The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1030 The Mendo tribe and I are at odds with each other!

"It's too much. How dare you snatch people from me... and Heiyun? I can't bear it. Kill me!"

Zhao Hao was so confused that he didn't say what he really meant.

The Mendo tribe was trying to poach him and steal his meat. In this case, he did not yell, "I am incompatible with each other." This was considered to be a sign of strong self-control.

There are outsiders around, so of course you can't say that these are your own things, so you say you are 'stealing people from Heiyun'.

Anyway, in name, these 'heritages' were obtained by Heiyun Tuan, but in reality it was another story.

"Then what do we do?"

Heiyun asked. She knew very well that even though it was An Luosi who was leading the team, Zhao Hao also had a lot of power.

"Let the dragons and the God of Death stay outside later. The Pale Lord and I will lead the Valkyrie in. After receiving the signal, you will clean up the mess!"

Zhao Hao quickly gave the arrangements. He couldn't afford to waste time. If the technicians died due to the battle, he would tear the Mendo tribe alive.


Black Cloud began to command the Minotaur and the Black Cloud Group to block the outside of the dungeon to prevent anyone from escaping.

The Pale Knights remained outside with the dragons.

Do you understand?

Zhao Hao was preparing to go all out, so he only brought his own people.


He took the lead and rushed towards the dungeon entrance.

As a hero, he rushed to the front, which showed that he was anxious at this time.

There is no way, he is bound to get the technical talents inside.

The reason why there was no need to exchange contribution points before was because Lena didn't agree at all. In addition, it was impossible for him to collect enough contribution points, but it wasn't because he didn't care.

Now, if someone comes to snatch these technical talents who have long been regarded as meat on his plate, it is no wonder that he is angry.

In front of the dungeon, there were hundreds of dark elf warriors and a squadron of spider elves defending.

With such an important 'legacy', of course the Mendo tribe could not trust anyone else, so they were all their own direct troops.

You can tell from the equipment that these are the opponent's elites.

The equipment in the underground world used to be very weak.

But with the Undercity and the large number of captured dwarf blacksmiths, they were directly asked to change their clothes. This was one of the reasons why Elrollan endured it for so long, otherwise they would have fought long ago.

"Fire Sphere!"

Zhao Hao, who was rushing forward, was hit in the face with a long-range spell.


The dark elf shouted to remind the others.

They are not stupid, they have long noticed Zhao Hao and the others who are coming to kill them aggressively.

The core of the guard force is the spider elves of that squadron.

This kind of half-human, half-monster existence starting from the extraordinary level is extremely difficult on the battlefield.

Melee spider spear, long range spider web!

Both output and control are maxed out, and they can also use their own characteristics to move freely in complex terrain. They can be said to be the most brilliant troops in this bloody battle in the Undercity.

It's a pity that they met Zhao Hao and the others this time.


A lot of flames exploded.

The flame orb attracted the attention of the dark elves.

At this time.


Two figures flying almost close to the ground passed through the aftermath of the flames and entered the dark elves.

Feida and Freya!

As Zhao Hao's double-red stick and gold-medal thug, it was naturally impossible for him, the master, to rush to the front, so he struck first and attacked first.

The flames covered them, preventing the dark elves from focusing fire on them remotely.

Facing their attack, the dark elves couldn't withstand them at all. Speed ​​was their strong point. Coupled with the terrifying power that could compete with the ogres, they killed them easily.

Step, step!

A Valkyrie wearing a winged helmet, gold-red scale armor and combat boots, with a bird shield in her left hand and a war spear in her right hand, also came at high speed.

The bird shield is in front of the head, and other parts are protected by armor.

The point is poison!

The arrows of the dark elves are poisonous. Once they see blood, even the Valkyrie cannot withstand too much.

Of course, the damage will still be calculated, and as long as there is no blood, the toxicity will not occur.

The Valkyries are actually no slower than Freya and Feida, but there is a gap in resistance and strength, so they choose to slow down and let the two kill at the front.

However, Zhao Hao, who had rushed the fastest just now, ended up at the back, accompanying An Luosi.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Streams of white spider silk were entangled towards Feida and Freya.

As long as they can entangle them, they can control the two of them. When the time comes, they will be forced to kneel under the curse and poison, no matter how strong they are.

Dark elves are very experienced in how to surround and kill strong people. After all, in a place like the underground world, the most indispensable thing is powerful monsters or enemies.

Unfortunately, this time the goal is a bit special.


Feida activates flame enhancement.

The spider silk was instantly ignited when it touched the flame, completely losing any effect.


Flame's ability to restrain spider silk is comparable to how holy light restrains evil. It doesn't make sense at all.

Although Freya cannot be enhanced by fire, she can use dragon breath. The fang dagger in her hand ignites the dragon breath and swings it, instantly igniting the entangled spider silk.

At the same time, some curses were also thrown out by a dozen dark elves.

Due to racial characteristics, there are many spellcasters among dark elves.

Facing two people with high resistance, the curse is not ineffective, but at least it requires a high-level spell caster. These spells are not even mid-level, so how can they be effective.

Poof, poof!

One by one, dark elves fell under the Valkyrie's spear.

The quasi-epic Valkyrie, of course, killed the dark elf warriors indiscriminately.

Not to mention that they also have the restraint weapon ability of ‘Brilliant Flame’.

Do you really think that Zhao Hao's selection of combat troops was randomly selected? .

It is impossible for the dragons to enter the dungeon, because they want to destroy the building, but others do not take them because there is nothing more suitable for facing the dark elves than the Valkyrie.

Indiscriminate killing!

Even the spider elf couldn't withstand a few rounds when facing the Valkyrie.

Spider Spear is indeed very strong, but that's all.

Facing the battle spear that ignited the brilliant flames, he was killed within a few rounds.

Fortunately for the dark elves, although they are an evil race, the brilliant flames will not trigger additional damage.

But the spider elves are different!

These 'special creatures' are evil creatures.

Facing this kind of target, the most restrained thing is the Holy Light. In this aspect, the resistance of the Spider Elf is completely 'negative', not to mention that the additional Holy Light damage of Huang Yan will be increased to 500%.

The Valkyrie thrust a spear into the body of the spider elf, which was like igniting a gasoline barrel, instantly igniting golden flames in its body.

Soon, hundreds of dark elves and a squadron of spider elves were eliminated.

Among them, there are even more than a dozen aces and one champion, and their combat effectiveness is actually not weak.

But facing their own exceptional lineup, they were completely wiped out without even the slightest bubble coming out.

Of course, it's not without surprises.

The five Valkyries were killed by the spider elves and dark elves, and their skin turned green.


Anros used this spell.

Although the other Valkyrie Resurrection spells have not been used yet, the cooldown time is as high as one day, so it is best to let Anros use Reincarnation first.


In the beam of light, five corpses were placed together and the Valkyrie stood up again.

It is simply impossible for a Valkyrie with 50,000 health points to resurrect 5 units at once and be reincarnated without the blessing of the earth spirit ball.


This is Anlos, the legendary template spellcasting hero. Without the resurrection power blessed by the earth spirit ball, even the giant dragon cannot be resurrected temporarily.

But with the Earth Spirit Ball, the number of resurrections has skyrocketed to 610,000. It is no problem to revive a small group of Valkyries at once.

And the cooling time is only 6 minutes, while the normal cooling time is 60 minutes, and the magic value consumption is only 300 points, instead of the normal 3000 magic points.

It can only be said that the fourth-level treasure of the earth spirit ball can really transform the earth battle spells.

Of course, Heiyun couldn't let Anluos return empty-handed. He said that he would find a way to negotiate with the top management who had obtained the "legacy" of the battle skill, and get her one of the coveted battle skills.

All good things are in the hands of these aboriginal forces, how can we prevent Zhao Hao from attacking them? .

Because the opponent doesn't fall, there is no chance for the newcomer to come forward.

Now that the Undercity has fallen, players can take a big bite.

After getting rid of the guards at the entrance of the dungeon, Zhao Hao led his team into it without fear of danger.

Facts have also proved that it is not they who are in danger, but the Mendo tribe.

It only took less than two hours to completely annihilate the thousands of dark elf warriors inside.

The reason it takes so long is because the terrain is complex. If we focus on fighting, we can probably solve it in less than ten minutes.

Next, it’s time to count the loot.

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