There was a faint sadness in her heart. Ouyang dusk snow unknowingly came to the crescent lake. She couldn't be more familiar with it, because in the past three years of Jiangzhou University, she didn't know how many times she came here, stayed quietly and looked at the sparkling lake. It seems that only the lake can completely calm her heart. Looking at the lake, she seems to see her brother Hao, who is thin, kind and stubborn to protect herself!

Waves of breeze blew by, which disturbed her hair, her thoughts and the sparkling lake. Ouyang dusk was a little unhappy. She didn't like to see the sparkling Lake broken. Just like these years, she didn't like some of her relatives. Because although they have a certain blood relationship with her, their attitude towards her is as ruthless as autumn wind and leaves. If they don't have their own backers, they are afraid that they will have a hard time these years.

At the moment, the four bodyguards responsible for protecting Ouyang muxue are in a far area. They stand in a position with some skills and vaguely surround Ouyang muxue. In this way, whoever wants to get close to Ouyang muxue must get their consent.

Looking at the messy lake, Ouyang's heart was also scattered, she whispered "Brother Hao, where are you and what are you doing these years? Do you have a wife and children? Do you remember a girl? In fact, I want to meet you in Jiangzhou university these years. However, sometimes I think it's best not to meet you, because once you get involved with me, it's really dangerous. However, I can't help missing you After all, they gave you their first kiss... "

Tonight's crescent lake is very quiet. Only the sounds of insects in the grass give people a feeling of quiet. The moonlight is also very good. Large tracts of bright moonlight fall down like white feathers, making people feel sacred and incomparable. Sitting on a jagged stone, the body is shrouded by a layer of moonlight. Now, Ouyang Twilight snow looked at him from a distance. He didn't seem to be a person, but a fairy, a fairy who came out of Guanghan palace.

Ouyang muxue doesn't know that her brother Hao is coming quickly, and she doesn't know that there are two people who have been waiting here for a moment to catch him!

Not far from Yueya Lake, there is a huge square, planted with a variety of ancient trees, many of which are still scarce varieties. Most of them are ancient trees with old skin like Qiulong, but give people a sense of vitality. Just under a crape myrtle tree, there is a figure hidden in it, quietly. It is master Zhang, Zhang Wuliang!

At the moment, Zhang Wuliang's expression is a little dignified. His body is sitting cross legged, while his eyes are green, giving people a sense of ghost fire. Not far away, there is a BMW parked on the car. Wang Zhichao, with a slightly strange expression, is staying on it, anxious and uneasy. I don't know why, Wang Zhichao feels very uncomfortable and unspeakable, He didn't dare to feel too much, because he knew that master Zhang's four phase devil was hidden in his body. Although he said to himself that he had no influence, Wang Zhichao also vaguely felt a kind of discomfort.

In fact, the most important reason why Master Zhang wants Wang Zhichao to carry the four phase Devils is that they can not be affected. Even if they bite back, they will not hurt themselves at all. Of course, in addition to this factor, there are three lights on the living people, so they are the body of pure Yang, and the ghosts are the body of pure Yin. They are temporarily hidden in the king Zhichao's body can perfectly cover his breath. Only when he attacks at close range can he really be foolproof. As for the impact of yin and Yang, Wang Zhichao will be hurt. He doesn't even think about it. Although he must complete each other's tasks according to the agreement, in his heart, Wang Zhichao is already a dead man!

Wearing a Bluetooth headset, Master Zhang whispered, "boy, there is no one around. This is a very rare opportunity. Go now. Remember, get as close to the four bodyguards as possible, and I'm here. I'm ready to use my means to let the four phase devils attack and kill the four people, okay?"

Things have developed to this point. Even if Wang Zhichao has a faint sense of regret in his heart, however, the four devils are on himself. He has to stick to it. Therefore, after pondering for a while, Wang Zhichao pushed open the door and came out.

In order to make his performance more natural, he took out a handful of flowers from the car and sincerely came to Ouyang dusk snow.

Seeing Wang Zhichao, the four bodyguards immediately relaxed and knew everything about him. However, seeing that he was still entangled like a mangy dog, their eyes all had a trace of disdain. Subconsciously, the four bodyguards stopped Wang Zhichao.

"Sorry, no one can get close to miss Ouyang unless you get her permission, and you don't!" it was very cold. A bodyguard directly intercepted and chased the guests.

Because they are too familiar with Wang Zhichao, the four of them have no high vigilance. They just refuse coldly and look like watching the excitement. Even if they are cold, in the final analysis, the four bodyguards are still human and have all their thoughts and needs.

With a smile on his face, Wang Zhichao hurriedly said, "four big brothers, help me. I really like dusk snow, so I want to talk to her again. Really, I have no other ideas, just want to say a few words to her."

The attitude was very sincere. Wang Zhichao also raised the bouquet in his hand, a look of trust.

Hearing his words, the four bodyguards were still unmoved and stubbornly shook their heads. One of them said, "where did you get so much nonsense? Get away quickly. Don't affect the mood of our young lady, otherwise you'll die!"

He made a vicious threat. In the eyes of the four bodyguards, Wang Zhichao, a little white faced, must be scared and pale and leave in fear. However, he did not. Although Wang Zhichao's face became very pale at this moment, his paleness was very frightening, because his energy and spirit seemed to fall to the bottom of the valley at this moment, In an instant, Wang Zhichao suddenly emitted four rays of light, unreal, cold, piercing and strange!

Too fast, everything is too fast. These four illusory lights are too fast for people to reflect. They are already very strange and rushed into the body of the four bodyguards in front of them.

Master Zhang, sitting cross legged under the crape myrtle ancient tree, trembled slightly. He pinched a strange handprint. His face was sometimes white and sometimes ruddy. He was controlling the strange four phase devil to make the most ferocious attack.

The four devils are one of Master Zhang's biggest Maces. They are not happy after a hundred attempts. For example, at this moment, they rushed into the four bodyguards in an instant, which changed their look in a moment. They hurried and calmed down one by one, trying to force the devils out.

"Whew, whew, whew..."

Everything was too fast and too strange. Three of the four people suddenly had dull eyes and turned into walking corpses. There was only one tall man. He was the captain of the four people. His means were much better than the other three and barely resisted. However, his body was shaking and shaky.

Seeing that everything was going well, Master Zhang took a long breath, but to his displeasure, a bodyguard blocked his four phase devil. In this way, there were only three of the four flesh bodies he had planned. To refine the armored ghost corpse first, you must use the body whose soul is controlled, and the bodyguard captain seems to have a particularly tough character. It is difficult for the four devils to break through in a moment and a half.

What should I do?

The idea flashed in Master Zhang's mind. Soon, he made a decision to give up this precious body!

Kill him!

Without hesitation, Master Zhang issued an order to the four devils in a strange way. The strange fog that was breaking through the captain's soul suddenly shocked and integrated into his limbs and bones. Suddenly, he gave a sad cry and stopped in a moment. His face was pale and his body was extremely cold. He died on the spot.

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