Taking Mao Zi's wife's pulse seriously, Cui Hao soon smiled because there was still a pulse! Although very weak, almost imperceptible, but as long as the pulse exists, it shows that she has not really died and can be saved! In fact, at the moment of feeling the pulse, Cui Hao had glanced at Mao Zi's wife and saw the disease at a glance. The other party passed out due to too long dystocia, which is equivalent to shock. Such a situation is very dangerous and must be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

Therefore, Cui Hao picked up the silver needle in his hand, stabbed it into his acupoints with great accuracy and skillfully twisted and rotated it. At the same time, he did not hesitate to use his own perspective eye golden light to treat it.

Maozi's wife's situation is too dangerous. As long as the treatment is slow, she will really be dead. Therefore, Cui Hao has to meet the requirement of using perspective eye golden light. In an instant, Mao Zi's wife trembled all over, and some painful colors appeared on her face. Obviously, acupuncture and moxibustion worked. At the same time, under the golden light of the perspective eye, Cui Hao clearly saw her body. A mass of turbid airflow accumulated in her chest. That's why she fainted. In his abdomen, there is a baby in an embrace. His fetal position is unstable, which is the most important reason why maozi's wife has dystocia.

The golden light of the perspective eye burst out in maozi's wife. Soon, it eliminated the turbid air flow, circulated around and integrated into her body. Suddenly, Mao Zi's wife's face was iron blue and disappeared. She became very pale. She opened her eyes tremblingly and was tired.

"Ah! Alive! The miracle doctor saved my mother-in-law! Thank God!"

Seeing Cui Hao's silver needle stabbed into his wife's people, he soon woke up. Mao Zi, a man with excited tears, couldn't help cheering. At this time, Mao Zi's mother and midwife reacted. They were very excited and couldn't help shouting and praising.

Although he saved maozi's wife, Cui Hao did not dare to be careless, because his body was still too weak. Therefore, Cui Hao continued to perform acupuncture and moxibustion while using the golden light of perspective eyes to enhance his vitality. Under this two pronged effect, maozi's wife and son's state improved rapidly, and his pale face also had some blood color.

Seeing this, Cui Hao was a little relieved, so he said to the midwife, "attention, I'll slowly help her correct her fetal position, and then you should deliver the baby immediately. The speed should be fast. Her body is still too weak, okay?"

Hearing the speech, the midwife nodded hurriedly and said, "doctor, don't worry, I'll do it!"

After telling the midwife, Cui Hao turned his head and looked at Mao Zi's wife and said, "sister-in-law, relax, I can help you give birth smoothly! Next, I'm going to be in the fetal position, and there may be a little pain. You must be patient, okay?"

Very weak, Mao Zi's wife nodded and said, "benefactor, miracle doctor, thank you. Don't worry about me. As long as the child can be born, it doesn't matter if I die."

Cui Hao saw a kind of maternal brilliance from the village woman and respected her in his heart, so he nodded solemnly and ran the dark strength in his body. With the help of perspective eyes, he clearly saw all the conditions in his abdomen. Then, with a slap, Cui Hao slapped Mao Zi's wife's abdomen.

Today's Cui Hao is no longer what he used to be. He has a profound understanding of Taijiquan. It's easy for him to turn his dark strength into soft strength. With the slap of his palm, Mao Zi's wife frowned in pain and didn't cry out.

Following the same pattern, Cui Hao took a continuous shot and played three palms. These three palms all contained the dark strength of soft and soft, and after these three palms, the fetal position was finally normal. Moreover, in order to facilitate delivery, Cui Hao pushed the curled baby with a soft and dark force to make it easier to give birth.

After all this, Cui Hao breathed out and said to the midwife, "OK, the fetal position is right. Please deliver the baby."

The midwife was already ready, and when she began to deliver, she cried out in surprise, "God! The miracle doctor is so powerful that she can be in the right fetal position across a layer of belly. I can see the child's little brain. This time, she must be able to deliver smoothly!"

With this cry, the midwife began to deliver nervously. Soon, the child came out smoothly and hugged the curled up child. The midwife's face was very embarrassed, because the child was iron cyan, didn't make any baby cry at all, and didn't even make any weak movements. It was clear that it was a stillbirth!

Seeing such a situation, Mao Zi's mother trembled and sat on the ground all at once. Her face showed the color of despair and sadness. Mao Zi also had tears in her eyes and couldn't believe the scene in front of her. After many hardships, my mother-in-law finally gave birth to the child, but it was a stillbirth! He felt that he could not accept such a situation. However, even in this case, Mao Zi didn't shout because his mother-in-law was still lying in bed. He was worried that she couldn't stand the stimulation.

Unfortunately, such a cover up obviously didn't work. Seeing his mother-in-law sitting on the ground, maozi's wife hurriedly said, "what's the matter? What's the matter with the child? Is there any accident?"

After repeated questioning, Mao Zi knew that there was no fire in the paper, so he could only whine and say, "child... Child is a stillbirth..."

"Ah! How could this happen!..."

Mao Zi's wife obviously couldn't accept such a huge blow. She screamed, and the whole person almost fainted. For a time, the shabby house was covered by sadness again.

Seeing such a situation, Cui Hao hurried forward and looked at the baby with iron blue in his arms. For a moment, he hurriedly said, "the child has been held in his mother's stomach for too long. Maybe it can be saved! Come on, quickly pull out one of the green onions in the yard. Come on! It may be too late!"

With this, Cui Hao hurriedly opened the perspective eye again, and the golden light of the perspective eye was put into the baby's body to keep its weak vitality. However, the child may be in a state of suspended death because he has been held in the mother for too long and still hasn't recovered.

Cui Hao asked maozi to get the green onions immediately for a reason. He read through the thousand gold prescriptions by the ancient medicine King Sun Simiao, in which he read a story. On his way home, Sun Simiao met a woman who died of dystocia and fainted, and three needles saved her. After that, she gave birth to a child. She was blue and stiff. At that time, Sun Simiao did not give up the treatment of the child, Beat the child's body with a scallion peeled clean. Finally, the child's body was stimulated by the outside world. Suddenly, the pores opened, cried and lived. Afterwards, someone once asked Sun Simiao why he wanted to use scallions. Sun Simiao's explanation was very simple. The child died of suffocation and the scallions were soft. Beating the child would not cause great harm to him. Moreover, external stimulation would also open the child's pores and have a glimmer of vitality.

Today, Cui Hao asked maozi to get the green onions. In fact, it's just like the same method, learning and using now.

When Mao Zi rushed out of the house to pull out the green onions, summer and others had already Hula. A large group of people rushed in. Mao Zi didn't bother to pay attention to these. He hurried into the house and handed the green onions to Cui Hao.

Under the perspective eye, Cui Hao found that the child's state had improved under the penetration of the golden light of the perspective eye. Therefore, he was happy and hurriedly handed the child to the midwife. He peeled the green onions three times, five times and two times, picked up the green onions and began to beat the child's belly and body

His move puzzled the maozi family, but they now put all their hopes on Cui Hao and dared not question his move.

"Pop pop..."

The scallion white patted on the baby. Finally, at a certain moment, the baby suddenly shook and cried. As soon as the cry was made, the green and black color of his whole body dissipated.

With a smile, Cui Hao stopped beating and said to the maozi family, "Congratulations, childe, mother and son are safe!"

"Benefactor! Thank you!"

"Benefactor, miracle doctor, my old woman knelt down for you. Thank you for your kindness!"

Seeing this, the maozi family were ecstatic. They all knelt down to Cui Hao and gave a big gift. Cui Hao naturally couldn't accept it and helped him. For a moment, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became happy.

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