Although it was a conditioned reflex, the power of dipping clothes and falling 18 times was also amazing. Both Maggie and her brother fell to the ground and vomited blood in pain. Their faces were ferocious, their tusks stretched out, and their mouths gave a strange scream, as if they were going to eat Cui Hao. If ordinary people saw such a scene, it would be very creepy, because it was too frightening. However, Cui Hao was very calm, stepped and came to the sisters and brothers. His palms stretched out like the wind, slapped and slapped gently. After two times, they all trembled, but they lost the ability to resist. His neck tilted and fainted.

Cui Hao has a heavy heart. He doesn't understand how the sister and brother of masuki have become like this. He really doesn't believe that they were such a monster before. Why do they become like this, and suddenly attack themselves like this? It seems that only the young man who calls himself Edward can explain all the explanations.

Put the sisters and brothers and the baby on the ground, and Cui Hao walked towards the house. Edward, who was sitting upright, was always very arrogant, and the corners of his mouth were slightly provoked, giving people a feeling of elegance and nobility. Edward's noble breath is not strong outside but strong in the middle. His every move contains this charm. It seems that he has this noble breath in his bones. Facing such an enemy, Cui Hao naturally dare not underestimate it.

Seeing Cui Hao coming into the room, Edward smiled and said in Chinese, "Cui Hao, you are really lucky this time. You know, you will get my gift!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was stunned.

He didn't expect the other party to say a word like this. However, for such a young man, he wouldn't easily believe it. He smiled coldly and said, "gift? I Cui Hao never need anyone's gift! What's the matter with their sister and brother? How can they become monsters? I advise you to recover them quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Edward was dissatisfied with Cui Hao's words and said coldly, "what monsters? They are lucky to have eaten some blood by me. Therefore, they have obtained special ability and are qualified to evolve into a low-level blood family. From then on, they will no longer be stupid humans. If they are a member of the blood family, it is their supreme glory!"

Edward said this naturally. It seems that in his eyes, human beings are stupid and incomparable existence, and only the blood family in his mouth is a noble and incomparable existence. Originally, Cui Hao didn't expect that on the one hand, he was surprised to hear Edward's words. What he said in his words was human and blood clan. So, Edward is not a human, but a vampire? If Cui Hao had not met the twin sisters before, he would not have believed that there would be any non-human special creatures, such as eight legged monsters, dark creatures, werewolves, vampires, zombies and ghosts. These should be fabricated to deceive people. However, after he really touched a new level, he knew all this, They are real, but ordinary people don't have any intersection with this kind of existence, so they just exist in legends.

Looking at Edward in surprise, Cui Hao said, "you, you are a vampire? You really exist!"

Unexpectedly, Cui Hao's tone was like this. Edward seemed to be humiliated. He stood up angrily and said "Cui Hao, you stupid human being, pay attention to your words. You have insulted the supreme glory of a noble high-level blood clan! Blood clan is a species 100 times more noble than your human beings, and I am a real noble blood clan, not a vampire in your mouth. Only the blood clan that I eat some blood and turn into my servant can be regarded as a vampire. They must We have to live by drinking blood every day, and I don't need it at all. Our life is very long. The stronger our strength is, the longer our existence will be. I'm more than 300 years old now, but I'm just an adult among the blood clan! "

Edward didn't mean to start at once, but looked at Cui Hao's proud way "Do you stupid human beings want to have a long and incomparable life? As long as you live my first embrace, you can have my blood power and become a real blood family! Note that it is not the low-level blood family I eat blood, but the real blood family, the blood family with blood core!"

Edward was proud when he said these words, because the life span of human beings was really too short compared with the blood family, and among their Nicholas family, there were some big people among human beings who even took the initiative to contribute wealth in order to have a long life span, just to obtain the qualification of being eaten blood. Those who are qualified to be first embraced by the blood family are really potential Powerful people, such people can become their powerful slaves and help fight in the future. Edward obviously saw that Cui Hao's strength was very strong, so he put forward such a request.

Staring at Cui Hao, Edward's proudly way, "the first embrace is a great drain on me, and the essence of my blood will lose some, and you can become a real high-ranking blood group. Of course, the blood is not as good as mine, but the long life span is real, so immediately kneel down and accept my first embrace."

Cui Hao doesn't know what the first hug is. However, listening to the other party's meaning, I'm afraid it's also a ceremony like becoming his servant. Just witnessed the changes of the sister and brother of masuki, like a monster, how can Cui Hao agree? Even if it's as good as Edward said, Cui Hao can't agree. I'm kidding. I'm a human , how would you like to become a monster who likes to suck blood?

Instead of immediately refusing Edward, Cui Hao urged his perspective eyes. Suddenly, the golden light of perspective burst out. Edward's body in front of him was quickly perspective by him and saw all kinds of things in his body. Do not see do not know, a look startled! Cui Hao was shocked to find that Edward didn't have a heart. In his heart, it was a diamond blood crystal, beating vigorously, providing a stream of blood gas. The other party's body seemed to have a terrible breath, which was very amazing!

"Hmm? What's that?"

Under the perspective eye, Cui Hao found that a bloody book was suspended above Edward's blood nucleus, which seemed real and unreal. In this way, the momentum was very amazing and frightening.

Cui Hao dared not underestimate Edward. Any non human creature should be very terrible. Moreover, the other party's means are different from human beings. He must be careful to avoid capsizing in the gutter.

Seeing Cui Hao stunned, Edward thought he was thinking. Where did he know that his body had been seen through? After waiting for a moment, he saw that Cui Hao still didn't mean to kneel down. His handsome face showed a touch of anger and stared at Cui Hao "Stupid human, do you want to refuse my gift? Hum, my anger has burned. Now, give me the original stone you obtained at the auction immediately, and then kneel down and become my slave. Otherwise, I will suck up your blood and let you taste the taste of death! Hurry!..."

Hearing Edward's words, Cui Hao looked at him as if he were looking at something. He wanted to offer the original stone and kneel down to become a servant. Would he agree to this unreasonable request.

With a cold smile, Cui Hao sneered and said, "are you Sabi? Why did you ask such a stupid question? I'm angry now. You immediately kneel down on my ground and become my servant, otherwise, I'll blow your head!"

If Edward was polite to himself, Cui Hao wouldn't be so, and the other party obviously decided to eat his own meaning. Naturally, he couldn't tolerate it and immediately made a counterattack.


Hearing Cui Hao's words, Edward was stunned, as if he had heard incredible words. Aren't all human beings afraid of death? He gave him his first hug, but he didn't agree? After being stunned for a moment, Edward's heart was filled with fierce anger. He was as proud as him. He was a real high-level blood family, and was ridiculed by a stupid and low-level human being. Why Can you stand it?

At first, Edward still held the idea of developing Cui Hao into his own real servant, but at this moment, this idea was completely abandoned by him. There is only one thing he wants to do now. Teach this damn human a lesson and suck his blood after obtaining the original stone from his hand!

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