"Huh~ Is this public toilet far away? Why hasn't Teacher Ji come back for a long time?" Sitting in Zhang Tong's shop, Jiang Hua asked Zhang Tong with some doubts.

"It's not far. It only takes one minute to go back and forth. Generally, if it's convenient, you can solve the problem in three minutes at most. Could it be that you have diarrhea?" Zhang Tong pretended to be puzzled.

"Probably not. My crabs are handled very cleanly, so I won't just have diarrhea like this. Xiaojiang, what kind of clean food do you eat?"

Jiang Hua touched his stomach: "I don't feel it, but it's delicious. You cooked it just right, and the crab meat is still tender and not steamed. It's quite suitable, and it's not raw."

"Then wait a while." Zhang Tong said to Jiang Hua: "The second dish is grilled crab claws with black pepper and salt. Let's serve the dishes together when Teacher Ji comes. It won't be good if it gets cold later have eaten."

Zhang Tong said so empathetically, Jiang Hua nodded. The two are waiting for Ji Xiaochun's return.

But in the public restroom, Ji Xiaochun felt like he was going to die. His legs trembled and the corners of his mouth twitched. He still remembers how scary it was when he first opened the gate to release the water.

A large piece of blood-red liquid spewed out from where it shouldn't be, and he didn't know how to finish the water. It was clearly winter, but now his back was drenched in cold sweat.

He stood in the public restroom with his pants unzipped for several minutes. Fortunately, it is autumn and winter night, and there are no people on the street, so no one comes to the public toilet. Otherwise, the people who came in would definitely regard Ji Xiaochun as a mental patient.

"How? How?!" Ji Xiaochun murmured in disbelief. What happened to him just now? It's blood in the urine, it's blood in the urine!

Although Ji Xiaochun is doing psychological research and hypnosis research, he doesn't know much about internal medicine. But he also knew what blood in the urine meant.

Generally only damage to the urinary tract, or damage to the bladder and kidneys are the most likely to cause hematuria.

If the urinary tract or bladder is damaged, peeing will definitely be painful. But when I just released the water, I obviously didn't feel any pain in this area, but instead felt a pain in my left waist.

Could it be that he is really suffering from kidney deficiency? So when you eat something so cold like king crab, you immediately react?

Ji Xiaochun didn't suspect that it was Zhang Tong who did it, because he couldn't analyze how Zhang Tong did it from various aspects, right? Instead, as soon as he entered, he said that he could not eat cold food. But why didn't I post it before?

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaochun suddenly recalled his diet and routine during this period. That's right, after autumn, my daily food is mainly beef and mutton, which are all warm food, and I haven't eaten cold food for several months.

And the routine of life? Although I am not as addicted to sex as Wang Wu, but it is inevitable that I will relax sometimes. But the frequency is not high, only once or twice a month.

Is it because of this that I have never realized that I am actually empty? And the damage to the kidneys is serious, and he has already urinated blood.

Ordinary people will be frightened when they encounter blood in the urine. And even Ji Xiaochun, who is honored as "Mr. Magic Flute" in a certain organization, would be frightened when faced with such a situation.

Before life, everyone is equal. If a person is going to die, he will die. It has nothing to do with how much money you are in.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!" Ji Xiaochun felt cold in his heart. I didn't feel anything before. Is this sudden hematuria acute renal failure? ! This is really killing people.

I can't die, I don't want to die yet. Ji Xiaochun had heard that there were Shabi members within the organization, who were very powerful by virtue of their abilities, and then messed around. As a result, he contracted AIDS and died within three years.

Originally, a powerful man who could move mountains and fill seas just died like this, and before he died, his whole body was festered, and his legs were sore and festered. When he died, he smelled so bad that he could be smelled ten meters away.

Ability awakeners are strong, but not omnipotent. If you get terminally ill, you should die or die. Ji Xiaochun suspected that he was going to die soon.

And is he really dying? In fact, the answer lies with Zhang Tong.

Ever since Ji Xiaochun followed Jiang Hua to Zhang Tong's shop, and he looked very friendly with Jiang Hua, Zhang Tong didn't like him very much. In particular, this person's biomagnetic field made people feel particularly uncomfortable, so Zhang Tong wanted to cause him some trouble.

There is no reason to be tall or need to stand on the moral high ground. Zhang Tong gave one reason: Jiang Hua is my favorite, and other male dogs in heat should die farther away!

Simple and rude, but there is no reason to refute. Although he didn't know Ji Xiaochun, it didn't prevent Zhang Tong from making trouble for him.

Just like Wang Wu, if he hadn't stared at Jiang Hua with lecherous eyes for a while that day. Zhang Tong would not call him in the afternoon, and he was so incontinent.

In the animal kingdom, the war between males and females for mating rights is cruel. Children who have watched "Animal World" by Mr. Zhao Zhongxiang understand this truth.

Therefore, if Ji Xiaochun got into trouble, he must bear the karma.

Of course, the matter was actually not as serious as Ji Xiaochun imagined. The human body is a very precise machine, but if we want to disassemble and restore our body, we can restore it into various chemical components.

Many perceptions and organ operations of the human body come from the operation of chemical and physical components.

Just like traditional acupuncture in Chinese medicine, it relies on physical stimulation of specific acupuncture points in the body, and then stimulates the body to secrete some chemical components to help people treat diseases and relieve pain.

In modern medicine, there is a form of physical therapy called electrotherapy. This is a practical healing method that stimulates the body's organs through electric currents of varying strengths to help people recover.

Many people have seen and the most widely used equipment in first aid is called [defibrillator]. It is a means of emergency treatment that stimulates the heart with electric current to restore the heart to beat normally.

And Zhang Tong, he is an electromagnetic expert. Magnetism and electricity are inseparable. Zhang Tong's ability is magnetism, and electricity is just an accessory of his magnetism. When Ji Xiaochun forcibly sat down to eat the king crab, Zhang Tong had already started to use his own magnetic power to slightly control Ji Xiaochun's bioelectricity.

Using the operation at the atomic level to slightly stimulate Ji Xiaochun's bladder, it gave him a feeling that he couldn't hold back his urination. This operation is very delicate and requires very little energy. Neither Ji Xiaochun nor Jiang Hua could feel the micro-operations at the atomic level.

When Ji Xiaochun went to the toilet to drain the water, Zhang Tong, who had been tracking Ji Xiaochun's biological magnetic field, hit Ji Xiaochun's left waist.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a kidney shot. Just a slight tremor, a little blood clot is enough, and then immediately use electromagnetic force to help Ji Xiaochun fill the wound.

It was supposed to be transparent and colorless, but the fusion of blood clots in the kidneys became particularly scary. The whole liquid showed a terrible red color. It seems that what is peeing is not urine, but what comes out directly is blood.

But Zhang Tong swears to God, this is really just to frighten Ji Xiaochun, and it will not really affect his body.

After all, he didn't know Ji Xiaochun yet, so he didn't know what the other party was. So scare him, let him go to the hospital for a check-up recently, and spend time on self-care. In this way, he would have no time to pester Jiang Hua.

In fact, this is also very good for Ji Xiaochun, isn't it? It's okay to go to the hospital for a physical examination or something, and find out if there are any minor problems early. I am also thinking about your health, Zhang Tong is compassionate.

And in Zhang Tong's shop, just when Jiang Hua decided to go to the toilet to see if Ji Xiaochun fell into a pit and couldn't get up. Ji Xiaochun walked into the shop with trembling legs.

He glanced at Zhang Tong with complicated eyes. I don't know whether to hate or be grateful. He turned his head and said to Jiang Hua: "Officer Jiang, I received a call. I have something to do and I don't have time to have dinner with you. I'm leaving first."

While talking, he didn't give Jiang Hua time to respond at all. Ji Xiaochun turned around and walked outside the store into the Maybach sedan, and then ran away immediately after pressing the start button.

He is in a hurry now, rushing to the hospital for treatment! He has already contacted the internal medicine experts of Huaihai People's Hospital. I have to keep my waist!

"Hey! Teacher Ji!" Jiang Hua watched Ji Xiaochun drive away in astonishment, she was a little confused. This man is sick! All the good feelings towards Ji Xiaochun before were shattered at this moment.

And Zhang Tong stood in the semi-open kitchen and said: "Tsk tsk tsk~".

Jiang Hua turned his head: "Old Zhang! What are you talking about!"

"The Buddha said: There was a flood of water in the toilet, and the legs of long trousers were wet. The pain of a man is so sad~" Zhang Tong sang this passage to the song "New Mandarin Duck and Butterfly Dream". Then he shook his head and said, "Comrade Xiao Jiang, let Mr. Ji go. He must be busy. He said he can't eat king crab."

Jiang Hua felt a little stunned when he heard this. At this time, Zhang Tong brought up the salt-baked king crab, took away all Ji Xiaochun's dishes, changed to a new pair of bowls and chopsticks, and said to Jiang Hua: "Come on, Comrade Xiaojiang. King crab Someone has already paid the bill, and if you don’t eat it, you won’t eat it. Let’s wipe it out together!”

Zhang Tong greeted Jiang Hua to take his seat, his smile was bright in the cold winter night.

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