In fact, the captain of the bodyguard is very powerful. He is already a real expert in the early stage of dark strength. Moreover, he has experienced many life and death battles. The main reason why he capsized in the gutter this time is that the master's means are too sinister and vicious to take advantage of people's unprepared.

"Ah! What's going on?"

The scream was very short and stopped quickly, but it still startled the sitting Ouyang dusxue. She turned her head and looked at the scene in front of her in surprise. The four bodyguards sent by her grandfather had always been loyal. However, at the moment, three of them had strange faces and sent out a cold smell, and ran towards herself quickly, while the remaining one died on the spot, It's very sad.

What is this? How could this happen suddenly?

Ouyang muxue doesn't know the situation, but one thing she knows very well is that there is danger and she must run away quickly! Unfortunately, she is just a weak woman. In the blink of an eye, she has been approached by the three bodyguards and is in danger!


Just after sending out two words, Ouyang muxue was caught and knocked unconscious. Then, he was carried by two bodyguards in black and ran quickly towards Wang Zhichao's BMW.

"This..... This..... This......"

Looking at this scene in front of him, Wang Zhichao felt at a loss. He really didn't know what to do. Everything in front of him was beyond his imagination. Most importantly, a bodyguard died and died in front of him. The master was only remotely controlled from a distance, but he was on the scene!

"Fortunately, there is no camera nearby, so we must leave quickly!" the idea flashed in his heart, and Wang Zhichao hurriedly ran towards the BMW.

Their speed is very fast. In a moment, Wang Zhichao has driven the car, carrying three bodyguards in black and the comatose Ouyang dusxue out of the school. As for the master Zhang, his body flickers like a ghost, shuttling through the darkness and concealment, avoiding anyone and cameras. Finally, he successfully left Jiangzhou University and climbed over the wall.

Fear, fear, uneasiness, stimulation, tension

Driving the BMW, Wang Zhichao's heart is very complex, and all kinds of emotions are intertwined.

"What should I do? In case I leak out, killing people is a great crime! No, no, no one can see me and no evidence. No one can help me!"

"The bodyguard is dead. It's a big trouble now. It seems that it's unrealistic to think of Ouyang muxue as a forbidden place. When I try something fresh tonight, I should solve her as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble! Alas, I knew it would be so, I might as well not do it. Now it's too late to regret!"

Wang Zhichao regrets very much. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

"Boy, where are you going to take them? Now that we've traded, I'll do a good job, go with you, and then control these three bodyguards to guard outside your door, and then you can play at ease."

Soon, Master Zhang's voice came out of the Bluetooth headset, as always. When he heard the speech, Wang Zhichao pondered for a moment and responded, "senior, I have a house in ruyijiayuan community on Wall Street, which is very hidden. Moreover, I know that there are some places where cameras have not been installed, so I can go there!"

"Well, as you wish..."

After a simple exchange, Wang Zhichao and master Zhang both headed for Wall Street.

At the same time, near Yueya Lake, Cui Hao was running fast at the moment. He heard a quick scream, and then heard the word help. He was very anxious. Naturally, he was very worried, because Ouyang dusk might have an accident, and what Cui Hao could do was to rush over quickly.

With all his strength, Cui Hao Ran like the wind. A moment later, he arrived at the crescent lake and glanced around. Immediately, Cui Hao found a target. On the grass, a man in black died there, emitting a terrible smell of forest cold. On the ground, there were some traces. It seemed that there had been some scuffles and struggles here before.

At the moment of seeing the man in black, Cui Hao reacted. This man is one of Ouyang muxue's four bodyguards. How did he die here?

Shocked and anxious, Cui Hao suddenly felt that the cold on the man in black was familiar. It seemed that when he was fighting with Zhang daoxuan to catch ghosts, the other party showed the same cold on the evil ghost!

Surprised, Cui Hao hurriedly showed his perspective eyes and observed carefully, trying to find some clues in this person.

The perspective eye opened and the golden light shone out. He was surprised to find that the man in black was not dead. His heart was still beating very slowly. The whole person seemed to be in a dying state.

"Use the taboo technique to force out his potential!"

After discovering this situation, Cui Hao continued to urge the perspective eyes, and invisible golden lights burst out, all integrated into the person's body, which accelerated his heart beat a lot. At the same time, in order to make him wake up quickly, Cui Hao took out his silver needle, brushed the book, and accurately stabbed into some acupoints on the person. The mechanism of his whole body is already dead. Even if he can revive with perspective eyes, he can survive for a moment at most. What Cui Hao needs to do is to completely stimulate his potential, so that he can survive longer after waking up, so as not to die again immediately after waking up.

"Uh, uh..."

A moment later, the man in black made a sound, and the whole man woke up from the dead state. He opened his eyes in great pain. Although he woke up, he still felt the rapid dissipation of vitality, and the time he could survive was very limited. In the moment of waking up, he recklessly pressed his waist. There was a small decoration on the belt around his waist. In fact, it was a switch button. As long as it was pressed, a wireless signal would be sent immediately. Only the man in black knew the meaning of this signal.

Seeing the man in black wake up, Cui Hao was very excited and hurriedly asked, "what's the matter with dusk snow? Have you been attacked? Tell me quickly and I'll rescue him! Come on! Time is really running out!"

After pressing the switch button, the man in black breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still very worried. Even if he died, he should try his best to complete the tasks assigned to him by the old leader. Otherwise, he would not be willing to die. Who is this man in front of him? Is he really credible?

Looking at Cui Hao in doubt, the man in black can feel Cui Hao's strength and anxiety. Although he doesn't know Cui Hao's origin and so on, he trusts Cui Hao very much.

Without him, Ouyang muxue has mysteriously disappeared at the moment. If Cui Hao has any wrong ideas about her, there is no need to appear at all. Thinking of this, the man in black suddenly thought of a possibility. Perhaps the old chief felt that his four people were not enough to protect the young lady, so he arranged such a person secretly?

As soon as the idea appeared, the eyes of the man in black suddenly lit up and felt the rapid loss of life breath. He had only seven or eight breaths left. He even felt that the shadow of death had fallen down.

"So, this is the smell of death coming! It's not bad..."

Thinking like this in my heart, the man in black has a smile on his face, which is a smile that really looks back at death. At the last moment of his life, he no longer hesitated, endured the sharp pain all over and pointed to his chest "There is a small tracker hidden in my personal ornament. It is connected with my three brothers and miss Mu Xue. They also have the same thing. You can track it by inserting it into the computer. Be quick! The enemy is terrible. We don't know what's going on!"

"Uh, uh..."

After quickly saying these words, the man in Black got up in pain. Immediately, he trembled violently, fell down with a puff, and died, completely dead.

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