But now there was an extremely clear sound of chanting coming from that direction.

This abnormal situation made Chen Jing's scalp numb, because it was beyond his control.

"Something seems to be going wrong."

Chen Jing said coldly, with a trace of confusion in his tone.

"I can't get rid of these Bodhi fetuses..."

"Throw it into the deep space!" The "him" in his mind was still urging anxiously without knowing why.

"I just wanted to send them to deep space... but failed!" Chen Jing frowned and said, "These Bodhi embryos are as if they are stuck in this space and cannot be moved away!"

Hearing this, "he" couldn't help but be stunned.

Can't move it?

Is there such a thing? ?

Just when "he" was about to comfort Chen Jing and tell him not to worry and think of a solution, he heard an extremely sharp sound breaking through the air, followed by a deafening sonic boom exploding in the cave.

Chen Jing couldn't see anything at the moment, but he could clearly feel that something was approaching him quickly, so he almost took a step back with the fastest reaction speed...

The next second.

The cave deep underground began to tremble violently.

On the stone wall behind Chen Jing, a huge gap about three meters long appeared, as if it was cut instantly by some kind of sharp weapon.

"It found me..."

Chen Jing looked back in disbelief at the direction where the sound of chanting came from, and his heart suddenly felt horrified.

Is there also a high-sequence level monster in this place? ?

Has it locked onto itself in a state of nothingness? !

"No... there is no aura from any creature in that direction..." The yellow robe on Chen Jing's body began to flutter in the wind, and the cloak hanging to the ground made a hunting sound. The golden energy continued along Chen Jing's body. Spreading to every corner of the robe.

"We must find a way to take away these Bodhi fetuses..."

As Chen Jing spoke, he began to move quickly, and in a blink of an eye he arrived at the place where the sound of chanting came from.

He wanted to see what the opponent without any breath was!

Is it an ancient race similar to Baiaji?

Or is it the ancient creature under the walled city that calls itself "King"?



When Chen Jing saw his opponent's true face, he was stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.

"This is... a painting??"

Chapter 394: The Man in the Painting·Two-Dimensional Creature (Part 2)

The fish are empty in the mountains.

The walls of this underground cave are covered with strange ink stains.

Especially the stone wall in front of Chen Jing.

There are a lot of ink marks.

But I don’t know why, unlike the ink marks on the other stone walls, they did not spread randomly in bits and pieces, but left large areas of blank space on the stone wall as if they were attracted by some kind of force.

In the center of this blank area.

Those ink marks are intertwined and intertwined into long lines, just like the handwriting of an artist...

Chen Jing saw a tree.

There is also a man standing under the tree.

The tree outlined by these inks is more than ten meters high, and the "line man" standing under the tree is about the same height as Chen Jing.

It only has extremely clear limbs and main torso structure, and its head is simply represented by a vertical line, not to mention its detailed facial features, which are even inferior to the stick figures drawn by some elementary school students.

"Damn it... this thing couldn't have been plotting against me just now..."

In Chen Jing's disbelieving gaze, the "stick figure" outlined by the ink marks on the stone wall was swaying from side to side, as if he had just learned to walk and was unsteady.


This stick figure on the stone wall... seems to be alive.

Chen Jing had never even heard of this strange life form, let alone seeing it before!

"No wonder you can't feel its breath..."

Although the "him" in Chen Jing's mind was also a little surprised, he was not in disbelief like Chen Jing, as if he had seen a ghost, because he had seen this weird creature more than once.

"Don't tell me that this is a two-spined ape that has become a spirit!"

"Actually, from a certain point of view, your metaphor is correct. It is indeed an extra-dimensional creature...or, in other words, a two-dimensional creature."

When he said this, "his" voice paused slightly, as if he was also searching for information about this type of creature in his memory.

"In the old days, a very small number of creatures had the ability to travel through high and low dimensions at will, and an even smaller number of them had the ability to affect the three-dimensional space in the two-dimensional world..."

"Is it the latter?"

Chen Jing stared at the stick figure dangling on the stone wall as if he was unsteady, and his heart became even more wary.

Although the stickman did not continue to attack him after he approached the stone wall, Chen Jing's intuition told him...the guy on the stone wall was very dangerous. The reason why it stopped temporarily was probably just to observe himself.

"should be."

While he was explaining to Chen Jing, his tone gradually became confused, as if he had never seen such a dimensional creature before.

"But those two-dimensional creatures I met... are much more complex than their structures... and most of them are not humanoid... Why does this thing you met look like a joke? It looks like a stick figure." !”

As soon as he finished speaking, "he" seemed to have remembered something again and hurriedly added.

"Of course, there is another possibility...it was not like this at the beginning, but because its strength has declined too much, it can only maintain its life by simplifying its body as much as possible."

As soon as he heard "him" say this, Chen Jing understood immediately.

The "person" on the stone wall must have experienced the same predicament as Baiage, and it can even be said that it is not easy for it to survive to this era... Maybe it was sleeping before?

If this were not the case, the people from the [Big Buddha Mother Temple] should have discovered it long ago. After all, the two monks had said before that this underground space suddenly appeared in a short period of time, maybe because it suddenly woke up. …

"The dimensional travel you carried out with the help of deep space energy before was almost the same level of dimensional travel, but it was just traveling back and forth in different three-dimensional spaces..." His tone became more solemn when he said these words, as if to remind Chen Jing, "The complexity of two-dimensional space is no worse than that of three-dimensional space. It may be a bit difficult for you to get rid of it."

"Then don't get rid of it. I will just take the Bodhi embryo and remove it. You can quickly think of a way for me to get rid of those things..." Chen Jing thought clearly. After all, it won't take long for the temple to be destroyed. Come on, it's best to leave this kind of trouble to the monks.

"It wants to pull all the Bodhi fetuses into the two-dimensional space, so you can't move them away now. Even if you forcibly cut them with the power of deep space, you can only take away half of the Bodhi fetuses. Killing them will not be effective. It’s gone.”

Hearing what "him" said, Chen Jing suddenly had a headache.

"Can we just kill it?"

"Yes." The voice in his mind became more serious, seeming to realize the seriousness of the matter, "It doesn't attack you now because it thinks it has no chance of killing you, so it simply uses you as air to avoid wasting itself. energy...but you have no chance to waste it!"


"Once the Bodhi Fetus group is eaten up by it, it will not be so easy to treat the old man's injuries again."

At this moment, before "he" could finish his words, the light ball condensed in Chen Jing's hand had already shot towards the stick figure in the stone wall.

That dazzling golden beam hit the stone wall silently... and then disappeared without a trace.


Chen Jing suddenly understood why "he" said it was difficult to get rid of it.

As far as the current situation is concerned, ordinary attacks, let alone its body, cannot even affect the space eroded by it. The stone wall hit by the beam is undamaged and remains the same.

"Why can its attack affect the three-dimensional space... My attack is directly immune to it..." Chen Jing asked with a frown.

"This is the characteristic of creatures that can compress themselves into two dimensions. In the old days, they were extremely difficult to deal with. Most old creatures were unwilling to provoke them..."

According to "him", even if this kind of creature can't kill you, it can still disgust you to death, because your attack on it is ineffective unless you can compress yourself into two dimensions and enter the space where it is...

"So you know what you have to do, right?"

"Are you sure there will be no problem if I do this?"

Chen Jing felt a little nervous, because the same level of dimensional travel and the different level of dimensional travel are completely different things. If you want to turn yourself into a "two-dimensional creature", you can only energize your current body first, and then detonate it in the deep space. Energy collapses itself.

This extreme way of operating on oneself has been recorded in the "power" inherited from deep space, but Chen Jing has never practiced it, he only knows the general operation method and process...

"Hurry up!"

He kept urging, seemingly more anxious than Chen Jing, for fear that all the Bodhi fetuses would be eaten clean by this guy.

"I remember that this kind of creature often has a three-dimensional body. If you can deal with it first, it may be easier..."

He paused for a moment before speaking, and then changed the subject as if to appease Chen Jing.

"But it doesn't matter. Seeing that it has reduced to this stick figure shape, I guess its body has disappeared long ago. I searched around for you just now and didn't see it. Don't hesitate and just rush in!"

Chen Jing couldn't help but sigh, feeling a little unlucky.

If I were lucky and everything went well, I might have gotten the Bodhisattva by now and started rushing back, and I would still encounter such a mess.

In the end, we can only take a gamble!

"What bad luck..."

Chen Jing sighed, his solid body gradually becoming transparent.

"I never thought that a second-hand spiny ape like me would one day turn into a paper man..."

Chapter 395: Battle in Two-Dimensional Space (Part 1)

Chen Jing transformed from a normal human to an Old Descendant, and then from a basic Old Descendant's extraordinary body, to one that could process energy into the body, and could even sink into nothingness within a certain period of time...

But he has never done anything to allow himself to collapse and fall into dimensions.

Forcibly transforming oneself from a three-dimensional creature into a two-dimensional one was an operation that he had never dared to think about before. Even if there were detailed explanations of the relevant operations in the data of the Deep Space Inheritance, he did not think that he could do it at this stage. of.

the reason is simple.

The risk is too great.

Even in the data of Deep Space Inheritance, it is emphasized that forcing oneself to fall into the dimension is an extremely dangerous method, and such fatal operations must not be performed unless it is absolutely necessary.

But "he" kept pushing himself.

This made Chen Jing feel helpless, and at the same time a little entangled... Could it be that I underestimated myself too much? With "his" cautious character, he would not let himself do such a thing without absolute certainty.

"We don't have much time left, hurry up!"

At this moment, "he" was still cheering Chen Jing up, fearing that this kid would lose his temper if he hesitated. After all, it is impossible to stop actively collapsing one's own dimension to a lower dimension. Once it stops halfway, it will be impossible to resume dimensional collapse in a short time.

"Although the temple's attitude towards you is ambiguous, no one knows what their top leaders think. You have been restraining your breath all the way, and the two monks at the foot of the mountain have not seen your details, but if their top leaders come..."

"Stop nagging me."

Chen Jing laughed helplessly, and his whole body was almost transparent.

"I know what to do."


I know.

From any angle, this opportunity to cure the old man must be seized. Once his strength returns to its peak, the road ahead will be much easier... Let alone how much help the old man can give Chen Jing, his strength is enough to protect himself.

There is no more worry in the rear.

In the future, Chen Jing can naturally let go and make a big splash in the inner world.

"This is the feeling of reducing one's own dimension..."

Facts have proved that "he" is not randomly tempting Chen Jing to take risks. With Chen Jing's current strength, it is not difficult to force his own dimension to collapse.

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