Seeing the scene in the room, Rao was either Wang Meili prepared or startled. On the ground, two big men, covered in flesh and blood and looking miserable, lay on the ground and fainted, while the remaining three, two people were not injured. At the moment, they were crawling on the ground like loyal dogs, kneeling at Cui Hao's feet with a pious attitude, while the other big man was badly hurt in his upper waist, Struggling hard, but also keeping a kneeling posture towards Cui Hao.

If Cui Hao only recovered these people by powerful force and made them kneel at their feet, Wang Meili can understand this situation. However, the scene in front of her obviously exceeded her imagination. How can her boss do this? If Wang Meili was curious about Cui Hao in the past, at the moment, his curiosity suddenly expanded countless times.

At the moment, Ma Suu Kyi took her brother from Cui Hao's hand, took the other six-year-old boy, knelt down in front of Cui Hao, thanked him repeatedly, and said to Wang Meili in Burmese "Distinguished guests, thank you for saving my two brothers. I am willing to be your servant and repay you! However, I am worried that Zuma regiment will retaliate, and my parents, who are now in the hospital, also need big people to protect us!"

Wang Meili can understand the worry about Ma Suu Kyi. First of all, although Cui Hao is powerful, the strong dragon doesn't pressure the local snake. He can't protect the family all the time. He must have the shelter of a strong local snake. After thinking about it, Wang Meili translated Ma Suu Kyi's words again. Looking at the little girl, Cui Hao nodded and appreciated his courage and courage Wisdom. Ma Suu Kyi is right. Although she is powerful, she is a foreigner in Myanmar and has no influence at all. She has successfully rescued her two brothers. In that case, she will simply help others to the end.

After understanding this, Cui Hao took out his Kunsang business card, handed it to Wang Meili and said, "I don't understand Burmese. Call Kunsang and say it's my request to let him protect the family in my face. As for helping them take revenge, let's forget it. When is it time to take revenge?"

Hearing the speech, Wang Meili nodded with a smile and joked, "Mr. Cui, I thought you were the kind of person who hates evil as hatred. I didn't expect you to say when it's time to repay each other. I'm ready to accompany you to the Zuma group."

His eyes were faint, and he seemed to think of something. For a moment, Cui Hao shook his head "Alas, who can tell how many villains there are in this world? I will naturally try my best when I encounter injustice. However, I am not a savior, nor do I have so much energy to take care of these evil underworld societies. In the final analysis, the country is unstable, the situation is turbulent, and the people are struggling. Naturally, many people begin to do evil. This situation is not something I can change Yes. If I have the ability to change the pattern of the world in the future, maybe I will do it according to my ideas. Now I'm still too young! "

Unexpectedly, Cui Hao would say so. Wang Meili thought about the meaning of his words and couldn't help but say something "How is it possible that one person's power can change the world pattern? Even Li Chaoren, China's richest man, has only a few hundred billion dollars, which is not enough to change the overall situation. Your idea is too big. However, your ability to think like this shows your wisdom. I admire it very much!"

He didn't explain it too much, because if Cui Hao hadn't met Wang Kun, the four divine beasts, and known the terrible existence of Skynet, he would never believe that a person's power is enough to change the world pattern. However, Skynet told him a truth. When a person becomes a director of Skynet, everything can be changed. At that time, his identity and status, that is Even the leaders of some big countries have to curry favor! And this is a goal and hope in Cui Hao's heart.

Cui Hao didn't want to go to Zuma regiment to eradicate this cancer, but as long as the situation in Myanmar is still volatile, such forces will spring up again even if they are eradicated, which is of little use. Therefore, after thinking about it, he decided to leave it to Kunsang to deal with the next things. He didn't come to Myanmar as a messenger of justice this time. He's the way It's good to see injustice. He really wants to eliminate the injustice of heaven and earth. Now he doesn't have such ability and qualification. He should learn to act according to his ability.

Wang Meili quickly dialed the number on her business card and started a conversation in Burmese. About three minutes later, she hung up "Mr. Cui, I have told you everything here in detail. General Kunsang is very angry. He said he would arrange someone to deal with it. Zuma regiment will return the 300000 soon. Ma Suu Kyi and her family will not have any trouble again. Don't worry."

Cui Hao is not surprised to get such a result. He is not just a friend of old Harlan. His move in the gambling stone mall has probably attracted the attention of this general Kunsang. For his real gambling stone master, he naturally wants to curry favor with him.

Looking at the two men who knelt respectfully in front of him, Cui Hao knew that his hypnotic effect had not disappeared, so he pointed to the two men lying on the ground and the man who was seriously injured and knelt down, and gave orders. Originally, the two men were Burmese and didn't know any Chinese, but after being hypnotized by Cui Hao, they seemed to feel his mind and understand it all at once Come here and nod hurriedly.

Seeing that the two men began to carry the fainted man out of the room on his back, Wang Meili was also surprised. Her boss was really magical. How did he do this?

Hearing Wang Meili's words, Maggie was very happy. With the promise of general Kunsang, their family really turned the corner this time. Of course, she knew that what she really should thank was not general Kunsang, but the magical man in front of her. He not only had great power, but also knew the powerful general Kunsang.

So, Ma Suu Kyi knelt down with her brother to Cui Hao again and kowtowed again and again.

Cui Hao is not used to children kowtow to him and hurriedly stop him. At this time, he clearly heard the gurgling voice in Maggie's stomach and couldn't help laughing. He gently said to Wang Meili, "this matter is over. Let's go to dinner. Anyway, the public auction is still very early."

"OK, Mr. Cui's treat. I'm going to kill the fat sheep?" Wang Meili gave a charming look at the happy response.

Seeing each other's eyes like this, Cui Hao felt a chill in his heart. He was not a fool. It was obvious that he liked himself. Therefore, he hurriedly pretended to be deaf and dumb and coughed twice. Then he touched his nose and said with a smile, "it's good to say, but I'm a fat sheep. I'm afraid you can't kill much at one time. Ha ha ha... Call them, three poor children."

When Wang Meili said this idea in Burmese, Ma Suu Kyi blushed shyly. However, her stomach was frustrated, and the shouting became more and more fierce. Wang Meili giggled, and the strong woman rarely showed her little daughter's posture.

Masuki's brother seemed very angry. He spit hard at the man who had just trampled on him and beat him with a stick. Cui Hao didn't stop him. He ordered the man not to resist. The little boy let it out for a while. Then Cui Hao drove away from the alley with three children, Wang Meili, and went to eat.

Obviously, Ma Suu Kyi had never been to any particularly high-end restaurant. Under her guidance, Cui Hao finally parked her car at the door of a large stall. The smell of barbecue made Ma Suu Kyi swallow her saliva. Her brother was no better. She was already hungry.

Cui Hao was very kind. He ordered a lot of meat, barbecue and so on. He also ordered a fruit salad for Wang Meili. When the food was brought up, Maggie and her brother ate and drank it. It was very sweet.

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