Cui Hao was very pleased that the maozi family was safe, and the villagers who followed into the yard also saw this scene. In the vivid narration of the midwife, each one thanked and praised Cui Hao with great respect.

He smiled and told maozi some precautions. Then, Cui Hao simply continued to sit at maozi's house. With the help of old man Jiang, everyone lined up and accepted Cui Hao's diagnosis and treatment one by one. He was serious, meticulous, easygoing and gentle. Cui Hao, a miracle doctor, treated every villager equally, listened to their complaints carefully, then repeatedly asked, heard and asked, and then gave diagnosis and treatment. He cured all kinds of diseases of villagers. Among them, some villagers were overjoyed and thanked him again and again after their old diseases were cured. This scene was all seen by summer and Liu Qingfeng, and they were very satisfied.

The whole village is boiling with the arrival of Cui Hao. Everyone is spreading the news that a miracle doctor has come to the village to see a doctor for free and return to life!

Throughout the day, maozi's house was crowded with countless villagers. Cui Hao stopped diagnosis and treatment only after the sun set. At this time, he treated a total of 78 patients. Maozi's house was still crowded with countless patients, many of whom were villagers' relatives.

Looking around, he said in a loud voice in the summer, "villagers, please leave first. We will continue to sit in the clinic tomorrow morning and leave your treasure land three days later. Who in your family has a spacious home? Find a shelter for our teachers and disciples."

Naturally, countless villagers responded to such requests in summer, scrambling to invite them to their homes. Cui Hao treated a total of 78 patients, and all of them received no money. They were very grateful and wanted to do their best to repay one or two.

Finally, Cui Hao and old man Jiang left. Seeing this situation, many villagers scattered one by one, talking and talking, and their faces were full of joy.

That night, many villagers came to old man Jiang's house. Some of them took cooked red eggs, some took marinated meat, roast chicken, spicy wine and so on. They all came to express their gratitude. Cui Hao was very pleased with the villagers' warm hospitality and felt the warmth between people again.

After eating and drinking, the three teachers and disciples began to sit together and talk. Xia Xia and Liu Qingfeng put forward some opinions on Cui Hao's sitting clinic today, and pointed out some problems to him. These are their experience. Cui Hao accepted these instructions with an open mind and benefited a lot from his sitting clinic in the daytime.

The next day, Cui Hao continued to sit in the clinic. Early in the morning, many villagers came to line up one by one. Many of them were villagers' relatives and came to hear the news. Although the medical team was discharged from the yard, I don't know how many there were. Cui Hao didn't have any dissatisfaction and anxiety. He seriously treated every villager and was amiable, no matter facing the old, children, women and children. Perhaps it's because he has accumulated a lot of experience on the first day. This time, Cui Hao relieved the pain of 91 patients. Of course, some are difficult and miscellaneous diseases, which can't be eliminated at one time. All Cui Hao can do is alleviate.

On the third day, more people came to see a doctor. After these two days of publicity, many nearby villages knew about it. Everyone came to hear the news. Seeing so many patients, Cui Hao couldn't see it all in one day. Therefore, in summer, Liu Qingfeng also went to battle in person. They are real masters of Chinese medicine, and they are not weaker than Cui Hao, The speed of treatment has increased several times.

Finally, before dark, all the more than 400 patients were watched by their teachers and disciples. They refused the villagers' request for retention. Cui Hao took a big medicine box on his back and left the small village to continue to live as a street doctor.

Along the way, the three masters and disciples lived in the open air and went out for more than 400 miles at one go. Then they stopped in a prosperous town.

Walking on the spacious street, their dress attracted the attention of many people. This kind of Jianghu doctor's dress made some small town residents talk one after another. Many people think they are charlatans who buy Dali pills and tiger oil. The three masters and disciples didn't care about this discussion. They led the way in the summer. They decided to look for the most prosperous area and began to sit down for treatment.

"Hmm? What's going on? Why are there so many people there?"

Walking on the street, Cui Hao saw that many people were surrounded in front. Curious, the three teachers and disciples also crowded in to watch.

It turned out that around the center of the audience, there was a very embarrassed and disheveled old man kneeling. His arm was wrapped in a white cloth, with blood seeping out faintly, which looked very miserable. Besides the old man, there was an old woman kneeling beside him. It was a blind old woman. She knelt down and sobbed. She looked very poor.

The direction where they knelt down was a big house. The house was very imposing. There were two tall stone lions at the door. It gave people a sense of dignity and solemnity. Like ancient people, a plaque was hung at the door, on which two big words were written, the palace.

The small town residents gathered around whispered. Many people had a look of fear on their faces, and many showed sympathy. However, from the beginning to the end, no one dared to come forward to help, because there were two big vermilion chairs next to the stone lion, on which sat a young man with tiger back and ape waist. He was very fierce, his temples were high, his eyes were sharp, and he dressed up vigorously. At a glance, he knew that he was a good Kung Fu player under his hand. The two young people looked coldly at the old couple kneeling on the ground, with a proud look on their faces, as if they were really superior.

Seeing such a situation, Cui Hao immediately felt an unknown anger. What does this mean? The two old people are so old that they were asked to kneel in front of the palace? Now it is a society ruled by law. How can such a situation exist?

With a frown, Cui Hao looks at Xia Xia and Liu Qingfeng. The two masters are present. He should respect the master's opinions when he wants to do anything. With a little smile, Xia said, "good disciple, we doctors pay most attention to saving the dying and healing the wounded, and always have a compassionate heart. We can't stand idly by when we see injustice. Go ahead. As a teacher, I'm friends all over China, and I have a bit of face everywhere."

Summer's words have already mentioned this. Naturally, Cui Hao no longer hesitated. He nodded and said, "well, I will handle this matter properly."

With that, Cui Hao looked at a small town resident nearby and said, "brother, what's the situation? Why don't you stop these two old people, who are so old and kneeling in front of this house?"

The man questioned was a pockmarked faced man. He was kind-hearted. Seeing that Cui Hao was a foreigner, he whispered immediately "Shh! Hush! Brother, don't you want to live? Do you know who owns this house? This is Wang erhu's house. He is an expert in Wulin. He once knocked down eight or nine strong men. It is said that the Kung Fu of cultivating iron sand palm is extremely powerful! He is the first bully in Jincheng town. He bullies men and women and is extremely domineering. Moreover, his eldest brother is us He is the deputy county magistrate of Huainan county. He also has the title of mayor. He has done all kinds of bad things. If anyone dares to provoke him, he will die! "

Speaking of this, the pockmarked man glanced left and right, and then lay down in Cui Hao's ear "Brother, you don't know. This Wang erhu is a big color tiger! At least dozens of women in the town were insulted by him, and some people made trouble, but they were miserable in the end. Over time, no one dared to do anything even if he took a fancy to any woman. Old man Huang's woman was already engaged, but he went out to buy things and was liked by Wang erhu He was robbed directly in the street. He was so domineering that no one dared to provoke him. Old man Huang didn't open his eyes to beg for mercy, but he was beaten out. Wang erhu also ordered his two disciples to watch here. They had to kneel down for twelve hours. Anyone who dared to provoke him would be dead! "

The pockmarked man simply explained the situation, but although he only heard part of it, he was already angry, his lungs were about to explode, and his face showed an angry expression.

"This man is really deceiving people too much! There is no law!" gritting his teeth, Cui Hao jumped out these words.

Knowing the details of Wang erhu, in fact, Cui Hao doesn't have much fear in his heart, because whether he is a small bully or a deputy county magistrate, he is nothing to him today. Even without the huge relationship network in summer, he can handle it himself.

Cui Hao's words suddenly surprised many people around him, and many residents secretly guessed who was so bold that he dared to twist the tiger's beard?

After saying these words angrily, Cui Hao stepped out and went straight to the pair of trembling kneeling old people. He leaned down and helped them up with a gentle and incomparable language "Two old people, don't worry. This king and two tigers are close to each other. Today, I will act on behalf of heaven, give you justice and return a bright future in Jincheng town! Get up quickly. I'll enter his residence and save your daughter!"

"Ah? You are... You... Can you help me save cui'er?" asked the yellow old hair, feeling incredible, but there was a color of hope in his eyes.

"Kind man, thank you for your kindness. Wang erhu is so powerful that you go quickly!" she looked at Cui Hao gratefully. The old lady advised him so.

It can be seen that Mr. and Mrs. Huang are very simple residents. Even if their daughter is robbed by a bully, they will still think for others. Seeing this situation, Cui Hao feels very sad and shakes his head, "no! It's just a few clowns. I can make it in a minute!"

As he spoke, he helped the old Huang and his wife up and let them sit on a wooden stake not far away. While he completed these actions, the two young people who were originally sitting on the vermilion chair raised their eyebrows and showed a sinister spirit in their eyes. Suddenly, he stood up and walked towards Cui Hao with great strides.

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