationship with Jiang Hua is not yet familiar, and it was only the first day we met, so hypnosis and so on should not be rushed. Otherwise, if you want to prove that you are worthy, you don't need to spend so much work.

So Ji Xiaochun strongly asked him to eat king crab now! Right now! And he has already transferred 50,000 yuan directly to Zhang Tong's newly opened Alipay account. (Alipay and WeChat were both created with the help of Xiaopangding after buying the mobile phone. He also printed two QR codes for Zhang Tong and pasted them on the whiteboard of the menu that says today's supply).

Well, it's useless to say so much. Jiang Hua didn't know how this matter came to this point. Originally, I just wanted to treat Mr. Ji to a meal at a slightly cheaper price to thank him for his support for the work of the special investigation department.

But Jiang Hua has never liked to take the route of banquets with public funds, so of course, he should try to save as much as possible for private banquets. After all, money does not come by the wind.

Thinking about Zhang Tong's small shop, although the store is not big, the taste of the food is not bad, not worse than that of a five-star hotel. And the price is cheap, it costs more than 100 yuan for two people to eat casually.

Besides, Zhang Tong's shop is quite unique. In Huaihai, it is rare to see a boss like Xiang Zhang Tong who cooks dishes completely from his heart. He can sell whatever dishes he wants, and customers can only eat this dish. So this can be regarded as a small selling point.

Although this kind of unique small shop is cheap to treat guests, it is not ashamed. It is quite interesting, isn't it? I don't think it's because I don't want to spend a few hundred more to invite Teacher Ji to eat Chaoshan beef hot pot in the next street, and it's definitely not because I deducted it myself. Jiang Hua defended himself mentally.

Everything was fine at first, but now things have turned into a duel about the dignity of men. But at this time, Jiang Hua really didn't want to interrupt.

Because what I say now may be wrong. Zhang Tong is really out of kindness, it seems inappropriate to blame him. And persuade Teacher Ji not to eat? Uh, forget it, I won't make this uncomfortable for myself.

Especially Teacher Ji has already paid 50,000 yuan. Originally, I wanted to have a cheap light meal, but I didn't expect Teacher Ji to spend a lot of money.

It is estimated that Zhang Tong has made money this time, can he make more than 10,000 yuan? Jiang Hua thought this way, but she didn't know that this time Zhang Tong earned more than 10,000 yuan. Putting aside water, electricity, coal and labor costs, Zhang Tong earned 50,000 yuan in terms of gross profit!

With this profit, I can rest for the second half of the month.

Jiang Hua originally saw things to this point, especially after Ji Xiaochun spent 50,000 yuan, she wanted to leave. Because if Ji Xiaochun invited her to eat such an expensive food, what should it be called?

But after thinking about it, I really can't leave. What if Ji Xiaochun is really in poor health as Zhang Tong said? Urinating blood after eating crabs or something else, why don't I rush to the hospital to save people?

Of course, we must also consider if these problems are really caused by Ji Xiaochun's body. But if Ji Xiaochun felt upset afterwards and wanted to sue Zhang Tong, he could prove it himself.

Otherwise, it would be very troublesome to be inspected by the Food Hygiene Bureau. Maybe this small shop that just opened will close down directly because of this turmoil.

Jiang Hua thought for a while that he really wanted to stay. When Ji Xiaochun sat on the seat angrily, Jiang Hua secretly said to Zhang Tong by washing his hands with kitchen water: "Is what you just said true?"

Zhang Tong said in a low voice: "Why are you lying to me? Why is this person so recalcitrant?"

Jiang Hua rolled his eyes inwardly: If this can be persuaded, then it can only be said that this man understands. But how many people understand in this world?

Zhang Tong said quietly to Jiang Hua again: "Your friend has kidney deficiency, I won't make any fresh slices later. Are all kinds of sashimi very popular in Huaihai now?"

Jiang Hua nodded: "Yes, there are sashimi and sashimi everywhere. It seems that if you don't eat raw seafood, you don't know seafood."

"Tsk~" Zhang Tong clicked his tongue lightly, but did not express his opinion. He continued: "I'll make all the hot ones later, so as not to irritate his kidneys. It's best if there's nothing wrong. If there's something wrong, he asked for it. My good man has already done his best."

Zhang Tong said this very righteously. Jiang Hua even looked at Zhang Tong with admiration, because from the whole incident, Zhang Tong did show a kind of old-fashioned enthusiasm that was different from this era. Now people are sweeping the snow in front of their own doors, who cares about the frost on other people's roofs.

Although Zhang Tong seemed a bit cocky like this, his heart was indeed warm. This is much better than many people.

Of course, Jiang Hua is just a special investigator, not a gourmet or something. Otherwise, she should be able to tell that none of the king crabs prepared by Zhang Tong were freshly killed.

If this kind of king crab meat that has been dead for a while is eaten raw, the taste will probably not be at its best.

So when Zhang Tong started the first crab dish in life cooking, which was also the simplest and most primitive boiled king crab legs, Jiang Hua really thought that Zhang Tong was a good person.

Zhang Tong's cooking and serving are very logical. There is only one or two dishes for a simple meal, and it doesn't matter who comes first. But when making a whole set of dishes, then you need to consider the logic of serving dishes.

The appetizers are vinegar-soaked peanuts and vinegar-soaked cucumbers. The portion should be small, the taste is slightly sour and slightly sweet, and its purpose is to appetize. Work up an appetite for the dishes below.

The first course is mainly light. Taking king crab as an example, the first course comes either with boiled crab legs or raw sashimi. This king crab cannot be cooked raw, so it is natural to choose boiled.

The process of a whole set meal is always that the taste starts from light and gradually increases. If you serve the baked crab bucket with cheese at the beginning, then you will not be able to taste the taste of boiled crab legs later.

When Zhang Tong started to cook the king crab, his speed was very fast. Because the previous preparatory work has basically been done. It can be served one by one in the order of the dishes.

Appetizers were served to Ji Xiaochun and Jiang Hua, although Ji Xiaochun was still chatting with Jiang Hua maintaining his demeanor. But it is obvious that Jiang Hua has begun to be absent-minded, and Ji Xiaochun is also a little affected by what Zhang Tong said before.

When the boiled king crab legs appeared on the dining table as the first dish, Ji Xiaochun still said with a cold face: "King crab should be served with Toyo shochu, where is the wine?"

Zhang Tong is a bit confused, why do you eat Alaskan snow crab (king crab scientific name) with Dongyang shochu? Zhang Tong shook his head: "I really don't have Dongyang for soju, only Niulanshan and Jiang Xiaobai. Actually, as I said before, you are really not suitable for drinking."

"Smell it and see if there is any smell in the air."

Jiang Hua sniffed his nose: "The smell of ginger?"

"By the way, I made ginger and red date tea. If you eat this kind of cold food, you should eat it with some hot food. Don't drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol will hurt your liver and other things. It's not good for you." Zhang Tong didn't do anything this time. Lifting the waist, but there is still the same meaning inside and outside the words.

From Jiang Hua's point of view, this is already a great deal of face, but Ji Xiaochun still keeps a cold face. Jiang Hua suddenly felt that this man was a bit unmannered.

Even if Zhang Tong's words are a bit harsh, everything he does is out of good intentions in various ways. Now that he can still think about making ginger tea, it can be said that Zhang Tong didn't have Ji Xiaochun's tit-for-tat, but retreated step by step.

If everyone else has been subdued like this, it would be a bit too much for Ji Xiaochun to hold on.

Ji Xiaochun picked up a huge king crab leg with a cold face and said nothing to Jiang Hua, then said to Jiang Hua with a stiff smile, "Officer Jiang, please."

Jiang Hua nodded, and did not refute Ji Xiaochun's face. She also took a crab leg and ate it. Before serving the crab after cooking, Zhang Tong has processed the crab legs and cut a slit in the shell.

People can easily break the crab shell and eat the crab meat inside directly. Because Zhang Tong handled it properly, even if the crab died for a while, the crab meat did not appear to stick to the shell.

Jiang Hua gently opened the shell of the crab legs, and the white and tender legs appeared in front of Jiang Hua. To be honest, this is only the third time Jiang Hua has eaten such a big king crab leg. And what I used to eat was the grilled taste made of frozen dead crabs. I have never eaten this kind of fresh crabs.

The king crab legs are thick, and the crab meat is as thick as a ham sausage. Jiang Hua bit down lightly, and the juice of the crab meat burst in his mouth instantly. A unique sweetness of seafood hits the head directly.

"It's so fresh and sweet!" Jiang Hua couldn't help but praise. Zhang Tong's cooking time is also appropriate, and the crab legs are not overcooked.

The ginger tea is still boiling, and the second dish is still being prepared. Jiang Hua had just finished eating the first crab leg, and she was taken aback when she raised her head to look at Ji Xiaochun opposite.

After Ji Xiaochun ate half of the crab leg, he put the crab leg aside, his face turned pale and looked very ugly. He seemed to be holding back something. Finally he couldn't help standing up and said, "Is there a toilet here?"

Zhang Tong did have a toilet on the second floor, but why would he lend it to Ji Xiaochun? He said to Ji Xiaochun: "Go out and turn left 50 meters and there is a public toilet."

Ji Xiaochun stood up and left without saying a word. Jiang Hua wondered if Ji Xiaochun was feeling unwell. But if the other party is going to the toilet, you can't follow him.

And when Ji Xiaochun walked quickly to the public toilet fifty meters away to take a toilet, he felt a sudden pain in his left waist just as he was about to go to the toilet.

When the gate was turned on to release the water, it was full of blood, and Ji Xiaochun felt dizzy for a while.

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