"Hum... Sure enough, he is still a young child. Although he has been taught by a famous teacher, he still has too little experience in combat. He was frightened by the drunkenness of my imperial concubine! Hum, when I hold your wrist, I will let you know what a realm master is. However, Cui Hao, I want to follow him in the future. I can't go too far. Just drop him on his feet!" he was ecstatic, The idea flashed through tembley's mind.

When thinking like this, Teng Bolei's hands have come with the trend. They are soft, insidious and strange, which is impossible to prevent. From the beginning to the end, Cui Hao didn't make any effective response, and even didn't even retreat. It seemed that he was really frightened. And all this happened so fast that tengbolei succeeded between the lightning and flint. His hands were clattering, and he grabbed Cui Hao's two wrists all at once

The corner of his mouth provoked a faint radian. Tengbolei even had a premonition of the next scene. With a shock of his hands, Cui Hao flew out and fell on all fours. Unfortunately, he planned very well, but at the moment when he held Cui Hao's wrist with both hands, he suddenly had a feeling that what he held was not his wrist, but two smooth things with a strange anti shock force!

All this is very abrupt. Moreover, the effect of that kind of anti earthquake is very strange. Tengbolei even has no time to make an effective response. It seems that it contains many powerful ways, which are perfectly mixed together. At the moment, they burst out on himself. In an instant, he seemed to have an electric current running up his body. He couldn't help but stagger for two steps. Fortunately, he caught the horse's step and didn't fall to the ground.

"What's going on? How is it possible? What's going on?"

His heart was shocked. Even though Teng Bolei was well-informed, he had never seen such strange Kung Fu. His palm clearly grabbed the other party's wrist. Why didn't he exert himself at all, and he was shocked back in an instant? All this is incredible! After stopping the horse step, Teng Bolei was stunned, because he really didn't understand what was going on.

With a smile, Cui Hao said calmly, "master Teng, that move you just made is really powerful. Admire, admire, let's continue!"

From Cui Hao's words, Teng Bolei was very angry. He raised his eyebrows and forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart. In a deep language, "my move is nothing, but what Kung Fu you just showed, Cui Shao. It's so strange that it's impossible to prevent. It can be called unparalleled defense!"

With these words, tengbolei summoned up his courage again and launched an attack on Cui Hao.

The whole man jumped up suddenly. Tengbolei seemed to be a ferocious tiger. What's more strange was that his body really sent out a dull tiger roar like a tiger, and his eyes were sharp for a moment. His hands crashed and tore, with a wild breath in his ferocity. At first glance, this move seems like a tiger killing, and experts who really know Xingyi boxing will be shocked when they see this move, because he is one of the five strongest fists of Xingyi boxing, Huxiao collapse boxing! Xingyi boxing is widely spread, while Wuquan is rarely understood. Even if it is understood, it is mostly superficial. Tengbolei has realized the true essence of it.

"Good tiger fist! This is one of the five boxing of Xingyi boxing, Huxiao collapse boxing, which has got the real marrow!" Cui Hao saw the power of this boxing.

Cui Hao felt a fierce breath coming from his face. The whole person was excited. Fighting is always one of the best ways to improve his strength, and fighting with an equal opponent is better. Now that Cui Hao has displayed his eighteen drops in clothes, he is ready to think about it and use tengbolei to sharpen it, so that he can have more insights on the eighteen drops in clothes.

Therefore, in the face of Teng Bolei's tiger roaring collapse fist, he was very calm, put on a fist frame, and his whole body was mixed like a lightest ball. At this time, Teng Bolei's tiger roaring collapse fist came with the sound of tiger roaring!


There was no such shocking noise as expected. The tiger roaring and collapsing fist suddenly hit Cui Hao. However, he didn't escape, but shook his whole body in a strange and incomparable way. At the same time, he stepped out again and again with the pace of his feet, and stepped out on a small scale, making the steel plate under his feet clang, as if, A strong and sharp force passed through his feet into the steel plate under his feet and hit it hard. The real situation is indeed like this. Cui Hao skillfully operated with the strength of dipping clothes and falling, so that tengbolei's tiger roaring collapse fist directly passed into the steel plate under his feet, and he himself reacted with the strength of dipping clothes and falling

"Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

Although Teng Bolei was already on guard under this attack, he was still hit by the unexpected attack and staggered back. His face was very ugly. After three steps, he managed to stabilize the horse's step. His blood rolled in his body and felt an electric shock. It's because Teng Bolei's flesh is strong. Just like his flesh is weak, Cui Hao's sudden reaction is hard for him to bear and he will spit blood. But even so, Teng Bolei felt bad. What he couldn't tolerate most was that Cui Hao, a mere dark strength expert, made himself stagger back again and again, and returned in vain. The tiger roaring collapse fist had no effect at all!

At this moment, Teng Bolei's heart was cold, because he really realized the horror of Cui Hao's Kung Fu.

"Take me a few more moves!" shouted tengbolei, and launched an attack again.

As a true master of Xingyi boxing, Teng Bolei's next attack was also fierce, and he showed another combination of Xingyi boxing, dragon and snake. Unfortunately, he was still not Cui Hao's opponent. He fell to the ground with 18 clothes and returned in vain. Because of the fight with Teng Bolei, Cui Hao became quite familiar with the use of the eighteen drops of clothes. He fought back Teng Bolei's attacks again and again. Gradually, Cui Hao began to become comfortable, and many feelings rose in his heart. The feelings of the eighteen drops of clothes also quickly began to rise.

In this case, Cui Hao fought with Teng Bolei for a moment. He gradually grasped the essence of it. He stood on the spot, stained his clothes and fell. He let Teng Bolei use all kinds of means without any effect.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Dian looked at it with a smile. In particular, he was happy to see Cui Hao smash tengbolei again and again. In his opinion, his apprentice should be like this! At the moment, Teng Bolei was very angry and oppressed. He was beaten by a dark strength expert like Cui Hao. Despite his various means, he was broken open again and again. Teng Bolei also wanted to study Cui Hao's eighteen drops in clothes. Unfortunately, it was so easy to learn such unique Chinese skills. They couldn't even touch a doorway. Finally, they reluctantly stopped the attack.

”No more! No more! It's too oppressive, Cui Shao. What Kung Fu are you doing? It's really terrible! " Stopped, asked timberley.

At the moment, Teng Bolei's words are respected, because Cui Hao has proved with his strength that he is qualified to command him.

Just now, Cui Hao realized the true essence of the eighteen drops of stained clothes. Cui Hao felt that his perception was rising, and Teng Bolei's stop made him reluctant. Finally, he smiled and said, "my kung fu is called the eighteen drops of stained clothes. Master Teng, you will lose our war?"

"Touch clothes and fall... Touch clothes and fall... What an appropriate name, what abnormal Kung Fu!" tengbolei couldn't help but sigh with these words.

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