The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 66 Buying a TV and Going to the News

Zhang Tong's small shop, at two o'clock on Sunday afternoon. Now the customers have dispersed, but Niu Ben is still teaching Zhang Tong some things in the store.

Because Zhang Tong took over Ji Xiaochun's business before, he has a lot of money recently. Not only bought a laptop for myself, but also bought an oven for the store.

I also bought a 55-inch large color TV under the guidance of Xiaopang Ding Niuben. Well, it's actually called a smart TV. Niu Ben said that the brand called Xiaomi sounded good, and the mobile phone he used was Redmi.

"Rice noodles are an attitude." Niu Ben said so, but Zhang Tong didn't know what rice noodles were. Of course, Zhang Tong knew Guangxi snail noodles, Jiangxi fried noodles, and Hunan Gaidiao noodles.

"Let me tell you Brother Zhang, the brand of Xiaomi is very useful. From mobile phones to TVs, hair dryers, wristbands. They also make instant noodles."

Zhang Tong frowned: "Ah? Is the competition for making mobile phones so fierce now? They also want to switch to making instant noodles to supplement their household expenses? Where are they putting the status of Uni-President and Master Kong in the world?"

"Unification and Master Kong will be defeated by Xiaomi!" Niu Ben is very confident, looks like a rice noodle? Zhang Tong is not very sure. Because Niu Ben then said: "Anyway, after watching Laotan sauerkraut noodles become a delicacy in "Late Night Canteen", I have been black with Laotan sauerkraut all my life. But Uni-President and Master Kong only have sauerkraut noodles. So it is inevitable for them to close down .”

"Huh?" Zhang Tong scratched his head. Zhang Tong knew about "Late Night Canteen" that Niu Ben talked about. Because Jiang Hua also mentioned the TV series "Late Night Canteen" to him when he first came to his shop to chat with him.

After buying a computer and learning how to surf the Internet, Zhang Tong deliberately looked for this TV series. Get ready to take a look and learn. The main reason is that next time when Jiang Hua comes, I have something to talk to her about.

I can't always talk to Jianghua about the case or the problem of takeaway food every time I go to Jianghua (Lao Zhang's shop has become the designated takeaway unit of Jianghua Special Investigation Division).

I have to know more about her preferences by insinuating, and then I can prescribe the right medicine, right? This is called strategy and tactics!

But Zhang Tong expressed disappointment after watching this TV series. Are the requirements of modern people so low? Are you satisfied with instant noodles? And it still has such a strong taste, I feel that the taste of the light material package is not enough, and more seasonings are needed to season.

God! Don't you feel panicked after eating this stuff? Zhang Tong expressed his puzzlement: "Oh, yes, fat. Why is "Late Night Canteen" so popular and highly rated on the Internet? Many people recommend it."

Niu Ben waved his hand: "You misunderstood Brother Zhang, what they said is the Japanese drama version. You can watch the Japanese drama version. Next time you can make instant noodles for supper next time, and see if others buy it like that. .”

Zhang Tong touched the stubble growing slightly on his chin and said, "Forget about instant noodles, it's better to sell Yifu noodles."

Niu Ben asked curiously: "What is Yifu noodles?" He really didn't know what Yifu noodles were.

"Yifu noodles are very similar to instant noodles. Egg noodles are boiled and then deep-fried so that they can be stored for a long time. Modern instant noodles are derived from Yifu noodles. The only problem with Yifu noodles is that they must It needs to be cooked, and it can’t be cooked without cooking. It’s not as convenient as instant noodles.”

"Next time I'll sell Sanxian Yimian and Casserole Yi for an interview." Zhang Tong said these words to Niu Ben while fiddling with the TV set he just bought today. This is the TV that was delivered to the store from Jingdong this morning and afternoon and installed.

Zhang Tong is not very clear about how to use modern TVs. Although he found someone from Dongfang Cable to activate the set-top boxes, why does one TV need two remote controls? Zhang Tong felt a little dizzy.

"One is for a TV, and the other is for a set-top box." Niu Ben had to act as a teacher to teach Zhang Tong how to use modern TV.

The use of modern smart TVs is much more complicated than the traditional analog CRT TVs that Zhang Tong used at home in the 1990s. Of course, the TV picture is much better.

The 4K TV startup screen bluffed Zhang Tong for a while. Zhang Tong couldn't help admiring: "Oh! It would be great if this screen can play arcade games, such as Street Fighter and King of Fighters. Well, if you have time, go buy a Xiaobawang and come back. How about we double play Snowman Brothers?"

Zhang Tong proposed to Niu Ben in this way, Niu Ben blinked and thought: "What is the snowman brother?"

Well, that's the generation gap.

Niu Ben shook his head: "You should give up on Xiaobawang, you may not be able to buy it. Now everyone plays PS4, XBOX Scorpio, and Nintendo Switch. If you buy PS4, we can also consider double-playing "Taiko Master" "."

Zhang Tong thought: "What is "Taiko Master"?" Niu Ben rolled his eyes.

Niu Ben was chatting with Zhang Tong about these things. At the same time, he also gave Zhang Tong the method of using the remote control of the smart TV and the method of using the digital set-top box.

"One is for watching smart TV, and the other is for watching digital set-top boxes. You can also adjust to the traditional TV mode of changing channels to watch programs." Niu Ben asked Zhang Tong, "Which one do you want?"

"Let's start with the traditional one." Zhang Tong felt that he needed to explore how to use the TV. Why does it feel like I have been away for a century when I have been away for seventeen years? I am about to become an ancient human being, and I can hardly even use the TV.

Zhang Tong took the remote control and began to change channels, until he selected the channel of Dragon TV.

"After many days of unannounced investigations, the city's special investigation department has cracked a fraud case mainly targeting returnees." On the TV screen, the host of Dragon TV's program "Oriental 110" is seriously reading the manuscript .

And in the small window in his upper left corner, related videos are playing.

"It was led by Officer Jiang, a senior investigator from the special investigation department of Putuo District. Together with the Jiading District police and the special investigation department, an arrest operation was launched. In an old residential area in Beixiang, the police arrested all the suspects. "

The TV screen began to show the picture of an old residential area in Beixiang, which was the place where Jiang Hua and others ambush and arrested people before. That is the place where Wang Wu confessed that his organization was located.

"At present, all the members of the organization have been arrested and controlled by the police. The police have begun to interrogate the members of the organization. I hope to obtain more information and find more information about the victims. Regarding a series of follow-up questions such as the amount involved, the police are Follow up." When the host finally finished speaking, the picture of Jiang Hua and others arresting a group of people and leaving flashed across the screen.

It didn't take more than a second for the whole picture to appear on the TV, but Zhang Tong still noticed it.

Wow, Jiang Hua is on TV, he is still very handsome. Look at those long legs, look at that neat hand. Zhang Tong took out his mobile phone, clicked on WeChat and began to edit messages to Jiang Hua: I saw you on TV, so handsome! or…………

He was typing, and Niu Ben beside him was still teaching him how to use the Internet Smart TV, but Zhang Tong could no longer hear him.

Jiang Hua caught a scam group and made the news, which is not a big deal. Especially when this is a piece of news that doesn't show its face at all. Many people don't care.

But in a mansion in the capital, an old man clenched his hands to death after seeing this news on the Internet. The veins on his forehead burst, and he gritted his teeth: "She! Why is she still an official!"

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