The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 927 Internal Affairs and Trouble!


At this time it has become a behemoth.

Logically speaking, with the backward productivity of the heroic world, it simply cannot support a city with a population of more than one million.

But backward productivity is just an appearance. This is a fantasy world with magic. As long as there is demand, productivity can also reach sky-high levels.

In terms of transportation, it’s just a basilisk that starts with a few hundred tons. Is this considered backward? .

The coolie puppets at the port are far more powerful than the machines in reality.

Coupled with the terrifying food production, no matter how large the population of Stormport is, it will not be a problem.

Management is even simpler.

Because the people in the territory don't have as many needs as people in reality.

As long as they have enough food, clothing, and shelter, it is already the best life they can imagine, and at least there will be no more needs in the short term.

I have to say that the citizens of the Hero World are really easy to take care of.

In the past, Zhao Hao would despise those forces that monopolized knowledge, but now that it was his turn to sit in the position of lord, he had to say something.

So delicious!

Except for selecting and training some potential people, the rest of the people in the territory continued as usual, and he had no plans to engage in universal education or anything like that.

Government Affairs Office!

In other words, the first floor of the Lord's Mansion was extremely lively at this time.

"Give me a report on the progress of ship construction!"

"When will the next fleet arrive?"

“There are not enough wooden houses anymore, why not build more!”

Various sounds intertwined, making the spacious hall as lively as a vegetable market.

As early as when the scholar Huo Qi was brought to the Storm Territory, Zhao Hao had intended to train internal affairs personnel.

Many of the people brought back from Griffin City can read and write themselves. Among those people, dozens were selected at the beginning, and now the number has exceeded a thousand.

Thousands of internal affairs personnel, each with an assistant, support the Storm Territory's management system.

That is to say, the Storm Lord is not as simple as other lords, so it needs so many internal staff. Otherwise, those lords with a population of more than 10 million would only need about a hundred internal staff.

Yes, the management of Hero World is like nothing else, it’s downright terrible.

This is naturally because the people are just weeds to them and do not need management at all, as long as they can provide tax revenue.

This is a worse world than anything else!

No matter how poor the internal affairs capabilities of the Storm Territory are, it is still a dimensionality reduction compared to the aborigines.

Seeing Zhao Hao coming in alone, no one stood up to greet him. Those who recognized him nodded slightly and went to work.

After all, it has been emphasized countless times before that the Storm Territory does not need these things.

Zhao Hao came to his exclusive seat and sat down.

Well, it is separated by several wooden boards and has a silent magic circle, which is considered a privilege for him as a lord.

Soon, the person he was waiting for arrived.

Boludo, former Black Stone!

Charlotte was busy with the Storm Chamber of Commerce, and Hodge was also busy in the Golden Valley. They were the only two on the island.

"Lord Lord!"*2

The two saluted.

"Well, I came back this time because I wanted to know if there have been any problems recently and how the situation is in all aspects!"

Zhao Hao has no habit of talking nonsense and goes directly to the topic.

Even though this is not the golden age when he has just entered the world of heroes, time is still precious to him.

As the time for world fusion approaches, he doesn't have much time to waste.

"Now the Storm Territory has absorbed more than 3 million people, and the absorption speed has reached the limit. If we want to reach the guaranteed population of 10 million, it may still take several months!"

"The problem is that the Naga Siren discovered that there are sea scouts targeting the fleet, and if they face an attack, they may not be able to protect the fleet!"

"The new refugees are easy to manage, and many have already integrated into the Storm Territory!"

"The number of wheat fields is now 2.2 million acres, and it will reach 3 million acres in just over a month. At that time, we will stop and carefully maintain and care for these wheat fields!"

Boludo and the former Black Stone reported one incident after another.

The first is the number of refugees admitted.

This is the most important!

Because for the Storm Territory, which takes the aboriginal route, population means everything.

Being able to absorb tens of millions of people in just a few months is extremely fast.

And all of this is inseparable from Zhao Hao's preparation and layout in advance, and now he is just reaping the fruits.

If the population exceeds 10 million, it is qualified to be called a ‘principal state’.

The principalities of the major powers all took a long time to appear.

But the Storm Territory seized on several wars and reached this point in one jump. It can be said that it was the result of the right time, the right location, the right people, and all the people.

The greatest advantage of the reborn is not strength, but the 'prophet' advantage.

This is why astrologers have a high status.

The number of wheat fields exceeds more than two million acres, so food is no longer a problem for them.

After all, the average per mu is 300 kilograms, which is 660,000 tons per round. Although the amount of flour ground will be reduced by a few percent, it is still an astonishing number.

And if it is half a month, the monthly output will exceed one million tons. Even if it is ground into flour, it will be about one million tons, which is a breakthrough.

Other fertile territories with millions of people only have tens of thousands of tons of flour reserves a year.

Now their monthly output exceeds the amount that the other party can sell in a year by dozens of times, which shows how terrifying it is.


It is the strongest weapon of the Storm Territory.

It is precisely because of food that they dare to absorb so many refugees.

And their food sources have been prepared for a long time.

That is acquisition from the sea!

Otherwise, if you dare to tell the truth, at this time when food is extremely scarce, ensure that all major forces join forces to 'check the water meter', then it will be useless no matter how strong the Storm is.

Of course, not everything went smoothly.

Sea Clan!

The other party was targeting them again.

Ever since the Storm Territory chose to absorb Naga, the two sides have been on opposite sides.

That's why the other party took the opportunity to attack the Storm Territory last time, but was repelled by them.

Now that the other party sees them relocating refugees, they will naturally be unable to sit still, because the other party does not want to see the Storm Territory grow, which means the power of the Naga Siren grows.

"Is that so...I know, I will solve this problem!"

Zhao Hao nodded slightly.

The Storm is indeed invincible in naval battles, provided it is against the Shanghai clan.

As long as the opponent shrinks into the sea, neither the Wind King Winged Dragon nor the Explosive Flying Dragon can do anything to defeat the opponent.

The Bomb Wyvern can indeed explode in water, but its power is greatly reduced, and it is even harder to lock on to a target. It is not suitable for naval battles.

Of course, you can still use the Explosive Flying Dragon as a 'mine'.

If they fight head-on, there is no need to worry about the Sea Clan.

The problem is that if the other party wants to destroy it, it will be in trouble.

There is more than just the Storm in the fleet. Except for the distant sea merchant ships that can withstand the attack of the Sea Tribe, other transport ships with larger numbers cannot withstand it.

If those transport ships are abandoned, safety will be guaranteed, but the migration efficiency will drop many times, which is something Zhao Hao absolutely cannot accept.

Therefore, he had to find a way to solve this problem.

The best way is naturally to improve the strength of Naga Siren and let the other party contain the Sea Tribe.

He already had a plan for this, but he had never had time to execute it before. Now it seems that he will complete it ahead of schedule.

And it doesn’t take much time.

After letting the two people leave first, Zhao Hao stood up and walked out of the Interior Hall.

Several people who were resting on the second floor also came down.

"Leave now?"

Anlos asked.

Zhao Hao had already mentioned this in advance when he went to find Sky Blade to trouble him next.

"No, let's solve another little problem first!"

Zhao Hao shook his head.

These few people didn't have any objections to this. Anyway, they just needed to execute the order. It didn't matter what the order was.

Next, several people flew towards the Dark Scale Tribe.

The other party lives in the Mist Reef, more than two hundred nautical miles northwest of the Broken Star Islands.

Due to the advance notice, when the golden dragon transformed by Zhao Hao arrived, Weini was already waiting on the rocks outside.


The golden dragon transformed by Zhao Hao landed on the reef, and he also saw Wei Ni, who was wearing a coral crown and her momentum changed drastically.

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