The first taboo in the world

Chapter 194 Deep in the Xiliang Mountains

The five poisons refer to scorpions, centipedes, snakes, toads, and spiders in the Five Poison Sect.

In the Five Poison Sect, everyone will raise their own Gu insects, which are part of their own combat power. Moreover, the stronger the five poisons used in the five treasure nectar wine secretly passed down in the Five Poison Sect, the higher the effectiveness of the wine.

At this time, Xu Zifan was beating the black scorpion violently while thinking about how to deal with this foreign object.

Brewing Five Treasure Flower Honey Wine not only requires five poisons, but also the longer the storage time, the stronger the effect of this wine on improving skill.

Nowadays, the world is changing a lot, and the world is changing a lot every day. No one knows how long they can live, so things that take a lot of time to show their effects, especially foreign objects, are currently not considered by Xu Zifan at all.

Moreover, brewing has its own process. Although Xu Zifan understands the brewing method, he alone has no time to do something where the benefits are not proportional to the effort.

In fact, the person who can brew this kind of wine, and is worthy of brewing this kind of wine, is not an individual, but a group, such as the Five Poison Sect, which is proud of the world of martial arts.

Thinking of this, Xu Zifan's heart suddenly moved. He had an idea that after solving the Scorpion in front of him, he could put it into action.

There is a second way to deal with the demon scorpion in front of you, which is to use the secret method of the Five Poison Sect to collect it as your own Gu worm to increase your combat power.

However, Xu Zifan thought for a moment and finally rejected this method of disposal because the scorpion was too big and he couldn't carry it with him anytime and anywhere. Wouldn't it be inconvenient for him to move around?

And if you don't bring this Scorpion with you, it will be too dangerous for others.

The most important thing is that according to Xu Zifan's own estimation, the strength of this demon scorpion is at the same level as a peerless master.

A peerless master would just slap him to death.

Therefore, this demon scorpion has no big effect on Xu Zifan's strength improvement.

All things considered, taking this scorpion as your own Gu would do more harm than good.

After thinking about it carefully, Xu Zifan looked at the Scorpion in front of him and his expression became cold.

At this time, Scorpion had been sentenced to death by him.

In the distance, many strangers had already lifted Fang Gang, who had fainted to the ground, away from here.

With Xu Zifan taking action to suppress the scorpion, this group of strangers was no longer in danger, so at this time more than a dozen strangers were not far away watching the fight between Xu Zifan and the scorpion. No, it should be said that they were all watching Xu Zifan's killing. Scorpio.

boom! boom! boom……

Xu Zifan punched one after another, powerful, heavy, domineering, and very rhythmic, completely suppressing the Scorpion, which was as big as a car.

Mo Scorpion was chasing everyone just now, and no one was his enemy. But at this moment, Mo Scorpion had no chance to resist when facing Xu Zifan. Even his screams and roars were stopped from time to time by Xu Zifan's heavy punches. The voice was stuck in the throat.

On the ground, there were blood flowers falling, one after another. It was because Xu Zifan's punch was too strong, and the black armor of the Demon Scorpion's body was collapsed, and the black and red scorpion flesh was exposed. The blood flows.

Everyone outside the court was very excited at this moment, with blood boiling in their chests and bright eyes. Seeing Xu Zifan's violent attack, they all clenched their fists, as if they were the one who was torturing the demon scorpion.

At this time, Xu Zifan made up his mind to kill the demon scorpion, so he no longer held back. His eyes turned cold as he looked at the demon scorpion. After punching the demon scorpion seven times in a row, he rushed forward and punched the demon scorpion. The force vibrated and hit the demon scorpion, which was knocked into the air.

The jet-black Scorpion in the air was beaten a little dazed. It looked at Xu Zifan rushing up, as if he had a premonition of his own doom, and his cruel eyes were filled with fear.


The scorpion's body exploded directly under Xu Zifan's punch.

Xu Zifan used 30% of his strength in this punch.

Scorpion meat and scorpion blood flew all over the sky, but as Xu Zifan waved his hand, a strong wind swept past, and not a piece of scorpion meat or a drop of scorpion blood was stained on his body.

After everything calmed down and the dust settled, Xu Zifan was dressed in casual clothes that were clean and spotless, like a young man who had just returned home from a walk.

At this time, Xu Zifan gathered the energy around him, and his aura changed from the mighty and domineering aura just now to an ordinary person. At this moment, Xu Zifan was like an ordinary person, his whole body was dull, completely different from the earth-shattering aura he had just before when he eliminated the scorpion demon. people.

This is a return to nature, a martial arts realm that can only be understood by those who have practiced martial arts to the level of a grand master.

At this time, many strangers watching the game on the field noticed the change in Xu Zifan's aura. Although they did not understand the mystery of Xu Zifan's state, they could understand the extraordinary state of this state.

At this time, Xu Zifan faced everyone, smiled slightly, and nodded gently. At this time, many strangers had already recognized Xu Zifan, who was the new stranger king in their county.

News reports in their county had reported on Xu Zifan, and as a foreigner from the country's special management organization, he had extremely rich sources of information. Fang Gang also told them that the foreigner king Xu Zifan had joined them.

Today is the first time for many strangers to see Xu Zifan in person. They never expected that they would meet under such circumstances.

Xu Zifan walked over with a smile on his face, but everyone was a little cautious at this time. Facing the legendary strongman of the alien king level, and just now Xu Zifan easily got rid of the demon scorpion and showed his power in front of everyone. Many aliens came here Always at a loss.

The most important thing is that the team leader Fang Gang is unconscious at this time. Now many strangers are leaderless, and everyone doesn't know how to greet Xu Zifan for a while.

Xu Zifan had already seen the reserved expressions on everyone's faces, but he didn't care. As the world's number one master in the world of Swordsman, he had experienced too many situations like this and was already a little numb.

When he got closer to the many strangers, Xu Zifan said with a smile: "Are the seriously injured people okay? Let me take a look!"

Xu Zifan had some fond feelings for these strangers present. Not only did they appear in the barren mountains and ridges every day to slay demons and protect the safety of the country, but their spirit of never giving up or abandoning just now also touched Xu Zifan's heart.

These people are worth saving!

This is Xu Zifan's idea.

At this time, Xu Zifan said he wanted to see the injured, and many strangers made way to make it easier for Xu Zifan to move.

Xu Zifan then walked up to Fang Gang, stretched out one hand, grabbed his wrist, and circulated Zixia Qi, flowing throughout Fang Gang's body.

After a while, Xu Zifan nodded slightly, understanding that Fang Gang just fainted due to excessive energy consumption, and then he left a ray of Zixia Qi in his body to warm and nourish his body.

After watching Fang Gang, Xu Zifan then watched "the scapegoat" Liu Zhiming, the "Thorn Fairy" Li Qingluo and seven or eight other strangers.

Two of the strangers were examined by Xu Zifan and found to be on their deathbed. After Xu Zifan learned about them, he learned that they were the strangers who first discovered the Scorpion.

These two aliens were sneak-attacked on important parts by the extremely powerful Scorpion compared to them. The fact that they can persist until now is due to their tenacious vitality as aliens. If ordinary people were injured so seriously, He had already died long ago.

As for the others, at most their internal organs were shocked, and the coma caused by the surge of Qi and blood in their chests was relieved one by one by Xu Zifan's use of Qi.

The most special stranger among them is Liu Zhiming, the "scapegoat". He withstood the sting of the demon scorpion's tail and was directly driven into the ground. He received such a powerful attack and shock force, but his injuries were the lightest. , before Xu Zifan could check, he had already woken up.

However, Xu Zifan still sent him a stream of Zixia Qi that warmed and nourished his body, accelerating his recovery.

After checking the body of the seriously injured person, Xu Zifan stood up and said goodbye to the strangers, and walked deeper into the Xiliang Mountains step by step.

And many strangers left with their tired bodies and seriously injured people.

After the sudden change in the world, spiritual energy descended and thick fog shrouded the Xiliang Mountains. At this time, the further you walked into the Xiliang Mountains, the deeper you entered the mountains and old forests. The trees were thick and the branches were thick, and the fog was heavy. Ordinary people could see that the distance was less than ten meters. Occasionally, there were strange things. Insects chirp, the sounds are different, some are very pleasant or not. But most of them are very hoarse or sharp, giving people a sense of eeriness. Even during the day, the place is full of scary atmosphere.

Purple flowers flashed in Xu Zifan's eyes. Although there was thick fog in front of him, he could see hundreds of meters away, which was many times the visual distance of ordinary people.

This time he went to the depths of the Xiliang Mountains to see what was going on here. In the past, there was a tree demon coming from here, and now there is a scorpion causing trouble.

Moreover, he had heard from Fang Gang two days ago that there were many demons here, and they were all hostile to humans and would take the initiative to go down the mountain to prey on humans.

In fact, in the past ten days, many tragic disasters have occurred in the Xiliang Mountains near this small county, all caused by demons and aliens.

At this time, Xu Zifan was disillusioned step by step, his speed reached the extreme, and he headed towards the depths of the forest.

The Xiliang Mountains stretch for more than eighty miles, from the northwest corner of this small county to the bank of the Yellow River.

In this mountain range, there are ravines and ravines, countless mountains, deep forests, dense grass, and heavy fog.

Before the change of heaven and earth, this place was very desolate. Only a dozen mountains near the county seat were developed by humans, either for planting fruit trees or for growing medicinal materials. The farther you go, the more remote they become. They are truly barren mountains and wild mountains, inaccessible to people. .

After the sudden change in the world, spiritual energy descended, plants grew wildly, and all insects, beasts, and birds began to embark on the path of mutation and evolution. The depths of the Xiliang Mountains, which were already inaccessible, became a gathering place for demons and a forbidden area for humans.

Demons often go from here to the county town to hunt and kill humans, and then return to the mountains after they succeed. It is obvious that the demons here have regarded humans as blood stones.

Therefore, people in the county where Xu Zifan is located can be said to change their expressions when talking about Xiliang, especially the depths of the Xiliang Mountains, which have become a forbidden area for humans.

There are many strangers in this county who specialize in fighting. Most of them slay demons here on weekdays to accumulate points.

It is said that there was a discussion within the military department some time ago about using long sword missiles to cleanse the place of demons, but in the end this plan was not passed.

There are two reasons: First, this place is full of ravines and undulations, and the power of human thermal weapons here is much smaller than on the plains.

The second reason is that although there are many demons here and they are full of malice towards humans, only a few sporadic demons come out of the mountains and harm people's lives. Most of the demons are very responsible and live in the mountains and have never invaded humans.

Therefore, in order of priority, the depths of the Xiliang Mountains are only the focus of observation, and it is not yet the turn to use missiles to clean the ground.

If it were a normal day, this place would definitely not be able to be saved. It would have been wiped out by human thermal weapons long ago, but now there are too many places that need weapon support.

In fact, this is the situation all over the world at this time. The weapons inventories of all countries are rapidly depleting, and all countries have opened their arsenals to maximum output and all production lines are online.

But even so, thermal weapons are still not enough, so in order to maximize the effectiveness of the available thermal weapons, it is necessary to attack monsters in various places in order of priority.

Deep in the Xiliang Mountains, as the lair and gathering place of demons, such a dangerous place was not ranked first according to priority, which shows the cruelty and bloodshed in other places.

Xu Zifan's figure was like an illusion, walking silently in the dense mountains and forests filled with dense fog. His figure flashed past like a ghost, making no sound at all.

The eighth ridge!


The tenth ridge!

The Eighteenth Ridge!

Xu Zifan was very fast, and he arrived at the 18th ridge of the Xiliang Mountains in a short time. Along the way, he also encountered three alien creatures, but they were all weaker than the demon scorpion just now, so Xu Zifan just casually pointed out these alien creatures. They all fell to the ground and died.

Xiliang Mountain, the Eighteenth Ridge, before the world changed, it was run by humans, but further down, there were no real traces of humans.

Therefore, after the sudden change in the world, no one dared to go deeper into the mountains within the Eighteen Ridges.

However, there are exceptions to everything. It is said that there was an explorer from another county who provoked a man not far from the Eighteen Ridges, probably around the Twenty-seventh or Eighth Ridge. The demon was the tree demon that Xu Zifan had killed.

At this time, Xu Zifan stood on the Eighteen Ridges, purple flowers flickered in his eyes, and purple divine light shot out from his eyes.

He was watching the situation ahead from a distance. There must be a reason why this place is a forbidden area for humans. It is impossible for Xu Zifan to break in just because he has some ability.

So he has to carefully observe the situation inside before making a decision.

Deep in the Xiliang Mountains, there are countless ravines, heavy fog, high mountains and dense forests. At a glance, you can tell that it is definitely not a good place.

In Xu Zifan's eyes, deep in the mountain forest ahead, there is a gloomy ghostly atmosphere steaming, and there is a demonic atmosphere and smoke covering it, which is a bleak land.

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