Cui Hao didn't expect to meet acquaintances in Myanmar, but it's normal for him to think about it. Liu Feng is not only a princeling party in the imperial capital, but also a guy who has a lot of research on gambling stones. How could he miss such a big event as the Myanmar public market? Although there were many contradictions between Liu Feng and Cui Hao when they were in Jiangzhou, it was not a great hatred of life and death, which could be resolved. Later, because of Yang Dian, Liu Feng's elders also talked to Cui Hao on the phone, saying that the two sides would shake hands and make peace. This article was also turned over. However, I didn't expect that Liu Feng was still holding a grudge with dirty words in his mouth, which made Cui Hao intolerable.

Cui Hao remained silent. He continued to listen carefully. He wanted to hear what Liu Feng would say without disappointing him. Liu Feng obviously still hated Cui Hao and whispered an explanation to a companion nearby. During this period, whenever the word Cui Hao appeared, he would pay special attention to a noun, Sabi!

Angry! Angry!

Originally, Cui Hao could listen calmly. Gradually, his eyebrows wrinkled and his anger rose. Liu Feng was really a narrow-minded person. Some of his contradictions with him were entirely due to his aggressiveness. Unexpectedly, he completely changed a version in his mouth. Well, no matter how you talk nonsense, but one by one, what does that mean? Today's Cui Hao is no longer the loser Cui Hao. He has seen some big storms, and his status has changed greatly. Naturally, he is not afraid of Liu Feng. Therefore, he thought about it and decided to give a good shade to each other.

Cui Hao looked at the Big Mac with a happy look on his face. Then he looked at it carefully. Finally, he was very excited and nodded to Wang Meili, "come on! This piece of wool, 10 million, I want it! Tell the stall owner quickly!"

Among the crowd not far away, Liu Feng and a young man kept watching his every move. Seeing Cui Hao excited and ready to buy the Big Mac, Liu Feng smiled coldly, and his face showed an expression of "I knew you would do it, it must be a good thing". Naturally, he would not let Cui Hao do it. There was still a distance between him, and immediately shouted loudly, This is a gambling stone, I want it!

While shouting, Liu Feng took the young man to the booth quickly. He continued in stiff Burmese Language, "this piece, I want it!"

Seeing the big customers, the stall owner was naturally very excited and nodded hurriedly. At the same time, Cui Hao also quickly stepped forward and said, "wait, this gambling stone is what I value. I'm going to buy it. You can't sell it to him!"

While saying this, Cui Hao also deliberately showed a flustered and angry expression on his face. That gesture is fully qualified to compete for the Hollywood golden man.

Seeing Cui Hao's look like this, Liu Feng was so happy that he pretended to be angry and said, "what do you mean, this is something I value, and I took the lead in bidding, so it is destined to belong to me!"

Cui Hao secretly scolded you shabby in his heart, but he became more and more angry on the surface. He pointed to Liu Feng and said, "Liu Feng, are you shameless? I was just going to buy it, and you came to compete for it? Hum! Others are afraid of you, Liu Feng, and I Cui Hao is not afraid of you now! Stall owner, I ask to compete with him formally for this wool!"

Which of the imperial crown prince party didn't want face and was scolded by Cui Hao. Liu Feng immediately got angry and said coldly "Cui Hao, you are a local steamed stuffed bun. You are paralyzed. You dare to rob things valued by labor and capital. It's kind of cowardly! Indeed, you have big legs now. Don't be afraid of me, but I Liu Feng is not afraid of you. Stall owner, I bid for this wool first, so you must sell it to me!"

The owner of this big Mac is a Burmese man with a beard on his face. He looked at the quarrel in front of him. Instead of being angry, he was very excited. He even said and drew, "two distinguished guests, since you both value my wool, you can bid. Whoever has a high price is destined for it!"

For such a response, Cui Hao secretly called out to unscrupulous merchants in his heart. However, he was very satisfied. He wanted to be more cheerful by pitching Liu Feng more. Hearing this, Liu Feng was a little unhappy and said, "you wool price 10 million. I am willing to buy it and take the lead in bidding. Why not sell it directly to me?"

For his dissatisfaction, the stall owner directly chose to ignore him. As a Burmese, he doesn't care about the imperial crown prince party. The most important thing is the white money. Originally, many people gathered in front of the stall, most of them were attracted by the size of this big Mac wool. Unexpectedly, they were excited to see a debate. Watching the excitement is regardless of the country Yes, wherever it is.

Almost all the foreigners present were foreigners. Of course, there were also some Chinese people. Many onlookers talked and focused on Cui Hao and Liu Feng. What's more, some good people shouted "who wins the auction, cut this big mac on the spot!"

He was very angry, but Liu Feng finally agreed to the request. He had a feeling that the things in this big Mac would be very big and not simple. Otherwise, Cui Hao wouldn't look like this.

"I'll give 20 million!" Cui Hao said, gnashing his teeth.

"I offered 25 million!" frowned Liu Feng.

"Thirty million!" Cui Hao shouted angrily.

"35 million!" Liu Feng responded with a smile.

"Fifty million!" Cui Hao said painfully.

Fifty million, these three words, even Liu Feng, the imperial crown prince party, was stunned. Unexpectedly, Cui Hao had such great confidence that he was determined to win this big Mac. This time when he came to Myanmar, he prepared a total of 60 million chips. Unexpectedly, Cui Hao opened his mouth and it was 50 million. However, the more so, Liu Feng recognized that this big Mac was a rare good thing, and strengthened his belief in seizing.

So he finally thought about it and shouted, "60 million, I'll pay 60 million!"

Liu Feng was a little nervous when he shouted out $60 million, because it was already all his chips. If Cui Hao continued to increase the price, he would have to give in. But fortunately, it seemed that he was frightened by the $60 million. Cui Hao was stunned and thought again and again. Then he sighed and looked very sorry. Finally, he looked at Liu Feng angrily and said, "Liu Feng, you're cruel. We'll see!"

After releasing such a cruel word, Cui Hao stopped talking. At the moment, the onlookers around him were shocked and didn't know what to say. The price of this big Mac is 10 million, but in front of them, the two even bid for 60 million in a moment. 60 million, which is six times the original price. Can these two people see that there are great things hidden in this big Mac? What could it be?

At this moment, the onlookers were very curious. They had a faint feeling that the things in this big Mac were amazing!

Of course, the most excited person at the scene was the bearded stall owner. At the moment, he had already grinned excitedly. Ten million things were priced to 60 million by two people. He really made a lot of money this time!

At this moment, Liu Feng somehow felt a bad feeling in his heart. Although Cui Hao seems to have missed good things, why is his uneasiness so strong?

Things have come to this point, and it is naturally impossible for him to go back on his word. So he gritted his teeth and gave his 60 million chips to the stall owner to get this big Mac.

"Untie it! Untie it!"

Seeing that Liu Feng bought the Big Mac, many good people began to shout, and Liu Feng was very upset. He didn't choose to solve the stone here, but waved his hand and said, "this good thing, I want to untie it slowly by myself. I'm sorry, everyone!"

Seeing Liu Feng's posture, many onlookers sighed and dispersed helplessly.

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