The one-meter-high file mountain was filled with three desks, and the house was so hot that the little girl and her two assistants were busy back and forth between the tables.

Too high a file mountain, so that the room only heard the shouts, footsteps, the collision of the nib and the paper, can not see the figure, that is, the first feeling I saw when I walked into the city office.

On the side of the wall, bamboo swords, bamboo rafts, and five-piece chess were scattered all over the place, and they were covered with a thick layer of gray. It seems that Adam had not returned to the room for a long time.

To be honest, I can turn the city owner's office into a game room. He is also a master in the underground city.

Anne is one meter seven, and she is taller among human females. But at this time, she seems to be a pygmy elementary school student who is stuck in front of the desk. From the horizontal side, she only sees books and documents and can't see anyone.

Xiao Shantou's eyes were thick with dark circles, busy with the file sea, and I didn't even find it when I came in.

Going over, I signaled to stop the assistant who was planning to call Annie, and took a few documents and looked at it.

“Remediation plan for the damage to the municipal facilities in the riots from the 7th Avenue to the 9th Avenue”, “Three suggestions for completing the drainage ditch before the rainy season”, and “Provisional draft of the new residential area for the four ethnic groups.”

"No sleepers, this is what Margaret adults mean. All the B or above documents of the Executive Yuan must be Miss Anne and sign the opinions. Then Margaret adults sign her opinion and return to Miss Anne. Determined."

That is to say, before each document is completed, Anne will deal with it once, then Margaret will attach her own treatment, and finally let Anne decide to go back and forth at least twice.

This is a hand-to-hand teaching. I sighed silently. It seems that Margaret is really trying to do it. This is how to use cramming to make Anne grow up to be able to deal with administrative affairs independently.

"Your Executive Yuan, that is how to deal with literary matters, all the documents are finally signed by Margaret personally? One person to get all the governmental affairs?"

I got the answer that the other party took for granted. Looking at this incredible file mountain, I couldn’t help but scream that the total population of Sulphur Mountain City is nearly three million. Just think about it, it is an astronomical number of government affairs, one by one? I understand why Margaret has been living in a simple way, and fortunately Margaret is a race immortal who basically does not need to sleep, but .....

"This kind of government affairs is too primitive. It is only with the ancient kings. It is only by wisdom and knowledge to make judgments. The immortal who can't sleep forever and sensible may do it, human words..."

With so many documents, it is only a day or two if it is not done well. If it is handed over to the city owner in the future, I am afraid that she has basically no free time.

My task is to train a qualified lord, not a madman who is overwhelmed by government affairs. So, with a cough, I will inform the internship owner of my arrival.

"Annie, do you know what is the essence of administration?"


What is the essence of administration? Let everyone live and work in peace? Let the so-called Utopia idea become a reality? Let all races coexist peacefully?

No, no, not so complicated, the administration can only operate within the established framework, what is ideal, and it cannot be done by administrative means alone.

But the administration is not so simple. The lack of administrative agencies in the city will directly make the whole city paralyzed. The excessively low administrative efficiency will lead to extreme dissatisfaction among the citizens. He is indeed an indispensable existence in any town.

"As a city owner, I..... I will try to make everyone good."

"I don't think so much about the small head. I just ask you what the essence of the administration is. Forget it. I will tell you directly. Just, you need to rest."

Pulling a little girl and sitting on the side, signaling the assistant to have a cup of tea.

Little girl's face is a little sluggish, the flaming hair color is less luster, the whole person looks mentally lacking, and my eyes are a little dodging, it seems that I am worried that I will blame her.

Shaking my head, I have already guessed what happened. Margaret is an acute plus perfectionist. She always assigns tasks to her in accordance with her own abilities.

"I can do why you can't", "Don't tell me why, and if the assumptions are meaningless" these words are her mantra, but in fact she is known as the sage of the activity library, Still immortal, always immortal, where ordinary people can keep up with her progress.....

Can be accepted as a disciple by Adam, Anne's martial arts talent and physical condition are excellent, but intellectually... For pure warriors, intelligence is the most useless attribute, and Adam's kid is only 9 points (here Intelligence is the main attribute of the Master, which is related to the ability to understand and think. The average person is 10 points. The basic attributes of this book are difficult to improve. It is not very happy. In my system, Anne’s intelligence is 11 points, which is already much stronger than her stupid righteous father, but if Margaret’s 26-point intellectual standard is used to formulate teaching tasks... Speaking at 26 o'clock, the learning requirement for half a slap and 13 o's intelligence made her die.

Inexplicable, I seem to know why the last Executive Yuan became her one-person institution. If she is not good, she can't stand those who are "intellectually low" and "slow-handed". She has done all the work herself and finally got used to it. Just don't let other people intervene.

This kind of person lost in the ancient times is the so-called sage king, but when they hang up, the next successor will be very difficult. After all, you can’t expect the son and grandson of the sage to be sleepless and intelligent. Let's go.

"Oh, it’s not an immortal, so I’m not tired of her. Anne, Margaret is sure to train you, don’t worry, her teaching methods are too unreliable, when Eliza and Kalle was almost killed by her, they are also the Master."

When I heard the words, the girl began to choke, but shook her head hard.

"Margaret's sister did not train me, she was just disappointed, Anne was useless, Anne was useless. Anne did not have the confidence to be a good city owner."

The girl’s tears ticking down, it seems that Margaret’s disappointing cold eyes, then shook her head and left silently, hurting her.

This silent silence, this kind of disappointment from the bottom of my heart, makes the other party uncomfortable than any sharp irony, and makes the other side doubt their ability and intelligence...

Why do I know so clearly? When the progress of the previous study was not ideal, Eliza was not so depressed, but also secretly took me to vent her anger.... Although it was indeed the first time I used this to hurt Margaret. Hey, who told her that chess is so bad, her thoughts are so rigid, and she can’t do it.

Ok, I have to ring the bell to solve the bell. I also know that Margaret must have to look at Annie today. It must be that she subconsciously used this trick to cry Annie, but she didn’t know how to end it.

"Hah, don't cry, come, let the bones uncle teach you. In fact, Margaret's own practice is wrong, you can't learn it is normal, and learning is really troublesome."

Annie's eyes widened and she was puzzled.

"Administration, in fact, is not so mysterious. His essence is to solve problems. Yes, administration is the means to solve troubles and problems."

Yes, administration is the act of solving problems. The Executive Yuan is the institution dedicated to solving problems.

"This work is not within the scope of our functions. Please forward it to the higher authorities." = "Brother, this is a big problem. We can't make it. You and our boss say it."

"The program should be implemented, but the cost involved is too high, the existing conditions can not be completed, and the implementation is suspended." = "Brother, sorry, you said very well, we also want to do. But the financial treasury has no money, Let's put it first."

"We can understand your difficulties, but this work involves personal privacy. Our department is not suitable for intervention. Please make your own decisions." = "Stupid goods, don't waste our manpower, such a small thing, get it yourself."

The so-called complexity and sacredness of doing things, the administrative goal is to solve the problems and troubles that are constantly emerging in life and development, so that most people's lives are stable and ordinary... I wrote the "art of speech, hands-on teaching" How do you deal with complaints and resolve conflicts (also known as officials, slang manuals) is highly praised, and it has greatly enhanced the administrative capacity of our judiciary. The visiting citizens even issued "although they did not understand, but it sounds very good." Severe, my opinion seems to be respected, but the sequel is that many people look at my eyes is quite strange, and even some people listen to me and turn over the manual I edited.....

"Actually, you all underestimated the idiot of Adam's intelligence nine. In fact, in my eyes, he is a very good city owner."

Wen Yan, Anne raised her head in horror, her face is incredible, these days, she has heard countless complaints about adoptive father.

"But... everyone said that if Margaret's sister helped me, he would be a good city owner. If he can take more responsibility, everyone will be more relaxed and life will be even more..."

"That is not far from the end of the sulphur mountain city. Yes, he relied on Margaret to get most of the government affairs, but Margaret is not there, he can also grab other people to fix it, although efficiency may be Low point. His biggest advantage is to know how to make good use of it, then trust the other person, and leave it to the other party, no matter what, and never add chaos."

"You are the city owner, not the president of the Executive Yuan. What you need is to find someone who can solve the problem, and then throw all the troubles to him, instead of carrying it on yourself."

Annie is still going to say something, but it was interrupted by me.

"Look, he handed me the judiciary, handed the Executive Yuan to Margaret, and threw the cumbersome people's livelihood issues to the parliament. In any case, at least the city is now the fastest growing underground world. And the winner does not need to be blamed. Moreover, the city owner also has the responsibility of the city owner, which is more important than these boring government affairs."

"The responsibility of the city owner?"

"Yeah. You think why Adam is very busy every day, but the public still respects him very much because he fulfilled his most important duties as a city owner."

"The responsibilities of the city owner?" Savour the word, think of the role of his father's usual day, and suddenly, the sparkling sparks in the eyes, the girl renewed her brilliance.

“Protect everyone? Can you live in peace in this chaotic underground world?”

I nodded and smiled.

"Yes, sheltering everyone, guiding the future direction for everyone, letting everyone have good expectations for the future, is the responsibility of the city owner. As for the trivial things, find a few guys with good heads and throw them at them. If they get rid of it, they will be replaced and replaced. There will always be a suitable one."

"In this chaotic dungeon world, force is a must. In this respect, you should be very talented. Sulphur Mountain City, no, I am afraid it is the youngest quasi-saga in the entire dungeon world."

Wen Yan, it seems that I finally found my strengths, and Annie nodded hard. In my eyes, like a cute puppy who finally found his strengths, satisfied with Sahuan.

"The father said that I was one step away from the legend. As long as I accepted the heart of the phoenix, I could directly enter the legendary middle class and then enter the sanctuary within thirty years."

"Hey. This speed is really outrageous." Even me, I was scared by this amazing speed. The average age of normal legends is over 100 years old, and Anne is less than 20 years. I first popularized the Sanctuary. At the time, it was also over a hundred years old. "However, I can laugh so cheerfully, I am afraid, she still doesn't know what the heart of Phoenix is."

Shaking his head, this is their family business. I don’t have a lot of words. I have to say that I shouldn’t say it. Now, my goal is to complete the main task and cultivate Anne into a good city owner...

"Well, after two days, you and I went to the underground covenant. On the way, I will teach you another part of the responsibilities of the city owner. "How to get more benefits in both diplomacy and hardship," since it is a dungeon. I am afraid, I can only teach you how to come hard."

"In any case, this time is to go to a strong demonstration. You have a lot of opportunities to shoot along the way, and strive to enter the legend directly in the battle. This time Xiaohong also goes together, I will bring the most chaotic in the city, Beja. Brothers, the Eagle of the Storm, the living treasures under my hands, you are responsible for the strong demonstrations on the bright side, let me come for the rest, let's turn the underground city covenant together for a day, and play it thoroughly."

"Adam's soul emblem is the eternal phoenix. It is the most good at fighting. As long as you can't kill him in one breath, he will absorb the damage, keep getting stronger and stronger, and finally burst into one breath. But although it is a heritage, but feel You may not be suitable for his path. I think that you should be very suitable for the overall suppression of the fighting style. This requires practical training, and you will try to find a fight in the underground covenant."

Sure enough, it’s still a little girl’s temperament. In the face of annoying government affairs, I can only cry and mourn my face. It’s the scalp. When I talk about what I like, I’ll be happy and happy.

"Government? Simple? Isn't it just a solution? Find a few small businessmen who will manage their money and let them manage their accounts. Well, just a new department of the Executive Yuan.....called the Finance Department."

“Municipal construction is looking for masonry and construction traders, but it is necessary to strip off their own interests first. Right, let’s call the Construction Division.”

"Don't learn Margaret's set, it's too tired. You put the shelf up, and then you can choose someone to apply. If you can protect the city in the future, you have to put most of your energy into practice." Among them, huh, I really want to hear the legendary deeds of the new generation of Red Lotus."

"Don't worry, you can be much stronger than that idiot. Adam of that year is no more use than you. He, stupid, is the first time to deal with other people's housework disputes, actually himself..."

Slowly, Anne, who had changed her mood repeatedly and didn't sleep for two nights, was tired to the limit. She listened and listened directly to my sleep.

Looking at the girl with a whisper on her knees and falling asleep, I couldn't help but think of the past.

"Humans, it’s a magical life. Yesterday, I still have a bear child with a clear nose. Today, in a blink of an eye, I am an adult."

At that time, when Adam brought back to Anne, she was only a little bit small. Today, she is about to be an adult, and she plans to take on the responsibility of her elders.

Looking at the dark circles under Anne's eyes, I couldn't help but marry Margaret.

"Really, the foolish Adam is so laissez-faire, so strict to Anne. Adam is also, the heart of the phoenix, the heart of the phoenix, such a heavy burden, are you sure that she can accept it after she knows the truth?"

"Bone Uncle, Margaret's sister, father..." Suddenly, the sleeping girl silently shed tears, but called out our name.

"..... don't go!! Don't leave Annie! Anne will be embarrassed."

With a nightmare of crying, let me stretch out and wipe my tears and hold my hand...

I never said that I would leave, Margaret and Adam will not promote the death of the city owner..... But it seems that we have all looked down on this seemingly awkward, informal girl.

For a long while, I continued. I carefully wiped her tears with my sleeves and stroked her hair.

The whisper of apologetic whisper, I can't hear it myself.

"Sorry, Xiao Annie, adults are very selfish... We are all a group of selfish bastards."


But I don't know, there are two people who are talking to me in the same city.

"I know that let Roland come to solve the problem. Don't blame yourself, Margaret, Little Annie is actually much stronger than you and I imagine."


"... don't cry, Margaret, it's not like you, if you can't bear it, you can still stay."

Yes, the girl who was sobbing in the corner at the moment, accidentally hurt Annie, but asked me to help, and then worried too much, but also violated the principle of eavesdropping, the sage Margaret who is always calm and ice. ......

When I heard the cool words of this heartless man, Margaret with tears in his eyes was full of anger.

"You still can't die! That's not solved! You are a selfish bastard!" If the eyes can kill, Adam might have already worn the arrow.

"...Yes, who told us that we are all selfish adults. I am sorry Xiao Ani, and ..... Oh, don't worry too early."

"You are laughing? You are....."

"Don't worry, how can I be Anne's father, what she wants most, what she needs most, how can I not know, huh, rest assured, I have made arrangements, and finally, it is definitely a comedy ending, big comedy. ""

"I will trust you again, the last time!! You are a selfish bastard!" This is the anger of the sages who gnash their teeth.


PS. As Adam said, squirrels like joy, don’t write tragedies.

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