The Demon's Angelic Love


Tallie finally agreed with Michy's proposal, and the discussion finally came to an end. The discussion had ended, but Michy didn't immediately go back to his penthouse.

The company indeed had canceled all of Michy's schedule because of the scandal. Even the release of the idol's first mini-album had to be pushed back because of that.

That was surely a loss for the company. They had prepared the whole songs in the album, and they even had filmed the music video for the title track.

Aside from that, Seventius also had picked the best day to release the album. Michy was in his peak of popularity, and thus, Seventius wanted to take advantage of the momentum. Who would have thought that the idol would involve in a scandal instead?

That was why Seventius opted to cancel Michy's schedule. Whether it was his live performance or some pre-record in some music shows.

The company would focus on dealing with the scandal first. Including dealing with the criminal who had slandered Michy.

Michy didn't need to attend any programs today, and he could immediately go back to his penthouse if he wanted to. But, the idol had a different idea today.

["Mrs. Fletcher, can I take Trissa for a date today?" Michy suddenly questioned the older lady as soon as he received the green light from the lady.

Tallie looked surprised upon hearing the boy's question. Their discussion had ended quite well, and she thought Michy would return to his residence because the idol looked tired today.

"You want to take Trissa for a date today? But, don't you think that's too soon? Moreover, you don't look well today, Michy. Maybe you need rest, so maybe you can go back to your house instead," Tallie replied in a concerned tone.

Even if she could see that her daughter looked excited when she heard the word 'date' come out of Michy's lips, Tallie was still worried about Michy's wellbeing.

Thus, she didn't immediately agree with the boy's idea.

"You don't need to worry, Mrs. Fletcher," the young idol insisted. "I will only bring Trissa to walk around this area, and it won't take long. I promise that I'll send Trissa back home right away."

Tallie didn't even know what kind of date was planned by Michy, but when she saw the youth's solemn expression, she finally sighed before nodding her head.]

It was quite surprising because Michy asked permission from Tallie to take Trissa on a date today.

Azren gasped in surprise upon hearing the idol's request, but the idol looked so thoughtful when he voiced out his wish.

It was a surprise because Michy didn't tell him beforehand about the date plan. It wasn't like Michy had to report everything to him, of course. He was just an assistant, and he should know his place.

In the end, Tallie gave a green light to the idol, letting Michy take her daughter outside for a date.

The beautiful girl, Trissa, also looked surprised when her mother finally let the boy take her for a date. She even looked up from her lap and gazed at Michy in disbelief.

The girl was surprised, but she couldn't hide the excitement on her face. Today could be said as the first day of their relationship, and the idol dared to take the initiative for their first date.

Now that they finally would go out for a real date, the long-haired girl immediately blushed. Tallie could see that her daughter was beyond happy to have some time alone with the idol, and that was why she let Michy bring her daughter.

Azren thought that Michy would ask him to drive the two of them to a specific place, but to his surprise, the blue-eyed idol just told him to go back to the penthouse first. The idol said that he would bring Trissa to go somewhere on foot.

Michy really wanted to bring Trissa for a walk just like what he said to Tallie earlier.

That was a surprising idea, and Azren wanted to argue with the silver-haired boy. However, his arm was suddenly being held by someone, and when he turned his head, he found Elias shaking his head at him.

Not only that, but the golden-eyed man also forced him to sit on the empty chair.

Elias didn't say anything, but Azren knew that the other man wanted to have a word with him. That was why he finally let Michy go with Trissa.

Tallie had left them as well, so it was only Azren and Elias at the table. The pair of green eyes couldn't tear themselves from Michy when the idol walked out of the restaurant, and he unconsciously pouted as the idol walked away from him.

On the other hand, Elias kept staring at him while resting his chin on top of his palm. He didn't stop smiling and kept looking at the green-eyed man with his gaze filled with interest.

The owner of the pair of emeralds finally noticed the weird gaze, and he immediately glared at the other man. "Why are you staring at me like that?" He immediately questioned the man.

One of his brows raised elegantly after hearing Azren's question, and he lifted his head from his palm. His smile was still plastered on his face, and he finally responded to the other man, "You don't like seeing Michy with that girl, do you?" Instead of answering the question, he asked back to the other man.

Azren widened his eyes because of Elias' question. 'Is it obvious that I don't like seeing Michy with that girl?' He wondered inwardly.

"I indeed don't like seeing Michy with that girl, but it's not like what you are thinking right now," in the end, Azren managed to find a reply.

Elias looked even more interested when he heard the reply from the other man. "Oh? Do you know what am I thinking right now? Can you tell me what it is?" He asked again, but it was obvious that he was teasing the other man.

The tease irritated Azren. All of a sudden, he got ready to get up from his seat. "I'll go to Michy. He's outside by himself, and I'm worried that the media or the haters would harm him."

Elias was surprised by the sudden statement, but he still managed to grab the other man's arm, pulling the man to sit down on the chair again.

"I have something important I want to discuss with you. Just stay here with me," Elias stated firmly.

Azren was annoyed because Elias looked so playful and too carefree, but the man suddenly acted so seriously. He no longer saw the hint of a tease on the man's face, and he frowned at the man.

"What do you want to talk to me about? You are also Michy's assistant, and you have known him for a while, right? You should be worried to let him alone outside," Azren asked the other man in a stern tone.

Elias indeed had known Michy for a while, and Azren could guess that the two of them were not mere acquaintances. They surely had a deep relationship between them, so how could Elias let Michy wander outside without his protection?

Who was Elias? Was he a friend or foe?

"I see that you care a lot about Michy, and you remind me of my old self," Elias suddenly spoke again, and he gazed at the green-eyed man wistfully.

The tone and the gaze stunned Azren, but the words startled him more. Indeed, Elias had a deep relationship with the young idol in the past.

"Who are you? I can tell that you have a close relationship with Michy, but why did Michy keep treating you coldly?" Azren decided to voice out what was on his mind.

Ever since Elias appeared in his life, he couldn't help but feel bothered by his curiosity. He thought that his meeting with the man was just a coincidence, but was that true? Was it all just coincidence?

"I think I should be the one who asks you a question," instead of immediately answering Azren's question, Elias decided to talk about something else. "I remember you blurted out my name when we just met yesterday. How come you know my name? Did Michy tell you something about me?"

Azren just remembered that he indeed mentioned Elias' name even before the man or Michy said the name to him. Now the owner of the name questioned him, and Azren gulped nervously.

"Michy never told me anything about you," Azren finally managed to answer Elias' question after contemplating for a moment.

"Oh?" Elias responded to the statement. "So, how could you know my name even before I introduced my name to you?"

Azren knew that Elias wasn't stupid, and he also knew that their conversation would reach this point. He knew that he couldn't bring himself to lie right now.

"Michy unconsciously uttered your name when he was sleeping.. I think he was dreaming about you."

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