The day his mother died, she talked to Jiang Xiran a lot. Maybe it was because she was about to die that her words were kind. She said a lot of things. She told Jiang Xiran that she only realized how bad her life was when she was about to die. If she were allowed to choose again, she would definitely abandon the shackles brought to her by her original family and live her life like a human being. She used her last bit of strength to lovingly touch Jiang Xiran's cheek, and said with a weak breath: "Ranran, mom is gone, remember to take good care of yourself, and bravely pursue your own life in the future. Mom wishes you happiness."

Nan Jinghe felt very complicated after hearing this, and he murmured: "So that's how it is."

He wanted to ask why he didn't tell him at the beginning, he...

Yes, what would happen if he told him?

He was just a newly graduated student at the time, and he couldn't afford to help his mother with her medical treatment, nor could he let his mother know about their relationship.

From Jiang Xiran's current achievements in the entertainment industry, perhaps it was the best result that the two of them didn't get together at the time.

He looked up and saw Jiang Xiran's pale lips, and felt a pang of heartache for some reason.

I think he must have suffered a lot in the past three years.

"Xiran, stop biting, your lips will break soon." Nan Jinghe touched the corner of his lips with his fingertips.

Jiang Xiran, who was still immersed in sadness, was stunned by this action. The warm fingertips slid across his lips, and his ears were almost red.

He lowered his head slightly, not wanting Nan Jinghe to see his embarrassed look.

The lights in the garden were warm yellow, and Nan Jinghe couldn't see his red ears clearly. He thought his actions offended him, and couldn't help but withdraw his hand embarrassedly.

The surroundings were very quiet, and the lights sprinkled on the two of them, as if they were covered with a layer of warm light, and the atmosphere was inexplicably warm.

Neither of them spoke first, as if they were comparing who was more patient.

In the end, Nan Jinghe couldn't hold back and asked what was in his heart, "Xiran, do you, do you still like me now?"

He actually wanted to say, I want to be with you, are you willing to be my boyfriend?

But he felt that this was too abrupt. Jiang Xiran's career is now on the rise. If the relationship is exposed now, it will have a great impact on him.

He just needs to make sure Jiang Xiran still likes him, no matter how long it takes, he can wait.

Jiang Xiran answered almost without hesitation, "Brother Nan, of course I still like you, this has never changed, but it has become deeper and deeper with time."

In the past few years, he has missed Nan Jinghe countless nights.

When the company squeezed him and he was about to give up after one announcement, he would always look at Nan Jinghe's photos on his phone, so that he felt that he had the motivation to live.

After getting the answer he wanted, Nan Jinghe smiled, he looked at Jiang Xiran affectionately and said:

"Xiran, I like you too, I will wait for you, wait for the day when you are really ready, let's be together, okay?"

Jiang Xiran's words "We can be together now" were stuck in his throat.

Not yet, there is a company behind him that eats people without spitting bones, he has to deal with the contract, and when he is completely free, he can be at ease with Nan Jinghe.

"Okay, Nan, wait for me for a while."



It's been a long time since the two of them came out. After talking, they didn't stay in the garden any longer. They stood up and walked towards the hall in front.

After they left, a figure walked out from the dark.

Under the moonlight, the slightly raised red lips looked like a ghost in hell.

Front hall.

"Brother, where did you go? Why did you take so long to come back?" Nan Jingyou asked the two people who walked side by side.

And their moods were obviously different when they came in, especially his brother, who was rosy-cheeked, as if there was something big going on.

Jiang Xiran was much calmer, but his face was more joyful than before.

"Nothing, just went to the garden behind to talk about the past." Nan Jinghe smiled like a spring breeze.

"Oh~" Nan Jingyou glanced at the two of them meaningfully, and this move made Jiang Xiran feel very embarrassed.

Nan Jinghe coughed lightly and glanced at him, signaling him to stop.

This warning was not a big deal to Nan Jingyou. He shrugged, but did not mention what happened just now.

After checking the time, he asked, "Brother,

Brother Xiran, are you going to go back now or play for a while longer? "

It's past nine in the evening now, and it will take another hour to go back. This time is just right to leave.

"Xiran, do you want to play for a while longer?" Nan Jinghe did not answer immediately, but asked Jiang Xiran's opinion first.

"I'm going back too." Jiang Xiran replied.

"Do you need me to take you there?"

"No, my assistant is waiting for me outside, I'll go with the company's car."

"Okay then." Nan Jinghe's voice was a little disappointed, and Nan Jingyou on the side was trying to hold back his laughter. It was the first time he saw his brother rushing forward like this.

"Brother Xiran, let's meet next time. If you need help, you can find me, or my brother." Nan Jingyou winked at his brother.

"Ah, yes, you must find me if you have anything. " Nan Jinghe quickly climbed up the pole.

The two had just exchanged contact information, and Jiang Xiran smiled and agreed, "Okay, Brother Nan, Xiaoyou, Mr. You, goodbye!"

After everyone walked away, Nan Jinghe reluctantly withdrew his gaze.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Nan Jingyou touched his brother's shoulder, "Brother, tell me the truth, what is your relationship with Brother Xiran?"

"Don't try to fool me." He stared at Nan Jinghe, as if he would not give up until he achieved his goal.

Although he guessed roughly, he still wanted to get the real answer from his brother.

Nan Jinghe didn't think about hiding anything. He put one hand in his pocket, looking very proud, "Youyou, she is the sister-in-law I chose for you, how about it, are you satisfied? "

Nan Jingyou was almost blinded by his brother's row of big white teeth. He snorted and laughed, "Brother, you should be more restrained. You look worthless. Why do you feel that you are not worthy of Brother Xi Ran?"

"What are you talking about, you little brat?" Nan Jinghe pretended to catch him, but unfortunately he quickly slipped behind You Che and hid.

For a while, the parking lot was full of Nan Jingyou's sly laughter.

Nan Jinghe rolled his eyes and didn't bother with his childish brother.

The sports car slowly drove away from the manor and disappeared in a short while.

At the same time, the carnival on the Internet officially began.

On W blog, Long Jin and Long Xing announced the list of cash winners at ten o'clock tonight, and announced that they would transfer the money to the winners within tomorrow.

While netizens were celebrating, many people began to dig up Nan Jingyou's background.

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