After Edward left the room, Vivian went to the huge crystal French window alone, opened the curtains, and the white moonlight shone in. She looked at the night view outside the bedroom. Because of its geographical location, this villa overlooks a famous gilded Pagoda in Myanmar. She looked at it alone for a long time, and then she sighed and murmured "Father, father, your lifelong wish is to lead the blood family to reproduce the glory of the past. Therefore, you give up the opportunity to enter the ancient blood pool and always lead the Nicholas family to compete with the hateful holy religion. Unfortunately, you finally lost! However, you will not really fail, because your blood is still flowing on your daughter, and I swear in the name of the noble original species of the blood family , in this life, we must destroy the holy religion and lead the declining blood clan to reproduce the glory of the past! "

With such a whisper, Vivian closed the curtains, and the whole bedroom fell into darkness again. Vaguely, you can see red and gorgeous lights looming, vaguely forming a human shape.

When Vivian fell into cultivation again, Edward had come to the living room of the luxury villa, and Henry, an oil tycoon who had become his most devout servant after his first embrace, was kneeling down on the ground respectfully, with great solemnity and respect.

Anxious, Edward couldn't care to keep the elegance that the blood family cared about most. He quickly asked, "what's the matter, but have you collected the news of that hateful human? And, is there any way to lure it out?"

Respectfully kowtow, then Henry said piously, "great master, I have found what you ordered. Here is the information of this man. In addition, I spent a lot of money and finally found a way to lure the guy named Cui Hao out!"

As he spoke, Henry respectfully handed Edward a thick file bag and gracefully took it over. Edward looked at it carefully. His face was incredible. Finally, at a glance, he quickly remembered all the information and knew it in his chest. There was no practical action of Edward. Peng's voice made the file suddenly violent Burning up, it turned into a flame in an instant, turned it into pieces of fly ash, and completely disappeared.

Staring at Henry discontentedly, Edward scolded, "bastard, how many of the things you buy are of practical value. What's his strength evaluation? What's the important force behind him? Tell me what it is? If you can't say one, two, three or four, I certainly can't go around you today! Say it quickly!..."

Edward is not to blame for getting angry, because there is nothing particularly important in the thick dozen files Henry gave him. In fact, it is no wonder that Henry, Cui Hao's identity has been valued by the four divine beasts. Where is it so easy to get detailed information? It's good to have these. Of course, at the beginning, Cui Hao's identity was not available There is no exact protection, so the previous information about him is relatively detailed.

Edward was angry, and Henry crawled on the ground, silent and stammering "Master, calm down, master. This is the most detailed information I bought from the black market. There is a shadow of a big Chinese figure behind this man, so all the information about him is top secret and easy to get. However, I bought a message at a high price. He was very fond of a little girl in Myanmar and saved her personally. I arranged it immediately You can kidnap the little girl at any time and force Cui Hao to come to save people! "

Hearing Henry's words, Edward's anger melted on his handsome face, narrowed his eyes, and waved after a moment "Well, just do as you say, and arrange it for me immediately. I'll catch the damned Cui Hao alive at the little girl's house. After I give him the first hug, he will be my next loyal servant! Well, although I only had a rough feeling at the beginning, Cui Hao is not simple, so I must be careful... Go, Henry!"

"Yes, great master!" with a long breath, Henry crawled out of the living room.

Cui Hao is in a good mood at the moment. On the last night of the public auction house, he not only got a raw stone, which contains three precious spiritual stones, but also got an unparalleled human shaped snow jade jade jade, which can carve a huge Guanyin sitting lotus. In addition, he also got several raw stones, each of which is at least high ice level, but also one It is a glass emerald the size of an egg, and its value is at least more than one billion.

There were as many as 1000 items in the whole public auction house. Cui Hao sold his chips several times, and there was no need to participate in the next auction. In a good mood, he simply left the auction and returned to his residence.

Three billion yuan was consumed, of which 1.6 billion yuan was used to buy the original stone containing the spirit stone, and the rest was used to buy more than 300 original stones. According to Cui Hao's estimation, if this batch of raw stones were cut, they could be worth at least 50 billion yuan! Of course, if they were properly marketed and combined with the exquisite master level jade carving technology, their value would be more valuable He was very satisfied with the harvest of so many precious raw stones, which almost included most of the millions of raw stones in Myanmar's public market this time.

After Cui Hao returned to his residence, he went to the warehouse to watch his harvest. A lot of raw stones were full, just like a hill. Gangzi, Alice and the shadow guard were all closely protecting it. Originally, he wanted to cut the original stone containing the spirit stone, but on second thought, the spirit stone emits colorful light. If it is not easy to collect, it would be better to keep it in the state of the original stone. In this way, it is safer.

Having known in advance that Wang Chao and others were going to hijack their goods, Cui Hao naturally had to make enough preparations. First, he ordered the shadow guard to quietly carry many stones and pretend to be the original stones. Then, he made a detailed layout and distribution. Among them, Gangzi took ten shadow guards with him to cooperate with the senior general of Aung San, and the person who hit Wang Chao was unprepared, The remaining five shadow guard team leaders, with 40 shadow guards, quietly followed themselves along another route. First, they were to protect their original stones. Second, they were to make a counterattack and rob all the 4.5 billion goods of the China jadeite alliance while Wang Chao sent elite against him!

There are also many gambling stone experts in the Chinese jadeite alliance. Although they are far from having perspective eyes like Cui Hao, they are also experts in the gambling stone industry. They can choose some good raw stones. Maybe there will be precious Jadeites among them. These are what Cui Hao needs. In his imagination, It can be regarded as a hard lesson for the Chinese jade League.

The Burmese public plan is over smoothly. Senior general Aung San once again issued an invitation to hold a thank-you dance. Old Harlan came to find Cui Hao and asked him to join him. Cui Hao has a lot of worries. He is not so elegant. Although his layout is precise and he is confident in himself, he is still worried about accidents. After all, he has almost taken out most of his wealth in the Myanmar public offering this time and has to act cautiously.

That night, general Aung San personally came to Cui Hao. The two had a secret discussion in their bedroom for a long time and reached a detailed plan. As a senior old fox, general Aung San once again took advantage of the conditions. However, in order to show enough sincerity, he also took out his own exclusive seal and covered the plan, which also showed his determination and sincerity.

When the plan was settled, Cui Hao also handed the precious glass imperial green jade to the general of Aung San. The other party simply couldn't put it down. Even he didn't have many treasures. They were very precious.

Everything is ready. According to the plan, Cui Hao will leave Myanmar and return to China early tomorrow morning.

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