Cui Hao really conquered tengbolei with his clothes, and his attitude has changed greatly, which is very satisfactory in Cui Hao's eyes. After pondering for a moment, Cui Hao said "Master Teng, in the last three months, although my master has been in charge of the raw stone warehouse, many of my enterprises have just started, and many places need help. I want you to help my second brother Wang Changsheng, who now presides over the normal operation of the whole fraternity investment holding group instead of me. Don't worry, after six months, when everything is on track, I can promise you How about returning to Luoshui after half a year's holiday? "

The words are very true. Cui Hao made such a query. What he said is exactly the current situation. When several enterprises start to operate together, it is inevitable that some problems will arise. Although mayor Duan Guorong, scar Si and others secretly help, and there are four divine beasts and Huang Yanyan, they should be able to grow rapidly, but enterprises may also encounter such problems Cui Hao is not very good at buying people's hearts, but he knows that Teng Bolei wants to return to Luoshui, so he reciprocates and puts forward such a request.

Originally, after being defeated by Cui Hao, tengbolei had already given up the idea of returning to Luoshui. Unexpectedly, Cui Hao was so considerate of his subordinates. He was immediately overjoyed and nodded with satisfaction, "Cui Shao, you can rest assured, I will help you!"

Cui Hao's attitude was very kind. Cui Hao quickly expressed his thanks and immediately called Wang Changsheng to tell him that he was going to host a dinner party in person tonight. All the important figures of the enterprise gathered together. He wanted to solemnly introduce tengbolei, a great master of the realm. Naturally, tengbolei was very satisfied with Cui Hao's move and thanked him again.

Cui Hao was very satisfied that he successfully earned a great master of the realm under his command. That night, he held a dinner party to introduce tengbolei to Wang Changsheng and others. Then, he went to see the construction of the treasure room. Under the temptation of fierce money, Bai He was full of energy. Although he loved money, he was the top in the industry of building the treasure room Yes, Cui Hao is very satisfied with many designs. According to his estimation, it should be completed in about two or three months.

Time passed slowly. Soon, two days passed.

Fraternity jewelry store can be described as a crowded place. Even though Cui Hao has put Guanyin sitting lotus into the raw stone warehouse, even if he has increased the rule that entrants must pay 1000 yuan, it can not stop the enthusiasm of the rich. They are very looking forward to fraternity jewelry store. Many of them came by plane to pick up some jade ornaments. Yes Generally speaking, the high-grade jadeite in the Boai jewelry store is really too expensive, which is incomprehensible. However, in the eyes of the rich, this is normal and worthy of them. Although China is still a developing country, it has never lacked rich people. In these two days, the business of the jewelry store has reached 1.8 billion. Such a huge amount of money is only the sales in two days. This speed is very fast , it's really amazing!

During these two days, Cui Hao was very busy and various things emerged one after another. Although Wang Changsheng and others helped him, he was still very busy every day. He personally met three master level jade carvers who invested in the charity jewelry store, and personally presided over the appointment and selection of middle-level cadres of the enterprise. Finally, he spent a lot of effort to develop the charity bodyguard company Liz personally carried out cruel training and tried to provide strong force guarantee for her enterprise as soon as possible.

It's worth mentioning that, for some reason, Qin Xiangxiang's frequency of looking for Cui Hao has increased significantly recently. Even Meng Ying has looked for Cui Hao three times in two days. They don't have anything specific. They just ask Cui Hao to go shopping with them. Although they also have some sense of guilt, Cui Hao agrees, because he feels very sorry for the two beautiful women Owe.

In addition to accompanying Qin Xiangxiang and Meng Ying, Cui Hao also takes out an hour every day to call Ouyang muxue and talk on the phone. Although they are thousands of miles apart, they still have a feeling that their hearts are still together.

At night, the moonlight was bright, and Cui Hao, who had been busy for a day, was finally free. Taking advantage of the good time of the night, he played a soul stirring game with the twin sisters on the huge bed, and the two sides fought hard. Finally, Cui Hao's courageous and hard work ended. Big yu'er and little yu'er couldn't bear it and begged for mercy. Cui Hao was elated and withdrew And took them in his arms.

On the huge bed, Cui Hao hugged two beautiful girls as pure as water, sacred and extraordinary. He couldn't help feeling. Once upon a time, he was a poor loser. He racked his brains to please his vain girlfriend and worked hard for more than 2000 wages a month. Now, he is a billionaire, There are more than one confidant. This kind of life is really something I dare not dream of before!

The moon was bright and shining in through the window lattice, which made big yu'er and little yu'er unspeakable holy. Looking at their beautiful faces, Cui Hao couldn't help shaking in his heart, bowed his head and kissed big yu'er's forehead, which was a soft voice "Big yu'er, little yu'er, what kind of blessings did I Cui Hao cultivate in my last life, and I can let your sisters follow me in this life. By the way, you are busy with the Boai Hotel these days, and you must tell me if you have any difficulties. The Boai jewelry store has been open for three days, and it is generally stable. I should start my own learning when there is a master who helps me sit in town for the time being The road to medicine. "

Hearing Cui Hao's words, big yu'er blinked, and a clear voice rang through "Brother Hao, you don't have to worry about us. Our sisters are very happy here, and we have our own busy and full affairs. Unfortunately, we lingzu have regulations and can't pass on the lingzu's medical skills to you, otherwise, it must have a great effect on you! But brother Hao's medical skills are good. We can go to a higher level this time by following the two masters Brother Hao, how long are you going to go out this time? We already know about you in the imperial capital. We don't blame you. You should work hard and save sister Ouyang as soon as possible. "

Hearing dayuer's considerate words, Cui Hao was naturally moved to death, nodded yes, and then responded, "dayuer, xiaouer, don't worry, I'll go out to study medicine for about three months this time, during which I will often call you. Dayuer, you can think so. I'm really grateful."

With a shy smile, Xiao yu'er leaned her head against Cui Hao's chest and felt the solid, warm and secluded way "Brother Hao, I really want to be with you every day. Unfortunately, you are a person with great achievements and are destined to be unable to accompany us every day. However, with your care, my sister and I will be very happy. This time you go out, we are worried about your danger. Therefore, our sisters work together to consume some of their own spiritual resources and many precious miraculous drugs to nurture you The effect of such a elixir is very good. It can be regarded as a life-saving elixir. Brother Hao, if you encounter danger, eating it at the first time can not only quickly heal your injury, but also increase your strength. Unfortunately, it's too difficult to refine this elixir. Our sisters only refined one. "

With this, Xiao yu'er's mouth opened slightly, and she spit out a pill the size of a dragon's eye. The whole body is red, just like the rosy clouds in the sky. As soon as this pill is spit out, it emits an intoxicating fragrance. However, it soon converged, and even their original brilliant indication has become dim and turned into an ordinary one that can no longer be common The pill of Tong.

After spitting out the pill, xiaoyu'er didn't know what means she used. A transparent and tenacious silk thread appeared in her hand. She personally penetrated the pill and hung it around Cui Hao's neck. Then she smiled contentedly.

"Elixir? Listen to what you mean, its therapeutic effect is very good? Thank you, big yu'er, little yu'er..." Cui Hao responded gently.

Hearing Cui Hao's thanks, the sisters lowered their heads shyly, but their faces were filled with happy smiles.

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