Cui Hao was very pleased and happy to see masuki's sister and brother eating and drinking, while Wang Meili had been paying silent attention to him. At the moment, she couldn't help saying "Mr. Cui, you seem to love your children very much. Does this have anything to do with your growing up status in the orphanage? Don't be angry. The whole fraternity investment holding group knows about your origin. Moreover, many aspiring young people still regard you as their idol. You rarely go to the company. You can feel it next time. Although Wang Changsheng, CEO He is also very attractive and talented, but he ranks second in the company. You are the first. "

Because I have been in contact with Cui Hao for a long time, and I can feel that he is a kind person. Wang Meili teases. Cui Hao smiles, but she has some emotion in her heart. A year ago, she was still a poor loser who others didn't want to see more. Now, she has become the envy of everyone. The diamond king in the hearts of thousands of girls. Even the sea Rui, his former friend, has become a young and rich career because of his appreciation.

After thinking about it, Cui Hao smiled and replied, "this should be the reason. I was an orphan since I was a child, so I know more about a child's mood than ordinary people, and I can't see the child suffering. Therefore, I won't hesitate to help Maggie."

The two chatted casually. Cui Hao knew for the first time that Wang Meili was a returnee with a double doctoral degree. He didn't expect that the strong woman had such a high degree of education. Suddenly, he was ashamed. In terms of learning, he was a scum. If compared with Wang Meili, he was a loser in the college entrance examination. He was afraid that he didn't deserve to mention shoes to others.

"Hmm? The six people near the tree over there are Chinese?"

Wang Meili Wutong have good ears and eyes, and he hears the six people talking at a table near the plane of a phoenix tree. Perhaps it is because the surrounding areas are all Burmese. The conversation between the six Chinese people is very unique, though very low. But Cui Hao is very good at hearing, even if there is no Cui Hao. Deliberately or listen clearly.

"Brother Biao, Wang Shao is a little too cruel. That foot almost broke my intestines. I still hurt to death now. Shit, we are his confidants. How can we do this?"

"Pony, don't talk nonsense. Let's just complain between our six brothers. Don't dare to spread this to Wang Shao's ears, otherwise we'll all be overwhelmed! Besides, Wang Shao may have given us six people and one person 200000 this time. It's worth so much money!"

"Yes, brother Ma, although we were badly beaten this time, Wang Shao did us a lot in order to win the love of Aung San Jiamei and save the beauty, but it was also very good. This performance is 200000, which is enough for our brothers to spend some time in China! We are arranged to do dark lines for Wang Shao in Myanmar on weekdays. We are not allowed to follow him at all I returned to China. This time I had the opportunity to go back. I was very happy. I didn't get kicked, but I was slapped ten times in the face, and my cheeks were swollen. Alas, it hurts me! "

"What are you? I was beaten by Wang Shaobao for at least a minute and almost vomited blood. Fortunately, he doesn't know kung fu. Otherwise, I will be killed. This 200000 is really hard to earn. Shit, I want to be a rich second generation and a big dandy in my next life! No, not only the rich second generation, but also the prince party like Wang Shao. It feels really cool!"

"You may not know that. This time we help Wang Shao hero save the United States. He can prepare some other means, such as powerful pure medicine and Aung San Jiamei's little skin. This time, he can't escape from Wang Shao's palm! As long as Wang Shao can win Aung San Jiamei, he will be the master of China jadeite alliance Well, we'll follow him. Naturally, there are many advantages. "

"Che, even if he is the master of the family, he just regards our brother as his dog! But a dog also has the advantages of a dog. I heard a news that there are several people besides us to cooperate in this action, but those people are not treated like us. They are all chopped up and fed to the dog. After all, there are many people with different mouths. That's why Don't let us go back to China immediately for two months. "

"What? What a cruel heart! Brothers, put your ears together and I'll tell you a more powerful news! It's said that... Wang Shao recently ordered his people to prepare, and paid money to contact the black duck mercenaries for help. In addition, chadosh's army took cover in order to have a black eating operation in Myanmar. As for the target of black eating, I I don't know. I just know it's an upstart in China. It's said that there is also a title of the king of gambling stones. Hum, offending Wang Shao, even if he has the title of the king of gambling stones again, he will only make wedding clothes for others. Won't all the benefits be eaten? "

"It's not something we should discuss, yingzi. Don't talk about it any more. You guys, too, must shut up immediately. Brothers, eat and drink enough. Let's go and play with some little sisters and return to China tomorrow! Hahaha... We haven't been back to China for four or five years at the most. I miss heaven and earth very much!"

"Brother Biao, when you say so, my heart is itching. Eat quickly. After eating, we'll have fun. I'll play double non this time, ha ha..."

Six men with tattoos and a bad social attitude are talking and laughing. Their voice is not high. In addition, this is Myanmar. They talk in Chinese and think they are safe, but they don't know. This quiet speech happened to be heard by Cui Hao, and the upstart and the guy named king of gambling stone in their mouth naturally refers to Cui Hao. Just after hearing their conversation, Cui Hao didn't care much. However, after the words "angshan Jiamei" appeared in their words, he immediately began to be vigilant and listen carefully. When he completely listened to the words of the six people, Cui Hao was already angry and about to jump up. He was very angry.

People don't hurt tigers. Tigers eat people's hearts. I didn't expect that Wang Shao was so hateful. He was a typical smiling tiger. He just talked with angshan Jiamei. He admitted that he had never offended him. Unexpectedly, he had to deal with himself.

Angry! Completely angry!

Cui Hao's face was a little embarrassed. He took a deep breath and soon eased his mood. He said to Wang Meili, "are you full? Take their brothers and sisters home. Don't worry about me. I'll take a ride back. I have a little thing to deal with. Don't worry about me. It's just a small thing."

I don't know what Cui Hao is going to do, but he is the boss. Wang Meili thought about it and nodded, "well, Mr. Cui, pay attention to your safety. Myanmar is not peaceful. I'll take them away!"

At that moment, Wang Meili spoke to the sister and brother of masuki in Burmese. They thanked Cui Hao again. Then they got on the bus and were taken away by Wang Meili.

Seeing Wang Meili and others leave, Cui Hao, who is alone, smiles. He is alone and easy to move! So he walked towards the six people and thought about their words in his heart.

"Hmm? Who is this man?"

Cui Hao came straight to the table of the six without covering up. Naturally, it soon attracted the attention of the six people. Therefore, they all focused their eyes. Cui Hao timely urged the golden light of his perspective eyes, accompanied by an invisible ripple. Soon, the six people fainted after shaking slightly, Cui Hao completely controlled it.

"Check out and get out of here."

In a low voice, Cui Hao issued the first order. The six men did it in a dull way. Then they left the stall and walked towards a hidden corner.

After all, there are many people in the stall. Cui Hao is worried about what will happen and gets the six people to a hiding place. If he is a master of Chinese martial arts and has a firm will, it is difficult for Cui Hao to control, and even if he controls it, it will consume his mind and spirit, and it is difficult to last. However, for these six people, it is nothing. They can control them easily.

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