"Francis, she wants to hold you down. We don't have much time. Don't waste time!"

Just then, two figures came out of the darkness. One of them was an old man in his 60s. He was wearing a Tang costume. He was a pure Chinese. His tone was like the imperial capital, with his hands on his back, and his air was very proud. Behind the man is a white man who is two meters tall and strong like a giant bear. He is obviously an old hairy man with muscles entangled like a dragon, giving people a feeling of infinite power and visual impact.

After seeing these two people, Gangzi was even more frightened. The old maozi was extremely frightened, but he had a keen feeling. The old man in Tang costume was even more frightened!

With a helpless shrug, Francis said helplessly, "Hey, you can't flirt with a beautiful lady. It's so boring! With my baby and our universal unlocking work, it's still very easy to get an emerald, and there should be enough time."

Francis was outspoken and said their purpose. In fact, even if he didn't say it himself, everyone present could guess.

With these words, Francis's revolver turned quickly. At the same time, he patted the terrible bloody Senran under him with his palm and said in a very cold language, "the joke time is over. Next, you will welcome the coming of death! Enjoy it and enjoy your last life! Ha ha......"

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Being patted by the master, this huge bloody Sen ran made a hissing sound, his body rolled up, and his head raised high. The muscles of the curled snake were tight, and it seemed that the master would rush out without hesitation and kill the people in front of him! It has already experienced this situation many times and is familiar with it.

"Hey... What's the matter? Can't I sleep well? No wonder my disciple asked me to help him guard his treasure house. It turned out that an ignorant child would come and try to rob?"

When the scene was very nervous and the battle was imminent, a lazy voice came from the inside of the raw stone warehouse. Then, a corner door of the warehouse was opened, and an old man who looked like an old beggar came out. With his hands on his back and full of pride, he did not look at Francis and others.

There was such a change at the scene. Gangzi, Alice and others were stunned. Then Gangzi reacted, hurriedly and respectfully saluted and said, "see you, old man!"

Gangzi didn't know why Xiao Yangdian appeared in the raw stone warehouse, but he saw how much Cui Hao respected him. Moreover, since he was Cui Hao's master, I think Kung Fu must be very terrible. I was at a loss about Yang Dian's identity, but when I saw Gangzi's behavior, Alice and others were surprised and saluted in a hurry.

Smilingly accepted the salute from the crowd, Yang Dian crossed the crowd with his hands on his back and came to the front of Francis and others. As a senior strongman in the realm of King Kong, he has already reached the peak of this realm. The horror of his strength is unimaginable. Under his deliberate convergence breath, none of the three felt it. They didn't know that there was such an expert in the raw stone warehouse.

At the moment, after appearing in front of the three people, Yang Ying slightly released a trace of breath and projected it onto the Tang costume old man in the front. He said calmly, "I see your posture. You should be a great master of Xingyi boxing. Who is your master? Speak it out to see if I know the old man.

Yang Dian did not pay attention to the other two people, but stared at the old man in Tang costume and asked so. It seems that in his eyes, the white old hair and Francis are just two garbage, which is not worth mentioning.

At the moment when Yang Tiao appeared, the old man in Tang costume's heart beat rapidly. When Yang Tiao deliberately released a breath belonging to King Kong towards him, the old man in Tang costume trembled and could no longer maintain a calm heart. His face changed again and again. Finally, he smiled bitterly and spoke with a taste of flattery "Elder, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry to disturb your dream. We'll leave now!"

Yang Dian was very dissatisfied with the answer of the old man in Tang costume. His gray eyebrows soared like a sword, and his tone was also cold "Can't you understand what I'm asking you? Since you have provoked me and killed many of my disciples, do you think it's possible to retreat all over? I just know your Xingyi boxing frame very well, so I ask you one question. You just need to answer my question!"

Yang Dian's words were a little arrogant. Francis and the white old maozi were a little angry. However, the powerful Mr. Teng in front of them showed weakness like this. They could only hold back their anger and shut up.

After feeling the special breath of Yang Dian who belongs to the strong in the King Kong realm, the old man in Tang costume had already set off thousands of waves in his heart. He finally clenched his teeth and said respectfully "My name is Teng Bolei. My master is master Chen Canon from Luoshui. When I was seven years old, I followed him to learn Xingyi boxing. I learned Xingyi boxing for more than 60 years. Later, because my younger martial sister was plotted by the villain and lost her innocence, I committed suicide. In a rage, I rushed into the villain's house and killed all 13 of her family. Then I fled abroad in a hurry. All these years Survive in the black mamba killer organization. "

"Chen canon? Sure enough... No wonder I feel that your Xingyi boxing is so familiar. He is a younger generation I like very much. Unfortunately, his talent is limited. He holds the three products of Dan and is insulated from the realm of King Kong. Well, I once instructed him and can be regarded as his master of moves. Since you are his disciple, I will spare your life. Now, stay aside and don't talk nonsense until I solve this problem Two rubbish! "Carrying his hands, he opened his mouth proudly.

"What a big name!"

Hearing Yang Dian say so, whether it's Gangzi, Alice, Francis and white old maozi, they are all startled. The old guy has such a background in front of him. If it's really like what he said, isn't his kung fu up to every side? At this moment, even with a revolver in his hand, Francis was terrified, while the white old maozi was braver and stared at Yang Dian fiercely. It seemed that if he didn't agree, he would start a war.

For Yang Dian's orders, Teng Bolei did not dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction. He nodded hurriedly and stood aside, like a good baby.

"Who are you?" Francis asked, trembling slightly as he stared at Yang Dian.

Francis knew the strength of Teng Bolei, far beyond himself and Peter yev. The old man frightened him like this in a few words. If he was not fooling people, his strength must be high on every side! Teng Bo Lei is the SS Level killer of black mamba. If this old man is more powerful than him, will he be a strong man with SSS level strength?

For Francis's inquiry, Yang Dian was a little disdainful, shrugged his shoulders, gave people a feeling of poverty and said with a smile, "I'm your uncle!"

I'm your uncle. This is undoubtedly a curse, but what Yang Britain said is very natural. In his opinion, it still improves the identity of the other party. Otherwise, it's not too much to call him his ancestor.

Hearing the speech, Francis was furious. His fingers grasping the revolver turned white. At the moment, the situation could not tolerate him to be soft. Even if he was soft, the other party would not let go of himself and petroyev. So Francis did not think about the other party's possible strength, summoned up his courage and roared angrily "You old man, don't you want to live? Do you know who I am? I'm the bullet of death, Francis! The gun in my hand is like death. One shot will plunder a life. I've never made a mistake. You dare to humiliate me like this. Damn you! Peter yev, let's go together and kill this old man!"

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