It's already late at night. The Boai jewelry store is quiet. Behind it is a 30 storey luxury office building, most of which are the studio of the jade carving master. Of course, some are the office area of the employees of the Boai jewelry store. This is a one-stop building integrating office, residence, life and entertainment. It is specially opened for employees free of charge. It is also a huge benefit of Bo'ai jewelry store. The rear of the building is covered with lush vegetation. It is faintly visible that small sharp corners emerge from the villa. Here is the treatment that only master jade carvers can enjoy. Later, there is a vast and heavily guarded raw stone warehouse.

Although Yangdian, a great God, is temporarily in charge in the raw stone warehouse, the security is also very strict. Cui Hao borrowed many elite younger brothers from brother scar and hired them to guard here at a high salary. According to Cui Hao's plan, if the treasure room built by Baihe Jushi at a huge cost is completed, the safety factor of the original stone will be directly increased by 10 times, 100 times! At that time, even if there were no patrol guards, once someone wanted to steal the original stone, they would be called the police for the first time and fall short of success. However, at present, the construction of the treasure room has just started and takes at least two or three months.

"Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

At the moment, around the huge raw stone warehouse, a total of five seven person teams are patrolling. They are all black suits with headphones. The leader is holding a wolf dog and watching around vigilantly. These are the elite younger brothers under brother scar's command. They are fierce people fighting hard. Although they are not as good as the regular army, they are also cruel characters who often see blood. These people, arranged by Cui Hao at the periphery, have a wolf dog's sensitive sense of smell. Once there is any trouble, they can react and make countermeasures at the first time.

In addition, at the gate of the original stone warehouse, Alice and Gangzi stood side by side and looked around vigilantly. As for the fifty shadow guards, they were hidden in hidden corners one by one. Some looked around with binoculars, and some took out daggers and other things in their hands, ready to fight at any time.

The seven teams were patrolling the periphery. Everything was very calm. Because it was already early in the morning, everyone was somewhat sleepy. When a team passed through an area, in vain, three black shadows floated out to a hidden corner. Shua Shua Shua, the speed was amazing. The seven elite younger brothers had not reacted, and had died on the spot.

All this happened so fast that the team was put down before it even had time to scream. After completing this measure, the three black shadows went straight to the original stone warehouse like a big civet cat.

"Hmm? What's going on? There's an enemy!"

Soon, this change was discovered by a shadow guard with a telescope. He immediately made a warning sound through his headset. At the same time, he looked around with a telescope to find the trace of the enemy.


The shadow guard had not found the trace of the enemy, but suddenly felt a terrible wind roaring behind him. Then, his neck was suddenly caught with a click, accompanied by a crisp sound, and had been broken! This situation did not just happen to this shadow guard. The three shadows were fast. The shadow guards hidden in the dark didn't escape from opening their eyes. Soon, they were killed one by one. In the twinkling of an eye, nine shadow guards had died. At this time, Alice and Gangzi, who were guarding the gate of the original stone warehouse, reacted that there was an enemy attack!

"All shadow guards, quickly shrink the formation and meet at the gate of the original stone warehouse!"

At present, Gangzi hurriedly issued orders, so shadow guards gathered towards the warehouse door. During this period, three dark shadows like the God of death continued to appear from time to time. Each appearance will inevitably take away a life! Some of these lives are gangsters and some are shadow guards. The killing speed of these three shadows is really too fast and neat. So far, none of the people killed has screamed.

Soon after Gangzi gave the order, all the shadow guards converged. At the moment, there were only 33 of the original 50 people. Gangzi was very angry at this situation, and even Alice was very angry.

The other party killed 17 shadow guards in such a short time. In addition, there are many gangsters, which shows its horror.

Such a situation happened too suddenly. When hearing Gangzi's order in the headset, some other team gangsters changed their faces. Unexpectedly, someone really came to rob the precious jade! They also have some blood and Qi. Unexpectedly, no one escaped. Instead, they gathered towards the gate of the original stone warehouse according to Gangzi's requirements. Naturally, some people were killed by three dark shadows during the period.

”Who? What is furtive? Why don't you get out quickly? " In his heart, Gangzi roared and looked around vigilantly.

Alice had taken out her weapon now, a soft whip with blue light, and her expression was dignified. She could kill so many people so quickly and cleanly, which showed that she was an expert this time! If such a thing happened elsewhere, Alice would not hesitate to pull out her gun. However, the Chinese guard was so strict that her gun had to be discarded when entering the Chinese border.

"Hahaha... Yes, the reaction speed is OK. Unfortunately, you are too weak. Poor weak!"

Gangzi's roar just came out. With a round voice, a man in a black windbreaker came out of the dark.

The man is very handsome, with a straight nose, a head of dark black hair, but his eyes are blue. He is obviously a hybrid. In this way, if a man goes to a nightclub, he can hook up with a girl, and he will definitely hit 100 goals. He walked out of the darkness without the slightest worry, with a cynical expression on his face.

Seeing this man, Gangzi was awe inspiring, because he felt a strong and incomparable sense of crisis from the other party. Then, his pupils suddenly tightened, because he turned out a revolver by magic in his palm! If that's all right, in the dark, a bloody Python as thick as a bucket swam out of the room, handling snake letters. It's terrible.

"Bloody Senran!"

He was surprised. Gangzi had good eyesight and recognized the identity of this bloody Python at once. This is a very rare and terrible python. It contains more poison than any Cobra. The most important thing is that this bloody Senran is said to be extremely violent, agile and terrible! Although he has some confidence in his strength, Gangzi is still not sure in the face of such a bloody Senran.

Gangzi was just like this. When the members of the shadow guard and the little gangsters saw this bloody python, their faces turned pale. They were not fools and could feel the horror of this poisonous snake.

Staring at this bloody Senran, she looked at the man's face. Alice's face was very embarrassed. She said, "bloody Senran? Mixed race... Are you Francis of black mamba?"

Alice used to be the elite of the dark blood mercenary regiment and knew a lot about killer organizations. As one of the top ten killer organizations in the world, black mamba killer organization, although ranked the lowest, its strength is also very terrible, and Francis is one of the S-class killers!

Unexpectedly, Alice knew herself. The man was a little surprised. He waved, motioned bloody Senran to stop swimming and smiled "It's really lucky, beautiful Alice, you know my name! Well, you are really a good beauty. Since you left dark blood, are you interested in following me and being my lover? In return, I can guarantee that I won't kill you when I kill these people."

Alice didn't expect the other party to ask herself so. She smiled and said, "well, how about you let me think about it?"

At the moment, the situation is very dangerous. She chose the delaying tactic. As long as Cui Hao gets the report, she will come despite it. She is very confident in Cui Hao's strength. Because Yang Dian's existence is top secret, no one knows except Cui Hao, and Alice is no exception.

Gangzi was frightened at the moment. He had alerted Cui Hao immediately after discovering the enemy and contacted the nearby police forces. However, this did not reassure him, but the sense of crisis intensified, because neither Cui Hao nor the police could arrive immediately.

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