After defeating the demons on the sixth floor, Cui Hao didn't stay on this floor for too long. At this level, Cui Hao found that the enhancement of the ghost fire was not so obvious. However, the burning still made him extremely painful and felt burned by the fire. Fortunately, his body is at the level of Golden Dragon lock jade pillar, which is the same as the great masters in the realm of King Kong. If he were an ordinary person's body, he would have died on the spot!

Cui Hao walked towards the seventh floor. His eyes showed a deep color of fear. The perspective eyes continued to urge him and were ready to show it at any time! Perspective eye golden light is still very destructive to the heart devil. As long as he doesn't fall into the illusion for a moment, Cui Hao feels that he has a chance to break the illusion and kill the heart devil.

The area on the seventh floor was small and empty. As soon as Cui Hao appeared, the heart demon Rune appeared out of thin air. A huge and incomparable illusion came at once, as if the illusory world came down in an instant, enveloping Cui Hao and wanted to confuse and kill him. This is a very real fantasy, because it is too real. At the moment of appearance, Cui Hao was confused. However, he reacted in an instant, roared and showed his perspective eyes. The golden light swept all directions. At the same time, he coughed his heart and didn't move or shake.

"Click! CLICK! CLICK!..."

It has to be said that the golden light of the perspective eye's restraint against the mental magic realm is very terrible. Under the sweeping, there are loopholes in the originally real world, while Cui Hao abides by his original heart. There is a layer of Buddha light blooming on his body, and the pure land of hell is in one thought. Soon, the mental magic realm burst helplessly, and the mental demons are unwilling, Li Xiao rushed to Cui Hao and wanted to kill him. In this regard, Cui Hao just smiled coldly and suddenly urged his perspective eyes to welcome the past.

This is a silent war. There is no smoke of gunpowder, but it is more dangerous and unpredictable. In the end, Cui Hao won by using the golden light of perspective eye. The heart demon was killed. On the seventh floor, he also survived safely.

After defeating the demons on the seventh floor, Cui Hao was very happy and even a little complacent. At this time, the voice of the old monk came from his body "Little guy, don't be complacent. The devil king David was suppressed on the ninth floor. The most powerful demons in his mind control are naturally the eighth and ninth floors. Because of the soul tower, his power on the seventh floor is at least several times weaker than that on the eighth and ninth floors. Therefore, you should be vigilant!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao nodded solemnly, put away the little idea of pride and replied, "master, don't worry, I won't be too proud!"

With this, he resisted the burning of the ghost fire and went to the eighth floor. At this time, Cui Hao was very nervous, excited and vaguely uneasy. This feeling made him feel a sense of crisis. He tried his best to urge the perspective eyes and became more and more nervous.

After stepping on the stone ladder, Cui Hao soon appeared on the eighth floor. He frowned when he came here, because the ghost fire here was really fierce. He felt that he was in severe pain and his skin was about to burst. So Cui Hao clenched his teeth and looked around patiently. The place on the eighth floor was small and still empty, except for the stone ladder leading to the ninth floor There was nothing, but the next moment, the picture in front of Cui Hao changed. He was even in a very beautiful bamboo forest. In front of him was a very clear stream, winding and gurgling, with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

Beside the stream, a woman in pink gauze combs 3000 green silk against the water on a large bluestone. Although she only shows her back, she gives people a thousand temptations. It makes people feel like they can't control and have infinite fantasies. Somehow, Cui Hao feels a flame rising in her heart after seeing the woman's back, More and more vigorous.

"Hum! The fairyland is just a real fairyland. Break it for me!" with a cold smile, Cui Hao urged him to see through the golden light and sweep ten directions.

Hula, hula, Hula

At this moment, the perspective golden light swept through the four directions, but the picture in front of him did not change at all. Cui Hao was shocked by this scene. What was the situation? Was this scene real? At this moment, he was confused and could not distinguish the gap between illusion and reality.

At this time, the woman just turned her body, her face was picturesque, her body was beautiful, and her skin was as white as fat. It seemed that she could get out of the water as soon as she pinched it. Wearing that thin layer of pink gauze, she could vaguely see the mystery inside. Every move, every frown and smile gave people a shocking feeling.

Don't talk about Cui Hao. As long as a normal person sees this woman, he will have an impulse to jump up and play with her.

"Gudong!..." Cui Hao swallowed a mouthful of water.

After turning around, the woman smiled at Cui Hao with a crisp and charming voice like a yellow warbler out of the valley. "My friend, what are you looking at? Don't come quickly. I want some..."

Want? What do you want? As long as a normal man hears these two words, he can't help thinking and thinking. Naturally, Cui Hao is not surprised. He is in a trance and feels very excited. He wants to rush up and play with each other. Moreover, the opposite party calls himself an enemy. This hint is obvious enough.

At this time, Cui Hao subconsciously recognized that the scene in front of him was real. In fact, he didn't know that all this was the control of a mysterious illusory demon.

His face showed an obsessed attitude. Cui Hao's steps were a little stiff. In this way, he opened his feet and went towards the front, with a longing look in his eyes.

At this time, Cui Hao's body suddenly burst into a violent drink again, which shocked the deaf and shocked the deaf, like a blow to the head "When you look at yourself as a man with white bones, you will be extremely white and clean, and your head will fall down into your bones. When you clear your heart, you will be very clear. This is what you think. There are bone people on all sides of your body, in all directions. Even in the boundless white bone people, they are chaotic, big or small, broken or finished. When you look at yourself, you should think about yourself. There are vertical and horizontal, all kinds of disordered bones. Where are I and other bodies? Then Walker, thinking without me, body and mind calm, safe and happy. "

This is the view of white bones in Buddhism. Generally, when facing the temptation of beauty and so on, the beauty is regarded as a pile of white bones in the soul, so there is no distinction between beauty and ugliness.

Cui Hao was shocked. Under the guidance of the old monk, he seemed to have become a Buddhist monk. He understood the essence of the white bone view. Suddenly, he ran the white bone view. The charming woman in front of him suddenly turned into a pile of white bones

Facing a pile of white bones, Cui Hao naturally won't be distracted. In an instant, he woke up.

”Click! Click! Click “

After Cui Hao woke up, everything in front of him was like cracked glass. The sound of clicking continued, all collapsed and became invisible. Then, the image in front changed and restored everything on the eighth floor again.

Seeing this, Cui Hao breathed out a long breath. Fortunately, if the old monk hadn't taught him the concept of white bones, he was afraid to plant it again this time! On the way, the old monk has helped himself twice and made himself understand the two methods of Buddhism to cultivate his mind and maintain his original heart. He is more grateful to him.

Looking at the stone ladder from the eighth floor to the ninth floor, Cui Hao's eyes were very dignified. After thinking about it, he finally walked up!

The ninth floor, the last floor of the zhenhun tower, suppresses a residual spirit called the devil king of David, and has the Buddha's relic that he needs. Although it is very dangerous, Cui Hao must go!

At the same time, outside the zhenhun tower, Xiao Hui is waiting anxiously. As for a group of suitable people in Jinguang temple, under the leadership of the old monk, they are constantly chanting Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra. The sound of chanting sutras is transmitted to the ninth floor in a strange way

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