Because of the arrest of a criminal group, Jiang Hua has been very busy recently, so busy that he didn't even have time to eat at Zhang Tong's shop.

Jiang Hua is actually a person who doesn't cook by himself. The only dish she knows how to cook in her life is probably hot pot. Of course, it's not the kind of buying ready-made hot pot base.

Instead, he knows how to prepare ingredients and fry hot pot bottom ingredients, which is a family tradition. Her father opened a spicy hot pot restaurant in Shuangqing City, Sichuan and Chongqing. Jiang Hua's father, Jiang Aijun, joined the army as a soldier for eight years, but the pinnacle of his life was as a platoon leader.

After retiring, he was assigned to work in Shuangqing Electric Appliance Factory, where he met Jiang Hua's mother. The two began dating, and later got married and had children.

However, Shuangqing Electric Appliance Factory began to lose money in the 1990s, and the era of state-owned enterprise bankruptcy came in the 1990s. Shuangqing Electric Appliance Factory is no exception. Swallowed in the wave of reform.

Jiang Aijun began to think of ways to make money in order to support his family. At that time, Jiang Hua was still young and could not go to kindergarten. Jiang Hua's mother, Wang Qian, takes care of Jiang Hua at home every day and cannot work.

Jiang Aijun thought of a trick by himself and began to study how to fry the spicy base.

People in Sichuan and Chongqing, whether they are from Chendu or Shuangqing, love spicy hot pot. However, hot pot is not eaten every day, so there are many shops in Sichuan and Chongqing that make skewers, Malatang and maocai. This can be regarded as a compromise when one wants to eat spicy hot pot.

Jiang Aijun started from setting up a stall selling skewers at the gate of the school, and has grown from a small cart to a stall. From a small stall to a small storefront on the side of the road.

From small stores to large ones, until now there are five hot pot branches in Shuangqing City. There are nearly 400 countertops in several stores. Jiang Aijun relied on his own exclusive secret recipe to fight a bloody road in the fiercely slaughtered Shuangqing City.

He has been studying the frying of the bottom material since he made skewers, and it took him ten years to figure out a suitable way. Attracted a number of repeat customers.

Hot pot restaurants have the lowest demand for chefs in almost all catering industries. Most of the time, what the chef needs to deal with is only the work of processing ingredients on the chopping board. There are very, very few times when they need to fire and stir-fry.

The core of the hot pot restaurant is actually the hot pot base. If you can’t stir-fry a suitable bottom material, then the hot pot will not be edible.

Especially in the Sichuan-Chongqing region, people in this place have very high requirements for spicy hot pot. If it smells wrong once or twice, basically it won't come.

And mastering the frying of hot pot bottom materials is equivalent to mastering the core of a restaurant. This is the core secret of a store that is kept secret. Every successful spicy hot pot restaurant in Sichuan and Chongqing has its own unique secret recipe. And these secret recipes are generally only mastered by the boss.

No matter how big the store is, the most important formula must be in the hands of the boss. Unless it can survive on the brand effect of Haidilao, it will be too difficult to survive in Shuangqing City if the core formula is lost. This is the first-level war zone of national hot pot.

Although there are already five branches and more than 100 employees. But the most important thing Jiang Aijun has to do every day is the production of hot pot base.

Basically every three days he needs to purchase a large number of various ingredients, and then start making hot pot bases. Although most of the work can be handed over to the chef to help.

But he still has to do the final core deployment and stir-frying of some key materials by himself. These parts are handed over to others, so their secret recipes will be spread.

Now Jiang Hua's mother, Wang Qi, is in charge of the store's operation and management, while his father, Jiang Aijun, still does the same job as when he used to sell kebabs at the stall every day—stir-frying ingredients.

Therefore, many people who know Jiang Aijun make fun of him. He drives a BMW that smells of sea pepper, and wears Armani that still smells of pepper and star anise.

But as he got older, Jiang Aijun felt powerless. Because frying is a very labor-intensive job. Although he doesn't do a lot of basic work and labor-intensive work now.

But now the base material used in the store is also much more than when the store was opened in the past. It is still a big project just to make the blending ratio of the recipe and make some core stir-fried ingredients.

Now Jiang Aijun is fifty-five years old. Although he has always been in good health, it is very difficult to stir-fry dozens of catties of ingredients with a big shovel. This is not twenty years ago.

"Oh, take it easy, take it easy." Jiang Aijun lay on the sofa, showing his back, and asked his lover Wang Qian to rub his waist. Jiang Aijun almost fell to his waist when he was frying the ingredients today. At this time, his muscles felt a little sore. Wang Qian was helping him massage and put on the plaster.

"Okay, where do you still hurt?" Wang Qian asked after helping Jiang Aijun put on the plaster.

"It's almost there, ouch. It's always okay to be dissatisfied. Today, the stir-fried ingredients were smoked by sea pepper and I almost passed out." Jiang Aijun said after sitting up on the sofa.

Wang Qi looked at her husband half distressed, half blamed: "I have told you many times! Don't be brave, don't be brave. Just leave those things to Master Wang in the store. You can adjust them yourself. The ingredients are good, what kind of stove is on it?"

"I don't feel at ease if I hand it over to others. Besides, I have been frying base materials for 20 years, and I can't stop if I don't find something to do every day." Jiang Aijun said.

Wang Qian rolled her eyes at him: "I was born to be a bitch! I don't even know how to enjoy Qingfu."

"Enjoy the happiness! Unless the store is not open, we still have to be busy every day. In the past, we just asked Huahua to stay at home and help out." Jiang Aijun said.

But Wang Qian disagreed with Jiang Aijun's statement: "Let Huahua follow you to cook? A girl who smells like prickly ash and sea pepper every day? You don't want to abuse your daughter!"

"Besides, our family, Huahua, is now at the top level of administration! You don't care about the business of the store on the surface, you don't know. Dealing with people on the official side, others know that our daughter is a high-ranking officer in Huaihai City. Everyone should be more polite."

After Jiang Aijun heard this sentence, he snorted twice: "So what if you are in the right position? Hasn't the position been dropped by someone? I've said it all, let Huahua find a way to transfer it back. Don't be angry in Huaihai. If she can come back to Shuangqing, she will also be a district leader."

Wang Qian slapped Jiang Aijun across the face: "You think it's as easy for her to be transferred as it is for you to buy sea peppers. This girl Huahua was born just like you, with a tough body. She just refuses to admit her mistakes, and admits to death. Otherwise, she would have No one will lose their position."

"So I will be a platoon leader all my life. I think Huahua is also a person with little official luck. Her character will always suffer in the officialdom. If she can't go back to Shuangqing, it's better to let her retire The business of our store is so good, why is the business of inheriting the store not better than that in Huaihai?" Jiang Aijun rubbed his waist and said.

"She stayed in Huaihai for more than 20,000 yuan for a month, and she refused to accept the money we sent over. She was so stubborn that she was going to die. But Huaihai's consumption is so high, I'm afraid she will suffer. It's better to go home, live in a big house, and help the family. That's fine too."

Jiang Aijun's words made Wang Qi think for a while, and she said, "Yes. It's better to go home. Her character is not good in the official world, and she has the same bad temper as you."

"I won't worry if she is as dainty as you." Jiang Aijun patted his wife's ass flatteringly. Although Wang Qi rolled her eyes, she was quite happy in her heart.

"We don't wait for Huahua's money to eat, she just needs to live her own life well. My biggest wish now is for her to find a suitable husband. The conditions are secondary, the main thing is to be good to Huahua " Wang Qi said seriously.

Jiang Aijun interjected: "Yes, yes, yes! It is best to come to the door. In this way, Huahua will not be bullied, and in the future, I can also entrust him with the work of cooking. Huahua will learn management from you in the future."

The husband and wife have already talked about what kind of husband Jiang Hua needs to find in the future and what kind of son-in-law the two of them need.

While chatting, Wang Qi clapped her hands: "I will book a ticket tomorrow, and I will go to Huaihai to see Huahua. She didn't come home during the Chinese New Year last year. I don't know how she is doing in Huaihai. And I don't know what she is doing now. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"She has to hurry up now. If Huaihai can't do it, I will let her go home early. The hot pot restaurant we opened in Shuangqing is not big, but the family is at least well-off. There is no need to suffer in Huaihai , It’s not good to eat, and it’s not good to live.” Wang Qian had already made a decision, she was going to Huaihai, and she didn’t say hello to Jiang Hua.

And Jiang Hua, who had just finished working overtime at night, was hungry, ah! so hungry!

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