The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1031 A terrifying talent harvest!

The spoils of war!

Naturally, it refers to the technical talents and slaves who are temporarily imprisoned.

It can only be said that luckily there is a traitor like Hei Yun Tuan.

If not, Zhao Hao would have to consider how to go to the underground world to ‘zero dollar shopping’.

Of course, the biggest reason why they can be swallowed is because these are also considered 'heritage'.

As a high-level executive in the Undercity, Heiyun Tuan shouldn't share some of the inheritance, right? .

The prison environment is extremely complex.

If it weren't for the intelligence help provided by local snakes, it would be impossible to find the loot.

"Let's go see those craftsmen first!"

Zhao Hao said something to Heiyun who came in to clean up the mess.

He valued craftsmen more than slaves with spellcasting talents.

Because that is the real ‘treasure’.

The thousands of dwarf blacksmiths snatched last time directly made a qualitative leap in the manufacturing of weapons and equipment in the Storm Territory. Not only did they no longer lose money, but they also began to make profits.

And weapons and equipment can not only be sold, but also used for one's own use.

Buying from other people is unreliable, and quantity and quality cannot be guaranteed, so self-sufficiency must be ensured in this regard.

The maze-like dungeon is dizzying and has a large number of traps and mechanisms.

All I can say is that having a mole is really great.

Zhao Hao looked shocked when he saw the imprisoned craftsmen.

"so much?"

The rows of prisons in front of them were crowded with dwarf blacksmiths, elf craftsmen, human craftsmen, etc., the number of which was at least over 10,000.

What is this concept?.

Among the eight principalities, there may only be this number of craftsmen from the Wolf Principality who are not famous for manufacturing.

And these people are at least formal craftsmen, no apprentices at all.

For example, in the previous underground invasion, most of the 1,597 dwarf blacksmiths Zhao Hao brought back were apprentices, but even apprentices had much better forging skills than the professional players trained by major forces.

Now among these people, there are thousands of dwarf blacksmiths, all of whom are formal blacksmiths, that is, blacksmiths who can independently make armor and weapons.

Normally, for every dozens of apprentices, it takes a lot of resources to train a formal blacksmith, which shows the value of these people.

And there are also expert blacksmiths and master blacksmiths among them.

A master blacksmith means that with enough materials and luck, you have the opportunity to create epic equipment.

Tsk tsk!

What is a wave of fat? .

That's it.

A formal blacksmith is a gold mine.

Thousands of gold mines now!

After taking such a bite, at least the Storm Territory is qualified to compete with several other major principalities except the Falcon Principality in terms of weapon manufacturing.

It just so happens that the ore transported back from the Golden Valley cannot be fully digested. With these dwarf blacksmiths, it may not be enough.

In addition to the most important dwarf blacksmith, there are also potion masters, brewers, pharmacists, tailors, bow makers... and other talents.

Anyway, after reading it, Zhao Hao’s smile never stopped.


This time it’s really happening! .

Before the action began, his bottom line was to obtain three thousand craftsmen, and apprentices could occupy half of them.

But now this harvest far exceeded his expectation.

The biggest contributor is naturally Heiyun!

If she hadn't proposed imprisoning people in the Undercity and found a way to protect them, it would be great if Zhao Hao could get a fraction of it in the end.

This 'surprise' alone made him feel sour about the other party conquering the Black Steel Tribe instantly dissipating.

“It’s amazing to work with Black Cloud Group!”

Zhao Hao directly stated that he was very satisfied with this 'surprise'.

This is also the reason why he likes to cooperate with smart people, because they really understand the win-win model of 'what comes and what goes'.

Of course, it is also because players in the heroic world are far from the involution stage, so they will not deliberately deceive others.

In addition to this reason, it is also because cheating people is not a problem in the heroic world, the problem is to bear the consequences.

There is no evidence here. If you dare to deceive people, you must be prepared to bear the consequences.

Why is the cooperation with Zhao Hao so smooth? .

In addition to win-win and integrity, what's more important is that he is strong enough and the Storm Leader is strong enough.

If he doesn't have the strength, you can see if others will cheat him.

"The Black Cloud Group will be the Storm Leader's best ally!"

Heiyun responded with a sigh of relief.

She understood how satisfying the surprise she had prepared was.

If it weren't for her lack of strength, she might even be tempted.

But there is no way. In the world of heroes, you can eat as much meat as you have strength. If you don't have strength and want to eat, you just have to wait to be torn apart.

If there really are so many craftsmen at hand, even if the players don't take action, the aboriginal forces will.

"After that, I'll ask you to take the people to the evacuation point!"

Zhao Hao warned.

The task of taking so many people away was naturally assigned to Heiyun Tuan.

Craftsmen have no fighting ability.

If you encounter a battle, it's over. Even if you kill people ten times, you won't be able to make up for the loss.

"No problem, as long as there are no problems with the Windspeakers Guild!"

Heiyun took over this task.

This is a test, how to take people away in a chaotic situation.

Fortunately, she had already made plans in this regard, and with the help of Minotaur, a powerful thug, it would not be a problem at all as long as she did not encounter the main force of Irollan.

At the same time, after taking people out of the city, there will be secret help from the Wind Whisperers Guild.

Although the other party did not join Irollan's attacking army.

However, as players in the barrier camp take the lead, they also get a lot of support, logistics, and transportation tasks. Covering from the side is not a problem at all.

Yes, you heard it right.

Fengyuhui, an ally of Zhao Hao, participated in the invasion of Ellolan.

He had even used his part-time job to attack the opponent several times before.

The reason is that everyone who understands it understands it completely, but it’s hard to explain it to those who don’t understand it.

It can only be said that fortunately it was his several attacks that prevented Feng Yuhui from being suspected.

In this way, there are Black Clouds on the Undercity side and the Whispering Society on the Elrollan side. Both sides are our own people. If you want to reap the benefits, don't be too easy.

After seeing the craftsman, Zhao Hao did nothing to appease people.

The most important thing now is not these, but finding a way to defeat the Irollan army.

This is the key!

Otherwise, it will be completely impossible to wait for the opponent to gain a firm foothold and use the power of players to drive the opponent out of the southwest region.

The army of players has actually been ready to attack.

But who could have imagined that Undercity couldn't stand it for even one round (one month) before it fell to its knees.

That's why they attacked in a hurry.


The attack route had been planned long ago, and the vanguard had even set off for the Undercity more than a day before.

Now, Zhao Hao is going to join the army.

Next, it was their turn to ‘not talk about martial ethics’.

"Remember that mission!"

Zhao Hao reminded Hei Yun in a low voice.

The other party also has an extremely important task.

Destroy the Undercity!

If the Irollan army defends the city, it will be a complete disaster for the players.

They do not have an overwhelming advantage in terms of strength, and as long as the opponent can hold them back, they can join forces with a steady stream of reinforcements.

Therefore, the Undercity must be destroyed!

As for how to destroy it? .

It would be impossible to change it to an outsider.

But never forget the identity of the black cloud group.

High-level people in the Undercity!

If Black Cloud proposed destroying the Undercity to take revenge on the Elrollan elves, it would be completely logical.

Other senior executives will never object.

Under the premise that Lena is here, it is useless even to obtain the consent of these high-level officials.

But after Lena is gone, if more than half of the top leaders of the territory agree, they can choose to 'destroy the territory'.

"Do not worry!"

Heiyun naturally understood the consequences of the Undercity falling into the hands of Ellolan, so after nodding, he quickly walked outside, preparing to take the leader of the Black Steel clan to find other senior officials to obtain authorization.

At this time, the elves are entangled in the chaotic situation and do not need to worry about not having enough time.


Zhao Hao glanced at the craftsmen who were beginning to move under the leadership of the Black Cloud players. Even if he was worried, he understood that the other side was more important, so he turned and left.

As for the Pale Knights and the two major heavenly groups, they can move freely.


Freya and Feida nodded and left with the Valkyrie behind Zhao Hao.

Anlos also consciously walked at the front of the team, showing that she was the 'leader' of the team.

When they left, although there was great chaos everywhere, no one dared to provoke them, allowing them to successfully leave the city and then fly in the direction of the army.

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