The first taboo in the world

Chapter 195 Red and black double-tailed mutant scorpion

At this time, Xu Zifan's eyes were filled with divine light of purple haze. He looked into the depths of the mountains ahead and saw undulating mountains, dense grass and dense forests, countless ravines, heavy fog, and darkness. At a glance, he knew that it was definitely not the same. Good place.

And in the deeper dense forest, there are patches of clouds covering the sky, and the evil atmosphere and smoke are rising into the sky, which is frightening. This is the wretched land of human beings, a strange lair, and a gathering place for monsters and monsters.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, this place is still dozens of miles away from the human settlements in the small county town, and the demons here rarely come out to prey on humans for unknown reasons.

Otherwise, according to Xu Zifan's estimation, the entire human population in the county would suffer, and they might be forced to move to another county.

At this time, Xu Zifan saw such a situation deep in the mountains ahead, and after a moment's thought, he continued to move forward. However, during the process of moving forward, Xu Zifan was on full alert, because there were countless types of monsters and their abilities were all kinds of strange. He didn't want to go into the ditch. The boat capsized.

As for the reason for his move, it was very simple. Although the demons here did not go out to hunt humans in collective riots, it was always a potentially dangerous place. It was so close to the small county town of Xu Zifan's home, and he didn't want to let people around him always There are some unstable factors.

Today's Xu Zifan has spent about twenty years in the world of Swordsman, and his mentality has grown a lot. He is not an ordinary person in society who has never killed anyone a few days ago. Today's Xu Zifan dares to take the initiative to enter the world of monsters. Lair, today he came with the mentality of killing a lot.

At this time, Xu Zifan continued to move forward, concentrating and concentrating all the way. He was guarding against sudden attacks.

On the 19th ridge, another demon scorpion, dark red in color, rushed out of a cave. It was slightly weaker than the demon scorpion that Xu Zifan had just blown up to save everyone. It could spray blood-red poisonous fire from its mouth. , but Xu Zifan raised his hand and beat him into pieces.

His body was inspected by Xu Zifan, but no life core was found.

Regarding the life core, what the two strangers Yin Feng and Dashan told Xu Zifan that day was not comprehensive. It was only after he joined the country's special management organization that he learned about some things about the life core through the exclusive channels of the alien king.

In fact, the country has already studied the function of this kind of thing quite clearly.

Life core can promote biological evolution, but because it comes from mutated organisms, the purity and power of its energy depend on its own host, so the degree to which it promotes biological evolution varies.

The higher the purity of the life core, the smaller the side effects, and the higher the life core.

There are examples of aliens becoming more powerful after swallowing their life core.

However, there are also some aliens who have energy disorders in their bodies after swallowing their life cores, and some even explode and die.

Therefore, the appearance of the life core makes people love and hate it.

However, according to national research, the purity of the core refers to the percentage of a single energy contained within it.

Regarding the naming and classification of life cores, each country has different standard names. In China, they are classified according to the myths and legends of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light, darkness, yin and yang, etc. This classification is very mythical. and national characteristics. Because of cultural inheritance, the Chinese people have easily accepted this classification.

National research has shown that the mutual support and restraint of the five elements is real when taking the life core.

For example, after taking the fire-attribute life core of a strange person whose energy is biased towards ice, instead of increasing the energy in his body, his vitality is severely damaged, his energy is greatly reduced, and the effect of his supernatural powers is also greatly reduced.

As for aliens with ice attribute energy, their energy intensity will increase after taking the ice attribute core.

Regarding the life core, only people in certain circles know about it now, because the country has to conduct multiple tests before it can be made public. It can be said that China is still very concerned about the safety of people's lives.

However, no one knows the origin of the life core. According to the process of biological evolution after the change in the world, logically speaking, there should not be such a thing as a life core.

Even if it were to appear, it would be something that could only appear in the future when the creature is extremely powerful and the energy in the body is compressed to a fixed state. However, it is obvious that the energy intensity in the host body of the life core obtained now has not reached that level at all. Not that powerful.

Moreover, the life core is not something that exists in all mutant organisms, but only a small number of mutant organisms have the life core.

Similarly, although the more powerful a creature is, the more advanced the life core appears in its body, this is not inevitable, which means that this situation is not certain.

Because it has been discovered in China that many ordinary organisms have life cores in their bodies, and some of them have very high purity and strength.

This situation is very strange, and there is no explanation why.

However, some researchers have speculated that perhaps the life core is powerful and pure, not because its host is strong, but the opposite. In other words, the life core is strong, which makes its host powerful.

Although this statement explains some problems, the statement itself brings bigger problems, and if you look closely, if this statement is true, then the truth behind it is horrifying.

Because if this statement is true, then in this world, the life cores existing in countless living creatures are not things they own, but are things that are implanted into countless living creatures in inexplicable ways by inexplicable beings.

Thinking further, this kind of existence is inconceivable and incomprehensible to today's human beings.

There must be a reason and purpose for why he implanted life cores into countless living creatures.

Based on this idea, some people say that there is nothing on the earth that this inexplicable being cares about. What he does is just to help the creatures on the earth to survive better and have more capital to survive in this wave of evolution of all things in the world. Swept by and persisted until the end.

But some other people believe that there is no such thing as love without reason, and there is no hatred without reason. Since this kind of inexplicable existence has worked hard to set up such a situation, it must have its own purpose.

As for the origin of the life core, no one can explain it at all. Even the national researchers who specialize in the study of the life core are arguing with each other.

However, because life cores are rare and can indeed help creatures achieve super evolution, many aliens choose to take life cores to enhance their strength.

However, there are also many cautious people who do not agree with taking life cores to improve their strength. In their view, taking life cores must have disadvantages. No living thing can resist such disadvantages that will break out one day in the future.

Regarding the life core, some people even classified it together with Tianbao and Yiguo at this time. They were all arranged by inexplicable existences. One day in the future, such inexplicable existences would appear in the world sooner or later and come back to collect interest.

At this time, Xu Zifan casually shot a dark red giant scorpion that breathed poisonous fire to death, but failed to find the life core. This is reasonable, because although there are many life cores in the world, when they are distributed to all spirits, it seems Very rare.

At this time, Xu Zifan casually photographed the dark red giant scorpion into a meat pie. After Xu Zifan inspected it, he stood up and looked directly at the hole where the dark red giant scorpion crawled out.

"Is this a scorpion's den?"

Xu Zifan looked into the cave at this time and saw that the cave was winding and winding, with no end at a glance. However, looking only from the outside, there were seven or eight small scorpions moving around where he could see.

Although these seven or eight scorpions are small, they are smaller than the two scorpions Xu Zifan killed just now. In fact, they are not small at all, on the contrary, they are very huge.

The biggest one is a black scorpion, just like the black scorpion that Xu Zifan just blew up to save the strangers, but it looks very small compared to that scorpion. In fact, it is as pillow-like. The size is not small at all. If an ordinary person sees this scorpion, it will definitely be intimidating.

The smallest scorpion is about the size of an adult's fist and is snow-white. It looks like its body is made of snow-white ice crystals, one section after another, very beautiful, like a beautiful work of art.

Looking at the scorpions in this cave, Xu Zifan couldn't bear to kill them all, because any one of these scorpions would be a powerful alien scorpion. If placed in the Five Poison Sect, which is proud of the world, it would definitely be the Poison King.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Zifan made a decision, and then the aura around him changed, and a faint floral fragrance floated out from his body,

At the same time, the true energy in Xu Zifan's body was moving in an inexplicable way, and holy light was constantly surging out from his body, and flowers were raining down, which was very crystal clear and fragrant.

The energy flower rain falling around Xu Zifan is essentially composed of tiny snakes, spiders, centipedes, toads and scorpions made of energy.

At this time, Xu Zifan was activating the Huayu Five Spirit Code, and he wanted to cultivate these scorpions into his own Gu insects.

These scorpions are now of a suitable size and can be taken away at any time after being cultivated into their own Gu worms.

There are seven scorpions here, of different sizes and appearances. There are black scorpions as big as a pillow, snow-white scorpions as big as a fist, and dark red scorpions as big as a foot.

The remaining four scorpions are not much different in color from the above three, but their size may be slightly different.

At this time, Xu Zifan was running the Flower Rain Five Spirit Code, and the flowers were falling, and the holy light was surrounding him, which was very brilliant.

The rolling rain of true energy poured into the cave and enveloped all the alien scorpions.

At this time, these seven alien scorpions fell into the ocean of flower rain, and the petals of the scorpions' energy state were forced into their bodies one by one.

In less than a moment and a half, the seven alien scorpions that were originally looking at Xu Zifan with a ferocious look now looked at Xu Zifan without a trace of ferocity in their eyes, only with a look of sincerity.

Xu Zifan understood that he had succeeded, and these seven scorpions would become his worms from now on.

This is the miraculous effect of the Flower Rain Five Spirit Code. In the real world, it can still shine.

Then Xu Zifan did not put them in his backpack, which would be too crowded, nor did he let them follow him. Instead, he ordered the seven alien scorpions to guard the place.

Although these seven alien scorpions, as Gu worms, may not be able to understand Xu Zifan's instructions, this is a barren mountain with few people, and they are relatively weak, so Xu Zifan is not afraid of them going out to harm others.

As for why Xu Zifan didn't take away these scorpions this time, it was because he entered the depths of the Xiliang Mountains with the intention of fighting.

Carrying these Scorpion Gu Insects was actually not very helpful to him.

At this time, all seven alien scorpions became Xu Zifan's poisonous insects.

Looking at the scorpions in this cave, Xu Zifan couldn't bear to kill them all, because any one of these scorpions would be a powerful alien scorpion. If placed in the Five Poison Sect, which is proud of the world, it would definitely be the Poison King.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Zifan made a decision, and then the aura around him changed, and a faint floral fragrance floated out from his body,

At the same time, the true energy in Xu Zifan's body was moving in an inexplicable way, and holy light was constantly surging out from around him, and flowers were falling, which were very crystal clear and fragrant.

The energy flower rain falling around Xu Zifan is essentially composed of tiny snakes, spiders, centipedes, toads and scorpions made of energy.

At this time, Xu Zifan was activating the Huayu Five Spirit Code, and he wanted to cultivate these scorpions into his own Gu insects.

These scorpions are now of a suitable size and can be taken away at any time after being cultivated into their own Gu worms.

There are seven scorpions here, of different sizes and appearances. There are black scorpions as big as a pillow, snow-white scorpions as big as a fist, and dark red scorpions as big as a foot.

The remaining four scorpions are not much different in color from the above three, but their size may be slightly different.

At this time, Xu Zifan was running the Flower Rain Five Spirit Code, and the flowers were falling, and the holy light was surrounding him, which was very brilliant.

The rolling rain of true energy poured into the cave and enveloped all the alien scorpions.

At this time, these seven alien scorpions fell into the ocean of flower rain, and the petals of the scorpions' energy state were forced into their bodies one by one.

In less than a moment and a half, the seven alien scorpions that were originally looking at Xu Zifan with a ferocious look now looked at Xu Zifan without a trace of ferocity in their eyes, only with a look of sincerity.

Xu Zifan understood that he had succeeded, and these seven scorpions would become his worms from now on.

This is the miraculous effect of the Flower Rain Five Spirit Code. In the real world, it can still shine.

Then Xu Zifan did not put them in his backpack, which would be too crowded, nor did he let them follow him. Instead, he ordered the seven alien scorpions to guard the place.

Although these seven alien scorpions, as Gu worms, may not be able to understand Xu Zifan's instructions, this is a barren mountain with few people, and they are relatively weak, so Xu Zifan is not afraid of them going out to harm others.

As for why Xu Zifan didn't take away these scorpions this time, it was because he entered the depths of the Xiliang Mountains with the intention of fighting.

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