Once again witnessed Cui Hao's incredible medical skills. Many villagers present were shocked and exclaimed. They believed in his identity as a miracle doctor and showed their worship in their eyes.

A middle-aged woman in her forties ran excitedly towards her home and shouted excitedly, "old companion, great! This time we met a miracle doctor. Your old cold legs for many years can be saved. You don't have to hurt your legs every time it's cold!"

Originally, some of the villagers who watched did not react. Seeing the middle-aged woman's actions, they immediately reacted one by one. Many of them began to run towards home. They should be sick families in the family, while some villagers hurriedly took out their mobile phones and dialed.

"Hey, uncle, hurry up. Go home and take Niuniu. Her illness is saved. A miracle doctor has come to our village. Don't ask so many questions. Bring Niuniu quickly!"

"Aunt, is that you? Come to the village quickly. Don't ask me why. Come quickly. Your old problem will be saved!"

"Hey, old man, don't go to collect rags. Come back quickly. A miracle doctor has come to our village. Now your headache can be saved!"

"Hey, mother in law, come to our village quickly. We have a miracle doctor here. Alas, his medical skills are amazing. Don't you always have severe cervical pain? It's saved! What? You have to go to the ground today. Come here quickly! Hurry up and don't miss it!"

A group of villagers are excited to call friends and call friends. Of course, more people are running around telling each other. The whole village is boiling. Although the sun is very hot now, a large group of people gathered under the big willow at the head of the village. Old man Jiang took the initiative to act as a person to maintain order and asked everyone to line up and come one by one.

In this regard, Cui Hao just smiles. No matter whether the other party has a headache, a stomachache, or an old cold leg, he doesn't refuse to come. Although there are a large number of people in the queue, Cui Hao is very patient in the face of each patient. Even if someone has beriberi, he doesn't dislike it. He seriously picks up each other's smelly feet, looks at them carefully, asks them, and makes sure they are safe.

Although it was only the first visit, Cui Hao was able to catch ordinary diseases, and his whole medical skills were also improving in the process of treatment. Practice shows true knowledge. These villagers are undoubtedly Cui Hao's best mice, which makes his medical skills more advanced. Of course, not all diseases can be easily caught, because some diseases are old and can not be completely cured overnight. What Cui Hao can do is to alleviate them, and prescribe prescriptions for each other, ask each other to take medicine on time, pay attention to various taboos, etc.

In the process of treatment, Cui Hao will also have some small mistakes, or doubts, etc. in summer, Liu Qingfeng and Liu Qingfeng will seriously give him advice and tell him how to do it. In addition, they will explain some medical puzzles for Cui Hao at the scene, which makes him suddenly enlightened and improve his medical skills. Even with countless precious medical classics as the foundation, Cui Hao has little experience after all. He is far less sophisticated than Liu Qingfeng in summer. Under the careful guidance of the two masters, his promotion is fast.

In this way, Cui Hao started his first sitting clinic, and each patient was treated under his treatment. Even if it could not be cured, it was greatly relieved. And such a situation naturally made the villagers more grateful, shouting one by one. It's self-conscious that every patient who is diagnosed and treated writes his name on the notebook in summer. This is the rule of the miracle doctor. Only 10000 patients must be cured can be regarded as a real graduation. In that year, it took more than a year for both summer and Liu Qingfeng to successfully graduate. Cui Hao was only three months, so the time was very tight.

He patiently treated patients one by one. Cui Hao did not avoid some special diseases, such as gynecological diseases. After detailed inquiry, he issued prescriptions, and those common colds and fever can be cured after a few injections. Soon, more than two hours passed, and the sun became more and more poisonous, but few villagers saw doctors, because many villagers called their friends and relatives.

When Cui Hao seriously gave acupuncture and massage to a headache villager, a man ran out of the small village. He had a dark face and wore a coarse cloth coat. He was very anxious. When he saw the big willow at the entrance of the village, he made a very anxious cry for help "Help! Help! Miracle doctor, please help my mother-in-law quickly. She has been dystocia for a long time and just fainted. Help! I kowtow to you!"

Before he ran to the willow tree at the entrance of the village, the man fell to his knees with a burst of tears and asked for help.

For this situation, Cui Hao was stunned for a moment, then suddenly stood up and said to the patient who had just been diagnosed and treated, "I've treated you for your headache. When I save his wife first and then massage you, I can have a safe sleep tonight. Wait a minute, his wife's situation is in crisis, I'll save her first!"

"Miraculous doctor, you go quickly. I feel much better. It's important to help!" the patient hurriedly opened his mouth with a respectful tone.

When he said these words, Cui Hao already stood up. His feet moved, Shua Shua Shua, and the whole person was fast. He had come to the man called maozi, stretched out his hand, grabbed his kneeling body and said, "brother maozi, it's important to help, you don't have to kowtow. Come on, I'll take you and show me the way!"

With these words, Cui Hao stepped forward and ran towards the village.

Seeing Cui Hao's flying speed, the villagers were surprised and sighed that he was indeed a miracle doctor. So, after a villager led the first to watch the excitement, the originally neat team suddenly became chaotic, and many villagers ran to watch the excitement. Summer and Liu Qingfeng looked at each other and smiled. They were very satisfied with Cui Hao's performance. One person took a heavy medicine box, the other picked up a notebook and other things, and walked towards the village.

At the moment, in the third house on the second street of the small village, there was a hysterical cry. According to its tone, it should be an old woman.

"My good daughter-in-law, why did you die like this? If you insist, why did you die when Mao Zi went to the village to ask for a miracle doctor? God is unfair. You are so virtuous. How could God have the heart to let you go like this?"


In a dilapidated house, there was a cry of heaven and earth, which made people cry. It was obvious that some neighbors nearby also heard the cry and came out one by one, with a look of sympathy on their faces. Because Cui Hao was practicing medicine in the village, there were not many people in the village, but there were still some who were shocked by the cry.

Cui Hao took Mao Zi in his arms and came nearby under his guidance. He was surprised to hear such a cry. Has Mao Zi's wife died? At the moment, Mao Zi trembled all over. Listening to the cry of his old mother, he had already trembled all over in despair. The strong man was in tears. The departure of his wife and children made him feel unprecedented despair.

Following the cry, Cui Hao soon found maozi's house. At the moment, several neighbors in the street are watching, with sympathy on their faces. Suddenly, I was surprised to see Cui Hao running quickly with maozi. There were some accidents, and Cui Hao didn't bother to pay attention to these. He rushed directly into maozi's home. With a sound of Peng, he kicked open the door and entered it.

The house was very simple. There were only simple furniture and three bags of grain. There was hot water sitting on the stove. A woman who obviously looked like a midwife stood there apologetically. Before the bed, an old woman in shabby clothes was crying and about to faint, and her eyes were red and swollen. On the bed, there is a woman lying now. His face is iron green, almost no ruddy color, covered with a quilt. He should be maozi's wife.

He threw maozi on the ground. Cui Hao knew that time was too tight to delay. He rushed forward with a vigorous step, stretched out his hand, grabbed maozi's wife's wrist and began to feel her pulse.

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