My heart trembled when I heard Edward's words. Although Vivian's surface was still cold like a century old glacier, she began to hesitate in her heart. After all, the person in front of her was his own brother, who had loved her brother for many years! Although both father and Nicholas family died because of his brother, we can't blame him completely. All this is a conspiracy of the Holy Church. My brother has a stronger pride than ordinary high-level blood families. Of course, in addition to these, Vivian guessed that perhaps it was because her original ancestral blood and the advanced speed against the sky stimulated her brother. As the young master of the Nicholas family, he felt ashamed.

Staring at Edward, Vivian didn't speak at last. She still had a grudge in her heart and refused to forgive her brother like this.

Seeing Vivian's expression, Edward smiled bitterly. At the moment, it was definitely too late for him to have thousands of regrets in his heart. What could he do? Everything had already become a foregone conclusion.


At this time, Vivian suddenly coughed violently. There seemed to be thousands of huge waves rolling in her chest. She couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. Her pale face was almost transparent, and the beautiful Daimei was wrinkled, which seemed to give people a feeling of great heartache.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

This mouthful of blood was spit out, and a big hole was burned out of the high-grade wooden floor in an instant. It turned out that the blood was not pure blood, but a kind of red. On it, there were two white lights as thin as hair, which were very beautiful and gave people a warm feeling.

This mouthful of blood spewed out, Vivian looked solemn, sat in a hurry, her jade hands moved, and suddenly burst out bright red lights. These lights Soon converged and turned into a dazzling blood light. As soon as this blood light appeared, a trembling feeling from the origin of blood vessels appeared, and Edward couldn't help lowering his head, Because of a kind of level suppression contained in this blood, he didn't dare to do anything at all.

The blood family has a strict hierarchy. The more powerful the blood, the more room for growth. Vivian, as the original species of blood, is a rare and extremely existing in the whole blood family. Even if it also contains noble high-level blood, Edward must lower his noble head in front of her.

Vivian's palm twinkled with that dazzling light, slowly patted it into her body, trembling with pain, as if she was suffering from inhuman suffering. At the moment, in its heart, there is a blood colored crystal nucleus in the state of diamond crystal, which is beating slowly and spitting out weak blood gas. Above it, there is a fist sized milky light, which is extremely bright and warm. However, this white light is no less toxic to Vivian, which makes her body in a very painful danger of being burned to death. Fortunately, she urged the precious blood gas in her body again. The dazzling blood light had extraordinary power and fought with this white light. Although she was weak, she should be able to compete with one or two in a short time.

Seeing his sister in such a situation, Edward did not hesitate to stretch out his hands, and a real and illusory bloody book appeared on the palm of his hand. As soon as this book appears, it seems that there is a sea of blood around it. Everything is invisible, but it is so real, and it emits a surging and worshipping atmosphere.


Without hesitation, Edward controlled this bloody book and made it appear on Vivian's head for a moment, sending out a wave of blood into her body. With such a wave of foreign aid, Vivian's state immediately eased a lot, and her frown was slightly stretched.

A moment later, Edward trembled and had no power to control this bloody book. He took it back powerlessly and began to sit and practice. His practice is different from human's general breathing, and absorbs the essence of heaven and earth. Instead, he shows an eccentric posture. In vivo, the rhombus blood crystal is beating, and the blood flow of one strand of blood turns to the whole body. Of course, while Edward was practicing, Vivian was also practicing. At the moment, her pale face finally had a trace of blood color. It seemed that the white light in her body was finally suppressed temporarily.

About an hour later, Vivian opened her eyes first. There was a touch of peace in her eyes, but the cold feeling of stillness disappeared a lot.

It seemed that he sensed something. Soon, Edward also opened his eyes. This hour of practice made him recover a lot. He asked in a hurry and concern "Vivian, my dear sister, how do you feel now? Are you better? How much light is left in your body? Alas, my strength is so poor that I can't even solidify the book of blood, and my assistance to you is limited."

Very calm, Vivian thought "Run away quickly. The Holy Light rioted again. I'm afraid the cardinal of the holy church is not far away. Although my father destroyed the three holy lights in my body for me, the holy light from Archbishop Gandalf is particularly stubborn. There are still some left. I want to get rid of it. I need to use the source blood for at least a month to slowly consume it. Unfortunately, not to mention a month, I'm afraid Gandalf won't give it to me in three days. He should have rushed here by now. There is a holy light in my body like a foot of a tarsal bone. I can't escape. Run away by yourself. "

Hearing this, Edward was in a hurry and hurriedly said "No! I won't run away! Sister, you are the only one who has the chance to revitalize our blood family, and my blood is afraid to become a grand duke, and the prince is impossible to achieve! As long as you have enough time, the prince is sure and even expected to stabilize the blood ancestor. You are the only hope to truly awaken the blood of the king of blood. Even if you die, I will Guard your integrity! The book of blood, by the way, I can forcibly break my connection with the book of blood and let you control it! "

At this point, Edward actually started to take action to break his connection with the book of blood. However, his action was soon stopped by Vivian, who waved her hand and said in a very indifferent tone "Don't! The book of blood is already connected with your blood core. If you forcibly break your connection with it, it will do you too much harm and may even die. Moreover, even if I get the book of blood, it will take at least a week to refine. Do you think Gandalf will give me a week? He will find me in three days, and in my current state, I will die!"

Obviously, it's the end of death, but Vivian's understatement seems to be talking about something insignificant. However, there is a deep reluctance in the depths of her eyes! She is proud. As a rare native species of the blood family, her blood returns to her ancestors. As long as she has enough time, she will certainly become the prince of the blood family in the future It's not impossible to exist and even win the title of blood ancestor. Do you die like this?

The blood clan is divided into levels according to its strength, including Viscount, Baron, marquis, count, Duke, grand duke, Prince and blood ancestor. The prince is equivalent to half a step of the divine power level among mankind. As for the blood ancestor, he is a strong person comparable to the divine power level. Such potential can indeed be called the hope of blood ancestor ZTE.

Hearing Vivian's words, Edward's face suddenly turned pale and embarrassed.

A moment later, he seemed to think of something suddenly, jumped up suddenly, and hurried to say, regardless of whether his manners were elegant and noble "Vivian, I almost forgot that we still have hope and hope! After you fell asleep, I took you to the black witch in Luxembourg. Her father was very kind to her. After paying blood praise, she spent her life on a dark divination for you. The conclusion is that you have a glimmer of life in Myanmar, and the picture she saw is taken by the Myanmar public So I took you to Myanmar. On the way, I first had a dirty oil tycoon. With his financial resources and power, I directly entered the auction. Guess what I saw? "

The heart was not reconciled. Hearing Edward's words, Vivian also brightened her eyes and couldn't help asking "what do you see?"

There was no betrayal, Edward said excitedly "I saw an original stone! This is not the key. The most important thing is that my blood spirit felt that there are precious things in that stone. This kind of thing is very important to our blood family. It should be something comparable to the source of blood in my father's mouth. Although I don't know what it is, as long as there is this kind of thing in the original stone, you are welcome After absorption and refining, it should be able to recover immediately and remove the holy light. At that time, even Gandalf won't want to find us! "

Her eyes were shining. Vivian was breathing a little fast. She hurriedly asked, "what about the original stone? Did you buy it? Where is it now? Open it quickly!"

Hearing Vivian's words, Edward had a rare embarrassment on his face. He said shyly, "that original stone... Was auctioned away by a damn guy. Henry's waste just bought 1.5 billion chips. Therefore, the situation was like this at that time. Many guns were facing me, and I didn't dare to reveal my blood family identity, so..."

Dai Mei wrinkled slightly. Vivian was disappointed and thought, "who is the man who bought the original stone? We must get the original stone. It is our only hope!"

Edward was very excited when he heard us in Vivian's words. He knew that even if the sister didn't forgive herself, she had almost forgiven herself in her heart. After thinking about it, he opened his mouth "I gave orders to that waste Henry an hour ago. Now, there should be definite news. Vivian, you should stay in the house and recover. I'll grab that original stone!"

Nodding, Vivian said, "well, pay attention to your own safety."

With an elegant smile, Edward said proudly, "don't worry, our blood race has unparalleled speed and strong body. In addition, we have a strange way of attack. It's nothing to say about a small human!"

With these words, Edward nodded to Vivian and left quickly.

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