The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 926 God-given weapons bring changes!

Less than half a day!

Zhao Hao flew back to Broken Star Islands.

After all, they are not a military unit. They can use teleportation formations, and with wild passages and the like, their speed is not slow.

The speed is slow, either in a large-scale march or in a state of war. The map transfer speed is not slow in normal times. If it is too slow, the player may be on the road most of the time.

He was discovered by the warning system built by Turing from a distance.

While he was above the port, he could faintly see the faint light from the fortress.

Metallic light!

A huge metal statue stands in the fortress.

The identity of the statue is also obvious.

God-given magic weapon!

The artifact that Zhao Hao had come over to place before.

This fifth-level artifact can only have the effect of additionally increasing the nest's output after it is placed.

Therefore, it is necessary to arrange it as soon as possible.

And Zhao Hao had no intention of landing at the port first, and flew directly towards the fortress.

Flying over the Storm Harbor, which had expanded several times, Zhao Hao saw endless wheat fields in his field of vision.

When the demon army secretly appeared in Diya, the Storm Leader made a plan to cultivate the wheat fields frantically.

Prepare to expand from hundreds of thousands of acres to three million acres.

It was also because of 'mechanized' planting that gave them the courage, otherwise it would be useless to do it manually.

This goal is now almost reached.

Nearly three million acres of wheat fields!

It is nothing to the major forces. The area of ​​any large grain-producing area far exceeds this number by dozens or hundreds of times.

But to talk about area without talking about output is to be a rogue.

The grain output of the Broken Star Cluster is several times that of other places. Coupled with the special 'Devil Brand' fertilizer, the maturity time only takes more than ten days.

In other places, most crops are harvested once a year, and the yield is extremely low, so a larger area needs to be exchanged for food quantity.

Therefore, there are not many wheat fields in the Storm Territory, but the grain output is not inferior to those of the grain-producing areas of major powers.

The point is that they consume less!

This allows most of the output to be sold or used for other purposes.

Don’t other forces know that refugees are wealth? .

No, they know.

But at this time when there is a general shortage of food, they don’t even have enough food themselves, so how can they get food to absorb the refugees.

This is also the reason why the major forces realized the truth about the "work" of the Storm Chamber of Commerce, but did not stop or use any manipulation at all.

Of course, it would be wrong to say that no manipulation was done.

There are spies from various major forces among the refugees.

But the Storm Leader is not afraid.

Anyway, the territory is completely sealed off, so even if the other party knows something, there is no chance to spread the information.

As for the spies with extraordinary powers? .

Sorry, refugees will go through numerous inspections before entering, and they will even be assisted by Turing's carefully refined props. If the other party can hide it, that's no problem.

It is precisely by relying on various means and food that the Storm Territory can quickly 'digest' these refugees.

There are many refugees working hard in the wheat fields, working hard under the leadership of a half-elf.

In Stormland, hard work pays off.

This alone is enough to make these refugees, who were previously in danger and could starve to death at any time, forget their previous identities.

Things like the inability to leave one's homeland and patriotism simply don't exist for these refugees who can't even write their names, so they can quickly adapt to their new identities.

Stormland citizens!

In the sky.

Looking at the orderly work, Zhao Hao felt relieved.

It would be fine if the number of refugees was small, but this time the number was so large that he was afraid of something unexpected happening.

We are not afraid of riots and the like, and can easily suppress them, but the damage and impact caused are troublesome.

After feeling reassured, he speeded up and landed at Storm Fortress.

Storm Fortress!

Compared with Storm Harbor, it seems extremely quiet.

Apart from the troops patrolling the city wall, there were no other figures.

Not only the fortress, but even the surrounding areas are prohibited from approaching.

All the former wooden houses, workshops, etc. were moved to Storm Harbor, completely restoring the place's identity as a 'war fortress'.

After entering the fortress, you can clearly see the mystery and extraordinaryness of this 100-meter-tall bronze statue with a metallic light all over it in the square in front of the Interior Hall.

Everyone can see that this is an extremely precious treasure.

God-given magic weapon!

Not only does this artifact need to be placed in the territory, but it also needs to be extremely conspicuous, for fear that others will not see that it is an artifact.

What's even worse is that there is no way to move it after placement.

Once the components are moved, they will scatter and disappear and need to be collected again.

There is simply no chance for anyone to regret it.

In other words.

Someone wants to snatch this artifact, but there is no chance to transfer it with it.

However, corresponding to its shortcomings, it has unparalleled effects.

The base production of the nest is increased by an additional ten times.

Remember Centaur Yield? .

Over 10,000 units!

And it’s this amount every week.

Even if this unit is a cannon fodder unit, the output is exaggerated enough.

With the God-given weapons, the output of the troops directly increased by more than ten times.

At this time, the Storm Territory's troop output may be comparable to some real 'principies (not the eight major principalities)', or even higher than the other party.

The production of other nests has also been greatly increased.

for example!

Previously, you could recruit 1 unit of Champion-level Golden Dragon every seven weeks.

Now that there are divine weapons, the number of units recruited each time becomes 16.

Tsk tsk!

No matter which lord saw this improvement, he would be so envious that he would be separated from his body.

For this reason, even if you have to bear the disadvantages of the God-given weapon being unable to move and being extremely conspicuous, you still have to accept it.

Of course, this time Zhao Hao came to the fortress not only to check whether there were any problems with the God-given weapons, but also to confirm the situation of Jiaoyan Volcano.

Although the demons brought by every volcanic eruption were eliminated by the Storm Territory immediately.

But after all, the other party is the biggest threat to the territory, and he does not dare to take it lightly.

Whether it is him or other heroes, they will go to Jiaoyan Volcano from time to time to exterminate demons, just to prevent the demons from gaining a chance to accumulate strength.

Zhao Haoke has never forgotten that his territory is being watched by the Abyss Lord.

In the past, when facing an abyss lord, one could only pray that the scale of the volcanic eruption would not be too exaggerated, so that the temporary hell passage would not be enough to allow the opponent to enter the main plane.

Now with the changes in strength, even if the opponent enters in full strength, they are not without the power to resist.

Of course, it would be best to wait for a while and wait for their strength to continue to grow. Then they might take the initiative to hunt each other.

An abyss lord is extremely fragrant, and both his body and his soul are a huge treasure.

Normally, the demon's soul will return to the abyss and be resurrected, but if it is arranged in advance, it is another matter.

The roles of hunter and prey are constantly changing.

The key point is that the more volcanic eruptions occur and the more intense they are, the faster the Broken Star Islands will expand, and various resource points and nests will be formed as they expand.

Therefore, Zhao Hao is extremely conflicted.

They are worried about the dangers caused by volcanic eruptions, but also long for the benefits of volcanic eruptions.

This time, he returned to the territory not only to make an appearance to appease people, but also to see the situation of Jiaoyan Volcano.

Both Memphela and Ellie were taken to the Golden Valley by him. Now the only hero in the territory is Tata Kai, a tool hero. Of course, he is not at ease.


After inspection, he found that the situation was not bad.

And he also saw Tata Kai on the ground who was leading his troops to eliminate demons. However, Zhao Hao did not land to say hello to him and flew directly back to Storm Harbor.

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