The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 907 A fourth-level treasure comparable to an artifact!


The first is Freya, who has restored the golden dragon's body, and a breath of dragon breath spurts out.

At this time, the body was torn to pieces. The earth element had no time to dodge, and was drowned by the flame dragon breath.

Change to normal state.

If Freya dared to breathe dragon breath at such a close range, she would have been slapped away.

If you dare to use your face to output now, you are bullying the earth element in a bad state.

The earth elemental, bathed in dragon's breath, raised its arms.

The opponent is not a body of flesh and blood, and the frontal hard-topped dragon's breath is not a problem at all. Although it will cause damage, it is definitely not fatal.

Dragon's Breath, which has always been successful, collapsed, and it seemed that the plan failed.

But it’s actually the beginning of a sure kill.

Just when the earth elemental arm was about to wave, a ball of white light appeared on the chest, and the dragon's breath stopped tacitly.

"Frost Nova!"

Anluosi's cold voice sounded.


The white ball of light exploded.


The cold wave spread, directly turning the earth element into a white frost giant.

The golden dragon transformed by Freya retreated at the same time as the ball of light exploded, leaving only the small figure in front of the earth element.


At this time, she stood alone in front of the earth element, and endless flames emerged out of thin air, and then gathered towards her right hand.

That's right, Zhao Hao is confident that he can deal with the earth element in one go, precisely because of Feida's epic ability.

Fireworks burn the city!

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to hit the enemy.

But this time the enemy is special.

With only half a body, there is no way to move, which gives room for this epic ability to be used.

Before, the earth element would have had a chance to resist.

But not to mention that his current state is extremely miserable, and he is also frozen by Frost Nova. I don't dare to say how long he will be frozen for, but it is not a problem at all to be frozen until Feida completes her ultimate move.

Brilliant and dangerous fireworks condensed in Feida's white and tender hands.

"Fireworks burn the city!"

She gently threw the gorgeous fireworks in her hand towards the frozen earth element in front of her.

She had been fishing in this battle just for this moment of explosion.

The fireworks drew an arc in the air and fell on the frozen earth element.

Boom! ! !

Endless flames spurted out, drowning everything around them.

The previous two fireworks burned the city.

Once to destroy the city wall, and once to open a way to escape.

Now is the first time it is used against powerful enemies.

The effect is explosive!

The earth element, which was still in a frozen state just now, was greeted by destructive flames before it could break free from the frozen state.

If it only broke out for a short period of time, the earth element might be able to withstand it.

However, the fireworks that burned the city had many shortcomings, but their power was of an exceptional level. The endless flames erupted, giving them no chance to survive.

If the earth element can move, it can actually leave.

But the problem was that he couldn't move, which meant he had to take full damage from the fireworks, so his body began to melt.

Anros flew back a few hundred meters away in ghost form, and came to stand beside Zhao Hao and Freya. She looked at the pillar of fire in the distance that almost dyed her field of vision red and sighed.

"It's so powerful!"

Fortunately, Feida was able to guide the power of the explosion a little. If she didn't restrain it, she might be roasted even standing here.

"With many shortcomings, the advantages are naturally greater!"

Zhao Hao gave comments.

Fireworks burn the city!

The advantages and disadvantages of this epic ability are very obvious.

But whether it can avoid the shortcomings and successfully bring out the advantages is a great test for users.

If it is a full earth element.

Let's not talk about whether a Frost Nova can control the opponent for a while. With the blessing of various magic abilities, it can definitely resist this extraordinary firework that burns the city.

However, the condition is extremely poor and the health value is suppressed.

The result is obvious!

Under this terrifying flame explosion, the earth element could not withstand it at all.

One minute later!

The flames slowly dissipated, and a shocking scene appeared in Zhao Hao's eyes.

The earth element completely disappeared.

Obviously, the opponent was beaten to death by the fireworks.

Feida, on the other hand, walked out of the melted yellow sand with a pillow-sized treasure box in her arms.

The high temperature had no effect on her at all.

Things like treasure chests are governed by rules and of course cannot be destroyed, so Zhao Hao went all out before and never thought about whether he would destroy the treasure chest.

At this time, it was time to harvest, but Zhao Hao took the treasure box handed over by Feida and said:

"Let's get out of here first!"

This is a ruin.

God knows if there will be any trouble after making such a big noise, and Silver Claw was spared before, so the longer it stays, the more dangerous it will be.

Please slip away first as a courtesy!

Holding the treasure box and leading the team away quickly, leaving behind only the battlefield that was still radiating high temperatures.

The ruins are huge and there are likely other goodies in them.

But Zhao Hao is not greedy.

Now that they are in a bad state, let alone coveting other gains, the most important thing to consider is their own safety.

If you really encounter a powerful enemy, you won't be able to cry at all.

The point is that the arrival of the Dark Arrow and Silver Claw indicates that there is a target, whether it is an earth spirit ball or something else.

As for the earth spirit ball, it's okay. If the target is something else in the ruins, it means there is still danger here, so naturally you have to leave quickly.

Leave the ruins along the same path.

Next, we have to find a way to bring the poisonous dragon to the battlefield.

Poison Dragon cannot ride on the teleportation array, and its large and conspicuous size makes it very troublesome when traveling.

Fortunately, it is a flying unit!

Otherwise, it would be extremely troublesome to take the other person on the road.

Of course, the Furious Dragon Guild will help provide supplies along the way.

The poisonous dragon is not a crystal dragon and does not need to replenish food.

When he arrived at the agreed supply location to rest, Zhao Hao, who exited the ultimate transformation state, finally had time to check out the loot.

He paid a lot for this fourth-level treasure.

The first was to destroy the Yis family and only get a treasure map.

Then the fighting strength in the ruins was greatly limited, and the earth element was still extremely powerful.

Strictly speaking, with his strength, he was not qualified to obtain the fourth-level treasure, but who allowed him to have the treasure map, which reduced the difficulty of obtaining it by more than one level.

Of course, there is also a preference for rules.

If you were an aborigine and wanted to get a fourth-level treasure, it wouldn't be surprising if the difficulty went up a few levels.


The lid of the treasure chest was lifted, revealing the contents.

An apple-sized khaki crystal ball.

A rich and mysterious light flows on it, and if you look closely, you will feel a sense of heaviness.

Of course, appearance is not important. The most important thing about a treasure is its attributes.

Zhao Hao reached out to touch it and selected the display mode to display the attributes in front of himself and several others.

Earth Spirit Ball [Level 4 Treasure]: After equipped, the effect of all earth battle spells is increased by five times, the spell range and spell duration are doubled, the cooling time is reduced by ten times, and the consumption is reduced by ten times.

Requirements: Hero


For heroes who take the spellcasting route, this fourth-level treasure can be evaluated in this way.

Although it is limited to only being effective against earth-based battle spells, it is indeed so powerful that it has no friends.


Zhao Hao threw the treasure to the opponent.

There is no way, the opponent is a spell-casting hero, so you can't equip it yourself, right? .

As for battle spells, you can think of a way.

Now that the battle with the demon army is still going on, there is no need to worry about running out of earth battle spells.


Anlos took over the earth spirit ball.

The next step is to rush back and participate in the general attack on the demon army.

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