Cui Hao was in a good mood because he saw a happy smile on the little girl's face, held his young brother and left with 800000 chips. He grew up in an orphanage, so he can understand children's psychology better than most people. They are young and their mind is not perfect. What they care about most is family affection and relatives. Sometimes they even go to extremes pessimistically. Therefore, Cui Hao is very happy to help these children in urgent need. After the little girl walked away, Cui Hao motioned his followers to cut the five pieces of shit.

Of course, as a result, he already knew that there were rules in the gambling stone mall. The purchased gambling stones were either taken away directly or cut in place. It was meaningless to take away the five useless waste stones by himself. He chose to cut them directly. After seeing that the five pieces of dog shit are waste rocks that can no longer be waste, Wang Meili's face is slightly red, and many people quietly watching this scene have different expressions, some mocking and laughing, and some appreciate it very much. Cui Hao has some common sense of gambling stones when he can buy raw stones here. However, he still spent a lot of money on these five pieces of shit, which shows that he is a kind-hearted man.

Leaving this small booth, Cui Hao continued to stroll in front of other gambling stone stalls. Since his strength soared, the power of the mysterious bead in his body has also increased a lot. The most important thing is that it can release the golden light of the perspective eye for a long time, which enables Cui Hao to maintain the perspective eye state for a long time and speed up the viewing of the original stone on the booth.

In front of a gambling stone booth, there are more than a dozen pieces of raw stone materials. They all choose the pure raw stone method, and the price is between one million and five million, which specifically shows that the real Yangon Laokeng jade. As one of the five old pits in Myanmar, Cui Hao, the famous name of Yangon, knows that he pays attention to these materials. One, one, one... He has seen 11 in a row, and only one contains a jade with good quality and sufficient water head. However, this material is priced at 3 million, but he has no profit. Cui Hao was a little disappointed. He came to the stall owner's old pit in Yangon. Unexpectedly, there was no good goods.

Cui Hao was not happy, but he continued to watch the rest of the original stone material. In vain, a dark, round gambling stone material appeared in front of him. It was about watermelon laughing. His perspective eyes had just penetrated into it for ten centimeters, and immediately found a whole piece of pure and incomparable Imperial green jade! I'm afraid there will be more than ten kilograms for such a big man. The price is two million yuan.

"Good thing! What a good thing! Such a big and pure top-grade imperial green jade, don't say two million. It's not a problem to drive out and buy one hundred million!" his excited eyes lit up and Cui Hao cheered in his heart.

Soon, he restrained his mood and pretended to continue watching at will. Except for this piece of good jade, the whole stall was not easy to get. After reading it, Cui Hao casually pointed to the dark and round gambling stone material and said, "boss, I want this piece!"

When a customer came to the door, the stall owner was naturally happy. He was a middle-aged man. He looked very smart and nodded hurriedly. Then he began the transaction.

A moment later, this piece of jade, which contains more than ten kilograms of pure and incomparably best Imperial Green, has been included in Cui Hao's bag. He was very satisfied. Unexpectedly, he found such good goods in the gambling stone market. Just this one, he didn't want to do this.

Although there are a large number of people in the gambling stone mall, these buyers are not buying blindly. They are rational. Many people even take out flashlights and magnifying glasses to observe the surface of some gambling stones little by little. They want to judge some materials through texture and so on. Cui Hao is the favorite for all gambling wool, because he has perspective eyes and can completely see what is inside, while ordinary gambling experts don't like this kind of material most, because the gambling stone is too difficult, there is no window, and they can't see the internal texture and texture. They judge it all by its shape. The accuracy is really not high.

Walking on the stalls, Cui Hao judged the material very quickly, because when the perspective eye was golden, he could quickly pry into the internal situation. To Cui Hao's dismay, good things are not so easy to meet. Cui Hao hasn't found any good things for half an hour since he met the best imperial green jade. Fortunately, this depression was soon cleared by a piece of all gambling wool, because Cui Hao found a good thing again in this piece of wool, a palm sized ice spinach green jade.

If it's just spinach green, it's naturally ordinary. However, with the word ice, its value immediately jumps up like a rocket. The price of this piece of all bet material was 870000. Without hesitation, Cui Hao bought this piece of material.

"Wow! What a big stone! Look at this stone, Mr. Cui!"

Several people strolled around at random. Wang Meili shouted in vain, as if she had found a new world. Cui Hao followed his reputation and saw a booth not far away. There was a real big Mac material with a full weight of five or six hundred pounds. It was like a rockery. It was a piece of all gambling wool with potholes on the surface, Like air dried old skin, it really doesn't stand out at first glance, but its surface has a faint texture. Seeing this texture, many people will be shocked, because this texture is a special texture recorded in gambling stones, which can often produce good things!

A bit of curiosity came into his heart. Cui Hao walked and soon came to this big Mac wool. Such a huge piece of wool, let alone the original stone, is also a good gimmick. At the moment, more than a dozen jewelers are shining on its surface with spotlights, as if they want to find clues from it. However, they were disappointed because this thick layer of weathered old skin almost covered all the clues and could not see anything substantive at all.

"What kind of wool is this? Shit, you dare to bid 10 million. Can you sell it so expensive if it's big? Is it because the stall owner is crazy about money and brought his own rockery?"

"It's impossible. Look at some of the textures it shows. It's the easiest texture to produce good things among gambling stones. It should be good things unearthed in Laokeng!"

"Ten million, isn't it too expensive?"

"I bet there must be jadeite in this raw stone material, and it may be a super big jadeite!"

"Just pull it. Since you are so confident, why don't you buy it?"

In front of the booth, a group of people talked with each other. Many people were just watching the excitement, because this piece of raw stone material like a rockery was really eye-catching. Of course, many people were really interested in it and were thinking about it.

Standing in front of this big Mac, Cui Hao opened his perspective eyes and immediately penetrated into it. The vast expanse of white was still a vast expanse of white. He spent a long time looking at the whole raw stone material. There was nothing at all, and he was slightly disappointed.

"Liu Shao, let's look closer so that we can see clearly!"

"No, hum, I saw an acquaintance here, Cui Hao! Although I hate this person very much, Sabi is one, but his gambling skills are extremely good. He has been watching in front of that Big Mac wool and seems to see the way. If he is sure it is a good thing, we can win love with a knife. Of course, the most important thing is that we can get a good harvest The important thing is that Ben Shao can also take a bad breath. "

Cui Hao stood in front of the Big Mac and found that there was no jade in it. He was about to leave, but he heard a slight comment. Now he is powerful, hearing and seeing. Although the voice is very slight, he still hears it.

With a smile, Cui Hao knew that he had met an old acquaintance, Liu Feng, the crown prince of the imperial capital!

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