"Woo woo..."

The ferocious big man's feet are extremely cruel. When he kicks out, he even has a faint wind. It is obvious that he will practice boxing and kicking at ordinary times. If his foot really kicks the swaddling child on the ground, he will be seriously injured even if he is not kicked to death, and even pass out directly. If so, we can imagine the outcome of welcoming the poor baby. The six-year-old boy who saw the man kick out with a ferocious kick and was severely trampled by another man sent out a sob, tears flowing from the corners of his eyes, sad and desperate! He wants to shout loudly, but what's the use? He can't save his brother at all. Instead, he will make the terrible man in front of him cut off his own one. Although the boy is only six years old, he lives in Myanmar, a country with turbulent current situation. He is extraordinarily precocious and sensible, exceeding the maturity of children of ordinary age.

The boy was sad and frightened in his heart, and he was extremely afraid. He didn't dare to shout. He could only sob out a miserable sob. At the same time, he was also praying silently in his heart. He hoped that God could come to an angel to eliminate all these sins in front of him and save his dear brother. Although the boy prayed like this, his fear and fear became stronger and stronger. Therefore, when the fierce man was about to kick his brother, he closed his eyes sadly. He didn't want to see the picture of his brother being kicked to death. He felt deep despair and sadness, and a kind of helpless chagrin.


Sure enough, just a moment after the six-year-old boy closed his eyes, a very dull voice came out. It was so dull, as if the broken bag had been hit. The next moment, his brother should make his last scream, but to the surprise of the six-year-old boy, the next moment, he didn't hear the scream of the baby, instead, It was the big man who made a howl of pain. It was hysterical and painful.

The little boy was saved. Naturally, it was not God who felt the little boy's wish and came to the angel. Cui Hao took the shot. At the critical moment, he quickly climbed over the wall, stretched out his hand like lightning, and hit the big man's calf impartially. With the dull sound, the big man's leg bone clicked, making a sound of fine and incomparable bone fracture. It turned out that at this moment, Cui Hao broke his whole right leg from below the knee with one palm, comminuted fracture!

"Ah ah ah ah..."

Tears of pain ran down his face, and the ferocious man howled hysterically, but he could no longer bear the attack of such pain. His body crashed to the ground and rolled up in great pain. At the moment of falling, the ferocious man saw a man at the door with a beautiful face and deep eyes. At the moment, he glared and seemed very angry. Seeing this man, he felt a chill from the bottom of his heart. It seemed that this man had terrible and unimaginable power and could easily kill himself!

It was Cui Hao who appeared at the door. He smashed the ferocious man's leg with one palm, but he still didn't feel angry. He kicked out like him!

”Wow, ha, SA Gulu“

Such a sudden scene naturally startled the other four big men in the room. They all shouted all kinds of bird language. One of them was extremely angry and picked up a beer bottle. It seemed that he was going to open a ladle for Cui Hao like a street gangster. Cui Hao was not moved at all and still kicked out with one foot.


Cui Hao kicked the ferocious man who rolled and howled on the ground. The whole man was kicked out, and his spine cracked. His whole life was finished. Like a human flesh weapon, the man who threw out heavily smashed the other three men at the table. It was so fast and urgent that people couldn't avoid it.

With a dull sound, two of the big men couldn't escape and were knocked over directly. They screamed one by one, which looked very sad. As for the other, who could avoid, he was also pale and hurried to the big man sitting with the golden saber and followed him with a little brother's posture.

When such an accident happened, the big man who had just sat with a golden dagger couldn't sit still. With a strange cry of anger, he suddenly stood up. Peng stretched out his hand and grabbed the little boy who had just trampled under his feet. He croaked and shouted. He stretched out his hand and took out the dagger at his waist with fierce light in his eyes.

Cui Hao doesn't understand his words, but he knows what he wants to do by looking at his posture. If he is an ordinary person, even if he has time to stay close to his body, it will be very difficult to face such a situation. However, Cui Hao is not an ordinary person. His perspective eye has more than the function of perspective.

Ignoring the man who threatened the boy with a dagger, Cui Hao bent down and held the baby in his arms. He found that the little boy's breath was weak, but his life should be fine. So he urged the perspective eye to release a perspective golden light in his body, which made his physical condition improve rapidly. At the same time, he raised his head and looked at him The two men were extremely vigilant and stared at themselves. Although their skills were not too high, these men were all fighting roles all day. They still had some eyes. At a glance, they saw that Cui Hao was terrible and they could not deal with it at all. Therefore, they adopted the strategy of coercion.

Cui Hao opened the hypnotic function of his perspective eyes with a strange charm. The perspective golden light vibrated at a special and incomparable fluctuation frequency. Soon, it turned into an invisible ripple, spread and radiated towards the two big men.

If Cui Hao didn't absorb the power in the spirit stone, his hypnosis function can only target some ordinary people. It's difficult for people with firm will to hypnotize, but his soul power is much stronger than before. He integrated into the golden light of perspective eyes, which immediately increased the hypnosis effect by several times, Ordinary Mingjin masters may not be able to carry it. As for the two big men in front of them, they are not enough to see. Almost at the moment of being affected, they tremble all over, and their eyes suddenly stagnate. It seems that they have lost themselves and become walking corpses.

"Hypnosis function is really easy to use! It seems that with the surge of my soul power, other functions of perspective eye should also be improved a lot..." Cui Hao was secretly happy when he felt this change.

Paralyzed on the ground, at the moment, two of the three men who were badly hit by Cui Hao fainted, and the remaining one was still struggling. He was so scared that he couldn't understand why they seemed to lose their souls at this moment?

"Get off! Climb over!"

With a cold mouth, Cui Hao's eyes were cold.

Under the hypnosis function of Cui Hao's perspective eyes, the two men were obedient. They actually knelt down and slowly climbed over. Their attitude was very pious, as if a loyal dog had seen their master.

With a smile, Cui Hao was naturally very satisfied with this situation. At present, he cast a perspective eye hypnotic wave to the other frightened man. Soon, the other party was hypnotized.

After completing all this, Cui Hao thought for a while. Then he took out his mobile phone, dialed Wang Meili and said, "everything is done. Come here!"

Soon, Wang Meili and Maggie came. Seeing the scene in the room, Wang Meili was stunned. What's the situation?

Masuki hurriedly helped her brother up. Then she looked at the child in Cui Hao's arms and made sure that the other party was safe. Then she took a long breath and thanked Cui Hao.

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