On the fifth floor of the zhenhun tower, Cui Hao cautiously moved forward, but there were bursts of fighting in front. It was getting louder and fiercer. Although he tried to keep his mind calm, he still felt a change of stars and fell into a new fantasy. The scene in front of him suddenly changed, which was a terrible war.

This is a desperate picture. The holy angel waved his wings and killed countless humans, claiming that God has sounded the horn of extermination, and all heresies that do not believe in God must be eliminated. Demons come out of the space gate of hell. They roar and kill everywhere. They can eat hundreds of human beings in one bite. There are huge monsters emerging from the sea, flying in the air and killing countless humans. In addition, there are eight legged monsters, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, zombies, evil ghosts and evil spirits. It seems that the whole earth is being slaughtered. The strong fight in the void and the weak kill on the ground. There are screams everywhere and extremely tragic Shura fields everywhere.

"Ah! Help me! Mom, help me, mom..." a embarrassed little boy was crying. A huge Druid had come to him and opened his mouth.

"Run away, children, I'll stop the devil! Run away!" a man waved a wooden stick. In the twinkling of an eye, a devil grabbed his head and sprayed blood. The devil ate his body and laughed evil.

"Ah! What kind of monster is this! Exterminate the world! This is going to exterminate the world! Call the police!" a huge beast appeared over a campus. Many students shouted in despair and were swallowed up by it.

"God, what kind of monster is this? Why are rockets useless? It's over, the earth is over!" a group of soldiers fiercely attacked a scale monster, but it was too fast to fight, and killed hundreds in the blink of an eye.

All kinds of pictures are intertwined. There are killings and screams everywhere. After witnessing all this, Cui Hao's eyes gradually burst into flames, worried and angry. The earth is his home, but now it is being destroyed by many monsters. He doesn't want to see such scenes!

All this is really too real. Cui Hao soon fell into it. He also became a member of the dreamland. He watched a demon kill a little girl, roared and killed the past, showed his true martial arts, waved the devil fist, punched it, and shouted, "Damn, devil, die for me!"


The fist was fierce and made the void tremble. However, the devil in front of Cui Hao didn't die, but took a step backward. With a sharp roar, a large group of demons rushed over immediately, forming a terrible siege and attacking Cui Hao. These demons are very powerful. Cui Hao feels he can fight with one or two ends. However, a large group of people tremble in his heart and feel boundless despair.

What should I do? In this case, he almost subconsciously displayed the golden light of perspective eyes, and the hypnotic function was displayed, sweeping towards many demons. However, to Cui Hao's surprise, these demons are not affected at all! At this moment, Cui Hao was really flustered. He felt deep despair. He stretched out his hand and took out a jade talisman in his arms. This is the talisman of life-saving attack given to him by Wang Kun. At the moment, it is a situation of life and death. He decided to show it.

When Cui Hao fell into a dreamland and fought with a group of non-existent demons, a faint sigh came from his body "Hey, originally I wanted this little guy to sharpen his mind in the dreamland. He took out the magic talisman! You must take action, or you will waste an attack magic talisman! Well, it seems that the power of the devil king David has really weakened to an extremely serious level!"

With such a faint sigh, the old monk hurriedly communicated Cui Hao's mind and made a sound with the roar of the Buddhist lion, which shocked the deaf and enlightened the ears like thunder "The Bodhisattva of Tibetans said that hell is not empty, and he vowed not to become a Buddha. In fact, hell is pure land, and hell is pure land. Where can there be space and not empty? Color is empty, and empty is color. Everything changes in the mind in a moment. When the mind turns, hell is pure land, and when the mind moves, the pure land becomes hell. Wake up!"

This paragraph was uttered with a deafening roar of a lion. There was really a feeling of being beaten to the head. Cui Hao's heart was shocked. The whole person seemed to be deeply shocked by it. In particular, he tasted the truth in this sentence carefully. He had a strange feeling in a trance. He turned himself into a Buddha, walked in the world and understood the great Buddhist theory.

In fact, the old monk used an extremely terrible means. Through a mysterious and mysterious method, he shared all his feelings with Cui Hao. In an instant, Cui Hao was like an eminent monk who understood heaven and earth. He suddenly gave off an atmosphere of peace, joy, peace and great bliss. He put his hands together and whispered "Amitabha, color is emptiness, emptiness is color. All changes in a moment are just the rotation of the mind. I see, I see..."

With such a whisper, Cui Hao's mind suddenly changed strangely. It seemed that a mysterious atmosphere was rising and diffuse. His whole body even sent out something like Buddha's light, but the picture of destruction in front of him was roaring and directly turned into a powder in the sky. Everything disappeared in an instant, as if it had never existed.

The illusion disappeared, and the fifth floor was still empty. Only the dark ghost fire was burning and swaying, as if telling the horror of the illusion just now! In fact, heart demons are formed by a person's inner fear and desire. What you fear, I will change, and what you desire to protect, I will destroy!

"That picture just now, it's really... Ah, it turns out that I've been afraid of killing the world. I need strength. Only strong strength can protect what I want!" Cui Hao thought so, and his eyes were very bright.

At this moment, Cui Hao, who woke up, was very emotional. He hurriedly said, "master, thank you for your guidance. It made me understand that all dreamland is just a sudden change of the mind. I feel that I understand some Buddhist principles, and the soul seems to have a magical change."

Soon, a voice came out of Cui Hao's body, "Amitabha, little guy, you don't have to thank me. I said, you are a great good man, born to be destined with my Buddha. What I gave you is what you deserve. Remember, good will be rewarded, evil will be rewarded, not not not unreported. The time hasn't come. You must continue to do good in the future."

With his hands folded, Cui Hao respectfully said, "master, my disciples have been taught!"

In Cui Hao's heart, the old monk has regarded him as his teacher and respected him more.

At present, he strides his feet and continues to move forward. Goal, sixth floor!

This time, Cui Hao became more vigilant. He urged his perspective eyes. On the sixth floor, a new fantasy appeared in front of him. It was countless irresistible natural disasters, and all kinds of desperate natural disasters were going on. Under the power of greatness, terror and vastness like the sea, he felt like an ant.

Hurricane swept, tsunami roared, volcano erupted, and all terrible sounds seemed to repeat the word "doom"! inexorable doom! It seems that this is Cui Hao's fate, and facing such a terrible fate, he is doomed!

"Everything is just a fairyland. The mind changes in a moment, and hell is heaven!" Cui Hao drank so violently that he was firm in mind, showed the golden light of perspective, and rushed towards the fairyland.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Soon, this terrible fantasy was destroyed by Cui Hao and turned into nothingness.


Seeing this, Cui Hao took a long breath and smiled on his face. Cui Hao was full of confidence. On the sixth floor, he completely relied on himself to break the illusion and kill the demons in it.

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