The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 908 Level 4 Battle Spell: Reincarnation!

The return trip took quite some time.

Because Zhao Hao deliberately chose a remote route, planning to take the Storm Harbor → Golden Valley → Wolf Principality route.

The advantage of doing this is that it can avoid the eyes and ears of other people as much as possible, allowing the poisonous dragon to appear unexpectedly in the Storm Legion.

Of course, when passing by Gryphon Harbor, take the opportunity to learn about the refugee situation.

The number of refugees now going to the Storm Territory to 'work' has exceeded one million.

Yes, that number is indeed correct.

Because as the news spread, major chambers of commerce have joined the ranks.

After all, there is no danger, and the food consumed is paid for by the Storm Chamber of Commerce. It is completely profitable.

As for the Falcon Principality, since Mori, a senior official from the Ministry of Military Affairs, had greeted them in advance, they directly ignored them.

There is no way, even if the Falcon Principality wants to get rid of the refugee 'burden', it can't show it.

But in fact, they are happy to see the refugees taken away.

Otherwise, how would the price of 1 contribution point for each refugee be derived? .

Millions of refugees!

This number is extremely astonishing.

You know, the Storm Territory has been developing for a long time, and it was not easy to gather such a large population.

But now, in a short period of time, so many people have been obtained, and the population has been doubled.

And this is just the beginning!

The speed of relocating refugees will only get faster and faster, and the number of refugees harvested is guaranteed to be in the tens of millions.

For the Storm Territory, population is the potential for development.

At this stage, it is not a problem for the Storm Territory to absorb tens of millions of refugees. No matter how many more, it is not whether they can afford to support them, but whether they can digest them.

Hundreds of millions of gold coins!

For these one million refugees, so much gold coins alone were spent, not to mention other consumption expenditures.

It can only be said that the Storm Territory has paid a huge amount for these refugees.

But even so, the gold coins in the Storm Chamber of Commerce's account not only did not decrease, but actually increased.

Because compared to the expenditure, each time the goods brought by the fleet can be exchanged for a large amount of gold coins.

After reading this, Zhao Hao took Poison Dragon and continued to Falcon City.

Anluosi also came!

After all, there is a big battle coming next. How could our own legendary hero not bring courage?

This is also an opportunity to harvest experience points.

At the same time, Zhao Hao was preparing to redeem battle spells.

The earth spirit ball is in hand!

How stupid would it be to not redeem some earth battle spells? .

Therefore, when entering the Falcon Principality, the troops were divided into two groups.

Anros and the others took the Poison Dragon to join the Storm Legion, and he went to Falcon City to exchange for battle spells.

After flying for a short time, he saw the shadow of Falcon City in the distance.

The old rule is to land in a very far place.

Because this time I came to exchange for battle spells, and there was nothing else to do, so there was no need to enter the inner city.


When passing through the outer city, Lin Feng discovered something interesting.

Chambers of commerce set up relief points one after another, allowing a large number of refugees to barely survive.

But these were not available when Zhao Hao came last time.

Now that it appears, I can understand the reason even if I think about it with my feet.


These refugees are no longer a burden and encumbrance in the eyes of major chambers of commerce, but are attractive gold coins.

Do you now understand the contribution of the Storm Chamber of Commerce? .

Therefore, Zhao Hao felt confident in using the wool of the Falcon Principality.

As for the fact that the refugees he absorbed would become the foundation and strength of the Storm Territory, he completely subconsciously forgot about it.

Soon, he arrived near the barracks.


After clicking on the redemption interface, he happily looked at the numbers in the corner of the interface.

Contribution value: 7211200

Yes, the contribution value at this time is this number.

After all, a lot of demons were killed in the battle in Yis City, including one of the epic evil god kings. Add in the contribution value brought by the Legion's continuous elimination of demons, and the contribution value of more than seven million is not an exaggeration.

Without looking at anything else, he directly clicked on the battle spell interface.

The densely packed battle spells are dazzling.

In other words, the Falcon Principality has invested its wealth to have so many choices. It would be difficult to find a guarantee on your own.

The Falcon Principality’s rich heritage no longer needs any introduction.

After Zhao Hao selected all the earth battle spells, there were not many left.

The most precious among them are the only two fourth-level battle spells.

Name: Reincarnation (fourth-level earth battle spell)

Effect: Consume 3000 magic points to heal or resurrect troops of the same type with 30000 + (knowledge * 1000) health points.

Exchange contribution value: 5,000,000

quantity: 1

Another level 4 campaign spell is equally powerful.

Name: Meteor Shower (Level 4 Earth Battle Spell)

Effect: Consume 5000 magic points to summon meteors to cause damage to enemies in an area of ​​3000+ (knowledge*30) square meters.

Exchange contribution value: 5,000,000

quantity: 1

Although the exchange price of battle spells is far lower than that of treasures of the same level, it is not cheap either.

If it were an individual, it would be completely impossible to make so many contributions.

And Zhao Hao suspected that this was the only opportunity to easily obtain high-level battle spells.

Because I don’t know when it will be until the next time there is such a generous force like the Falcon Principality.

And the exchange price will increase over time. Now it only requires a contribution of 5 million, and next time it may be 10 million.

Zhao Hao exchanged the reincarnation first without even thinking about it.

That's right, this fourth-level spell that he often used to describe the powerful third-level spirit-gathering magic was now obtained by him.

Level 4 battle spell!

Although it is only one level higher than the third level, the effect of each higher level of battle spells is completely different. Do you now understand the value of the third level spirit gathering magic? .

The fourth-level battle spell of reincarnation is indeed much stronger than the magic of gathering spirits.

The amount of healing and resurrection has been greatly increased!

The key point is that the scope is limited to only military types, unlike the third-level spirit-gathering miraculous technique, which can only be effective on undead soldiers.

The only drawback is that the consumption is too exaggerated.

Without the Earth Spirit Ball, Zhao Hao would not have redeemed it at all.

Who can withstand a spell that consumes thousands of magic points? .

However, with the earth spirit ball, this battle spell can be directly turned into a 'strategic spell', and it is not an exaggeration to say that it can distort the battle situation in one go.

Of course, the learning threshold for fourth-level battle spells is extremely high. In Anros's situation, it will take some time to meet the learning requirements.

After exchanging reincarnation and rebirth, this extremely precious fourth-level spell, Zhao Hao also set his sights on two other battle spells.

Name: Body-protecting stone limbs (first-order earth battle spell)

Effect: Consumes 100 magic points, adds 1000+(Knowledge*100) unit arms, increases defense by 10 points, lasts for 30+(Knowledge) minutes.

Exchange contribution value: 500,000

Quantity: 120——

Name: Slowing Magic (Second-Level Earth Battle Spell)

Effect: Consumes 1000 magic points, reduces the movement speed of 3000+(Knowledge*100) unit units by 25%, and lasts for 30+(Knowledge) minutes.

Exchange contribution value: 1,500,000

Quantity: 16

These two battle spells were decisively exchanged by Zhao Hao for only one reason.

So practical!

As for other powerful earth battle spells, we can only wait until they have more contribution points.

In this way, most of the hard-earned contribution points will be cleared.

But Zhao Hao felt it was worth it.

Starting with three earth-based battle spells, Anluosi's strength will undergo a qualitative change.

No one can withstand the combination of earth spirit balls and earth battle spells.

In other words, reincarnation cannot be learned for the time being, otherwise it will be directly invincible.

After getting the battle skill book, Zhao Hao left without looking back.

Because there is no contribution value, it will be painful to continue watching.

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