Cui Hao felt the hard work of being a boss for the first time. All kinds of things should be considered in all aspects. In addition, he should make enough deployment and plans. In addition, he was ready to fight a hard battle this time. Therefore, Cui Hao spent some thoughts on planning. About an hour later, when he was ready to go back to rest, Wang Meili hurried over.

"President Cui, no, something happened to Maggie!"

Wang Meili hurried over and said this to Cui Hao.

Hearing this, Cui Hao was stunned. First of all, he felt incredible, because Kunsang's people had already spoken, and there were still people looking for trouble with the little girl, which was unreasonable. Immediately, he soon realized that he had offended the seemingly powerful young man at the auction today. He was afraid that the other party had used some means.

Sure enough, Wang Meili's next sentence verified Cui Hao's guess. She said, "President Cui, the person who controlled the sister and brother of masuki has released words. This time, it's for you. If you come, he can release the three brothers and sisters on the spot. If you don't have the courage to come, kill them. The person also said that he wants to end his gratitude and resentment with you at the auction."

"Gratitude and resentment over the auction?" hearing such words, Cui Hao was a little angry immediately.

Auction is a rule that the price is won by the buyer. It's natural that you should have it if you compete for the original stone with the young man and bid higher. However, the other party even says it's gratitude and resentment. The key is that the gratitude and resentment of both sides also affects others, which is not interesting enough. At this moment, he had no doubt that the young man should have done it.

With a worried look on her face, Wang Meili said, "President Cui, have you offended anyone? The other party is ready to go. I think it's better for us to call Kunsang and ask the Myanmar military to take action. Although you have extraordinary skills, a strong dragon doesn't pressure the local snake. You'd better not take risks. President Cui, what do you think?"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao pondered and waved his hand "It's no use calling Kunsang at all. I have a general relationship with him. Since the other party dares to be so blatant, the power behind him must be amazing. Kunsang can't get into this muddy water. The military of Myanmar is not the military of China. It has the courage to crush everything and resist everything. In the final analysis, it's also because of me. Otherwise, the other party will never manage money, Ma Suu Kyi and them, so it is , I must go! "

Hearing the speech, Wang Meili was a little worried and hurriedly said, "but it's really dangerous for you to go alone. Take Alice and them. They are all good at using guns, and there are many people and great power. It's always good."

With a smile, Cui Hao thought about such a proposal, waved his hand again and said, "no, I won't go if I'm not sure. On the contrary, Alice and they follow me, which is of little use. Don't worry, I have a patron saint, and safety is no problem!"

"Patron saint?" Wang Meili was puzzled when she heard the speech.

Without too much explanation, Cui Hao showed a reassuring expression towards her and went straight out of the room. Cui Hao didn't deceive Wang Meili about the topic of patron saint. Although he was not fully sure, according to the style of the four gods and beasts and his current importance, the four gods and beasts can't be lost. Therefore, there must be real friends around him Super masters protect secretly. If it is a general danger, the other party will not show up. If it endangers his life, Cui Hao believes that the other party will come out without hesitation.

Wang Meili wanted to stop again, but on second thought, Cui Hao was confident and must have something to rely on, so she stopped.

As a VIP of the public auction, several cars parked outside the luxurious presidential suite where Cui Hao lived. He chose a wild style jeep, took the car and left directly and rushed to Maggie's house. Because of his excellent memory and having been there once, Cui Hao had no doubt all the way. He turned left and right. After about 40 minutes, the car stopped at The alley.

Get out of the car, Cui Haoyi is brave and walks directly into the alley.

Nowadays, his kung fu is becoming stronger and stronger. His body is integrated with everything in the world all the time. His sensitivity is amazing. He doesn't feel any discomfort along the way, which shows that no one is spying on himself. After approaching the deep part of the alley, Cui Hao doesn't dare to relax. He slows down, Shua Shua Shua, climbs over the wall and comes to Ma Suji's neighbor's house.

Urging the perspective eye, Cui Hao looked ahead. The walls, tiles and everything were quickly weakened in his eyes. There was no ambush in the whole yard. There was no one in the corner. Only in the middle of the yard, the three brothers and sisters of masuki were in a panic. They looked around with tears on their faces. There was a smell of despair. They were surrounded by a long rope The son was tied to a big wooden stake in the middle of the yard and couldn't move.

Besides them, there is a person sitting in the seat, handsome and beautiful. A golden long hair gives a person a very dazzling feeling. His face has a high taste. The breath on his body is elegant and noble, as if it is the breath of real aristocracy. At this moment, it is just sitting quietly, motionless, as if a statue.

After determining the current situation, Cui Hao calmed down a lot. His body flickered like a civet cat. With a Shua, he had climbed over the wall, and his body was directly hidden in the dark.

Sitting on the seat, the handsome young man who had been motionless like a statue smiled and said, "don't hide, come out, in front of me Edward, your little hiding skills are not worth mentioning!"

Having been seen through, Cui Hao simply stopped hiding and walked out directly and generously. However, instead of going to the house for the first time, he came to the yard, stretched out his hand, easily untied the rope that bound his sister and brother, gently patted their heads, then pointed to the door and signaled them to escape quickly.

In great panic, Maggie held her brother, and the six-year-old boy trembled pitifully. Instead of leaving immediately, they saluted Cui Hao respectfully. Immediately, they held Cui Hao together, as if to thank him for saving his life. Everything is so moving, and Cui Hao is very satisfied with it.

But in vain!

Masuki and her six-year-old brother turned blood red in vain, and their mouths opened, revealing sharp fangs. At the same time, masuki quickly took out a dark blue dagger from her arms and stabbed Cui Hao.

Everything is so abrupt that it is impossible to prevent.

"Hmm? What's going on?"

When his sister and brother changed in an instant and wanted to kill Cui Hao, his strong sensitivity broke out, and he felt bad in an instant. The distance between the two sides was really too close. Maggie's dagger had been stabbed with Youlan luster. In addition, her brother stretched out sharp fangs and seemed to bite Cui Hao hard the next moment.

The situation is extremely critical!


Although he didn't know what the situation was, Cui Hao naturally wouldn't sit idly by. He snorted coldly and shook his body like a conditioned reflex! This earthquake contains 18 kinds of strength, such as sticking, bouncing, swinging, shaking and touching. It is just touching clothes and falling. For this unique level of national skill script, although Cui Hao understood the eighteen layers of strength, he can only integrate several into one, but Rao is so powerful.

It is known as the unparalleled secret skill of defense. Compared with the real unique Taiji skill, the opponent's attack will be instantly transferred or even rebound even if it falls on him, so that he will fall to the ground as soon as he touches his body. It is a mysterious and unparalleled powerful skill. When the crisis came, Cui Hao did not rely on his strong and abnormal body to resist hard, but showed a general conditioned reflex.



It is worthy of being a unique Chinese martial arts script. Although Cui Hao can show very limited, it is definitely more than enough for two children who don't know kung fu at all, such as Ma Suu Kyi's sister and brother. Their body shook slightly, their strength burst out, and immediately made them scream and fall to the ground.

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