During this collapse process, which should have been extremely painful.

Chen Jing didn't even feel the slightest discomfort.

He only felt a drowsy feeling during the short collapse process.

That was all.

"Your Sequence 4 is different from my Sequence 4. I was far from being able to reach your level when I was Sequence 4. Even among the countless Chen Jings I have seen in time and space, you are the only one..."

"Don't flatter me!"

"I'm not kidding you. To be honest, the strength of a deep space resurrector is originally linked to the deep space. You have found the deep space anomaly and the original black star... The deep space is constantly being completed, and your strength will continue to improve."

After saying that, "he" paused for a moment and suddenly laughed.

"Your future achievements will definitely be much higher than mine. Maybe you can make another choice for these two worlds..."

At this moment, Chen Jing's consciousness was still a little confused, and "his" words were also heard intermittently.

Suddenly, he felt his head begin to feel drowsy again, and it took him about half a minute to barely recover.

"This is... two-dimensional space..."

In this vast and pale space, any background is the most extreme pure white, and countless black straight lines fill every corner of this space. They may be suspended and fixed in the sky, or under your feet, or even farther away from your feet...

There is no left or right, no up or down.

There is only front and back.


In two-dimensional space, creatures have only two choices.

Either forward or backward.

At this moment, Chen Jing only felt that his visual ability was greatly limited. He couldn't even see his body and couldn't judge what state he was in.

Unable to turn his head or turn his eyes.

He could only look straight ahead.

From beginning to end, he could only walk in a straight line on this endless world line.

"This is different from the two-dimensional space I imagined..." Chen Jing felt a little nervous because he found that his understanding of this space was too shallow. "The two-dimensional space I imagined was like a paper man..."

"You are a paper man now... No, to be precise, you are now several 'lines' that exist in the two-dimensional space, 'lines' that can move freely. Keep moving forward and I will explain it to you slowly."

Hearing this, Chen Jing no longer hesitated and took the first step with courage.

Since he couldn't see his legs, there was no tactile feedback of taking a step, and he couldn't even see any changes in the things around him, so in the end he couldn't tell whether he really took this step.

"Yes, that's it, move forward slowly, the speed of time here is very slow..."

He said patiently while guiding Chen Jing to move forward.

"I can understand your feelings now. This is completely different from the two-dimensional space you imagined. I thought so when I fell into the second dimension for the first time, but you will slowly understand..."

In "his" narration, Chen Jing also roughly understood what the concept of real two-dimensional space is.

Two-dimensional space

In fact, it is a space that is both simple and pure, yet extremely complex.

Here, all information is presented in the form of "points" and "lines", including the two-dimensional creatures living here.

And two-dimensional creatures are not the paper people that ordinary people imagine.

They are either points, lines, or a combination of points and lines.

This type of creature does not live on paper as ordinary people imagine.

In other words.

From the perspective of most three-dimensional creatures, two-dimensional creatures do live on a plane, that is, on the so-called paper, but the reality is... two-dimensional creatures live in the "plane" rather than on the "plane".

"The power of deep space can still be used here, which is something that other sequence creatures dare not imagine. The reason why Huang Wang was called the 'dimensional conqueror' was precisely because of this feature of the deep space sequence... or, in other words, its real horror."

"Deep space allows you to enter any dimension, and you can perform unlimited dimensional leaps or fall and collapse movements, and the power it gives you is also universal in any dimension."

Just when "he" was talking about this, Chen Jing suddenly stopped, and his tone, which was a little nervous before, became excited.

"The one in front of us! Is it the stickman?!"

"That's it! Kill it!"

Chen Jing raised his hand without hesitation, and then gathered the deep space energy in his body to fire a beam of golden holy light again.

But unfortunately, he still couldn't see his limbs directly during this process, and the beam shot out from his palm was no longer as exaggerated as the laser cannon, and even the color changed, turning into an extremely thin black long line.

"Yes! Just kill it!"

Seeing the stickman not far away making a hurried evasive move, he immediately urged Chen Jing to strike while the iron was hot.

"That grandson must not have thought that we could enter its two-dimensional space! Kill it quickly before it reacts!"

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help laughing, and hundreds of "black lines" shot out from his palm, bombarding the stickman in an absolutely saturated coverage attack.

"Don't worry, I know it, it won't survive."

Chapter 396 Battle in Two-Dimensional Space (Part 2)

Although Chen Jing said that, he knew very well that in this two-dimensional space, many powers from deep space had changed their appearance, making him feel a little strange...

The golden holy light turned into a long black line.

The yellow robe that has remained unchanged for thousands of years has also disappeared.

He couldn't even see his own limbs. He couldn't turn his eyes left and right and could only look straight ahead.

at the same time.

When the stickman faced the overwhelming saturation bombardment of "Mutated Holy Light", its reaction was not slow at all. It quickly retreated back at a weird speed, barely avoiding Chen Jing's first attack. wave offensive.

"so troublesome."

Chen Jing sighed.

If there was plenty of time and the situation was not so urgent, he might still want to play tricks with the other party. After all, he had only seen this kind of two-dimensional creature in literary and artistic works, and even in the myths and legends of the other world. Their drama.

It's rare enough in terms of rarity, but troublesome enough in terms of trouble.

"It must be resolved as soon as possible."

Chen Jing slowly raised his hand again, but this time what sprayed out from his palm was no longer a black line of holy light, but a bunch of "dots" visible to the naked eye.

This is the only strange-colored object in the two-dimensional world.

It’s no longer just black and white.

It's a color that is beyond all biological understanding and cannot even be described with words in the brain.

The number of these colorful "dots" is difficult to count. They move much faster than the beam of holy light, and they flash behind the stick figure in almost the blink of an eye.

It seems that this is the first time for Stickman to see this strange substance. His dodge and escape movements are obviously slow, as if he cannot understand how other colors can appear in this dimension...

And just then.

Chen Jing's raised palm suddenly clenched, and the "dots" that were constantly gathering collapsed without warning, almost at lightning speed, filling every corner of this space that could be seen at a glance.

Way out, way back.

They were all blocked by Chen Jing.

"Eat it." Chen Jing gave the order calmly.

Shen Kong Yicai also spoke at this moment, trying to learn human speech and communication through telepathy.

"As you wish..."

"The supreme and great king of deep space..."

In just an instant, the "colored dots" that filled this pale space completely engulfed the stick figure. While swallowing the opponent, it also began to shrink, turning into a strangely colored "cocoon" at an extremely fast speed. shape object.

"Sure enough, its strength is far inferior to yours, probably because it has just recovered. It would be perfect to take this opportunity to get rid of it."

"Yes." Chen Jing looked at the colorful cocoon of light and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, "Then we just need to wait for the splendor of deep space to eat it."

As he said this, Chen Jing couldn't help but laugh. He felt that his previous performance was a bit embarrassing. He was so nervous that he didn't even dare to breathe when dealing with such an old guy whose strength had declined.


Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard "him" suddenly say these two words solemnly.

But before Chen Jing could ask a question.

The picture he saw in front of him gave Chen Jing the answer.


Something is wrong.

"Why are these lines flying towards me..." Chen Jing looked at the overwhelming "black lines" sweeping towards him with confusion, and he only wondered if he was hallucinating.

These "lines" are part of a two-dimensional space.

Some of them represent buildings, some represent natural scenery, and some...maybe some microscopic creatures that even Chen Jing can hardly detect.

So when they swept towards Chen Jing, Chen Jing's feeling was very subtle.

without any exaggeration.

Just like a normal person walking on the street, suddenly the buildings on the steel forest in front of him flew up, as well as the pedestrians on the street, the animals cats and dogs passing by, and even the telephone poles and trash cans on the street. The ground flew up and hit him in the face.


That's how scary it is.

Chen Jing was stunned for a moment.

But it was also when this two-dimensional space fell into chaos that he saw some strange things in the countless lines... or in other words, got some very strange incomplete information.

"Bodhi tree..."


In the underground cave where the Bodhi embryos were hidden, a terrifying phenomenon like an earthquake began to appear from unknown time.

The walls of the cave were shaking violently, even at a high frequency, making an unsettling buzzing sound.

And at the top of the cave.

At the very center of the dome.

Along with the violent shaking of the cave, cracks appeared there.


The gap continued to expand along with falling rocks and gravel.

Until wisps of extremely white moonlight appeared in those black gaps.

boom! ! !

With a loud noise that shook the earth, the dome was instantly broken by the moonlight pouring in from the surface, and a vertical passage about five meters in diameter was directly blasted. At this time, Wei Nan grabbed an old man's neck and fell from the sky. .

"This old thing is really hard to kill!!"

Wei Nan's arms have been covered by [Old Relic: Moore's Wrath], scarlet blood-like scales tightly wrapped her arms, and extending forward are a pair of metal fists as big as a casserole. set.

At this moment, her right hand was pinching the neck of an old monk. The moment she fell from the sky, she pressed the old man's face and smashed it into the ground.

Without waiting for the old man to struggle to get up like before, Wei Nan's fists fell like hail, hitting the old man's head.

The terrifying pure power cracked the earth in an instant.

Every muffled sound was mixed with a deafening sonic boom.

The old man's neck was almost twisted and deformed by her fists.

"Where's A Jing?!"

Yan Que and Qiao Youning also jumped down from the vertical passage at this time.

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