He was extremely alert. Cui Hao stepped on the ladder from the eighth floor to the ninth floor. He felt his heart beat too fast and seemed to jump out. The closer he was to the ninth floor, the more intense the feeling became. Cui Hao wants to calm himself down completely, but he can't do it at all. This situation can only show that the ninth floor is very dangerous. The devil of David may have incredible power!

In fact, Cui Hao was also doing some ideological struggle at this time. Finally, his eyes coagulated, his face showed a firm color, stepped forward and continued to move forward.

One step, one step, one step

When Cui Hao stepped on the stone ladder and finally stepped on the ninth floor, he vigilantly urged his perspective eyes to look around. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was shocked, because he saw a pair of men and women being bound in front of him by thick chains, sitting painfully on the ground. Although they were very embarrassed, their faces made Cui Hao feel more familiar than ever. Moreover, there was a very familiar smell on them. It seemed that there was something on them that formed a resonance and connection with their own blood!

"Is this... This... My parents? That's what my dream parents are like! Moreover, I can feel a kind of blood connection! Yes! Everything is my parents, it must be!" at the moment, Cui Hao trembled with excitement, and his eyes turned red for a moment.

For a long time, Cui Hao has been bitter about being an orphan. He is also very eager for family affection, but he has never seen his parents over the years. Who are your parents? Why did they abandon themselves? Is there something difficult to tell? How can we find them? Having nothing to do, Cui Hao always thinks about this problem, and in his dream, his parents seem to be like this!

"Child... Come on, my child, my child!..." it seems that I saw Cui Hao. The couple made an excited voice and tears ran down their faces, which made people very sad.

Cui Hao was originally a kind-hearted person. Seeing this situation, he was very sad. Subconsciously, he was ready to run over. However, he suddenly shouted in his mind, "Cui Hao wakes up! Cui Hao wakes up! What you see in front of you is not your parents, but the magic king of David!"

Suddenly, Cui Hao hesitated. He didn't know what to do.

"Hua la..."

At this time, Cui Hao suddenly burst out of his body with an empty shadow. It was the old monk, kind-hearted, glared at the front and said, "evil barrier, after so many years, still want to do evil under the suppression of the Buddha's relic? Today, I'm here to make a final end with you! After struggling for so many years, you should die!"

With such words, the old monk waved and seemed to be pulling in. The sound of chanting scriptures outside the zhenhun tower was suddenly pulled in. Suddenly, the sound of Zen singing echoed in the nine floors of the whole zhenhun tower.

"Damn it! Damn old monk, you can't keep me! When I kill you and the spirit enters the little guy's body, you can get out of trouble! You can't stop me!" a shrill scream rang through. Cui Hao immediately felt that the scene in front of him had changed. His parents had just disappeared and replaced a stone table, On the table was placed a simple and restrained object like a stone ball. Below it, a small illusory shadow was suppressed, roaring and emitting a powerful and incomparable smell of resentment.

This illusory shadow is King David!

Seeing the real scene, Cui Hao was very sad, because even if it was illusory, he also wanted to see his parents! At the same time, Cui Hao's heart was filled with a great anger. The damn devil king of David dared to become his parents. This is a kind of blasphemy. We must teach him a lesson!

"Old monk, if you hadn't hit the demon king hard, I would have escaped. Damn you, go to hell!"

"Amitabha... You are sinful and kill hundreds of millions of people. The real damned person is you. I'm going to make you completely scared today! Kill!..."

On the ninth floor, the old monk and King David roared, directly ignoring Cui Hao's tiny existence and launched a terrorist attack. At the moment, the two of them are basically in the same state, leaving all the dead souls. Even so, their power is terrible and frightening.

The invisible impact broke out at this moment. The old monk turned into a bright Buddha light, just like the sun hanging in the void. On the opposite side, the devil king David also turned into a dark sun. The magic atmosphere was thick. The two sides collided with each other and attacked each other continuously.

"Puff, puff..."

Such a collision is really too dangerous, but it is a death battle consumed by each other. At the moment, Cui Hao is stunned. Even if there is only a wisp of residual mind left in such a level of struggle, it is far from being able to intervene by himself. However, Cui Hao naturally would not stand idly by. He also urged the golden light in his perspective eyes, and suddenly burst out one golden light after another, impacting on the black sun.

Both sides were attacked, and the devil king David roared angrily. In fact, he had a certain advantage compared with the old monk. However, the addition of perspective golden light weakened his advantage. Moreover, when he was hit by perspective golden light, the devil king David felt that his whole state was falling rapidly. This is not a good state. Originally, he didn't care much about this little guy, but now he has to get rid of him.

"Woo woo..."

At one moment, the dark sun turned into the devil king of David suddenly purred, and it was divided into two. One of them still stayed in place, while the other suddenly rushed into Cui Hao's body and launched a terrible attack and rampage.

"Woo woo woo..."

After bursts of sobs, Cui Hao felt dizzy. When he recovered some Qingming again, he was shocked to find himself in a dark place, surrounded by terrible disasters, swept by evil and terrible forces. He felt the sharp pain of his body and a kind of vulnerability and despair.

"No! I don't want to die yet!" Cui Hao shouted in despair. Cui Hao felt hit and his blood rolled in his body.

At this moment, Cui Hao involuntarily sank again and fell into the illusion of dark disaster of the Lord of David. This is still a state without the control of the Lord of David. If he controls it himself, Cui Hao won't last long. Of course, the reason why the devil king of Venus Williams wants to do so is that he wants to occupy his body.

On the ninth floor of the soul tower, the two sides are still fighting, and the devil king of David is constantly weakening. As for the bright Buddha light made by the old monk, it has long been dim and seems to disappear at any time.

"Hahaha... Bald donkey, you're dead. My lord David is destined to get out of trouble!" the Lord David laughed with arrogance.


Finally, the Buddha light made by the old monk suddenly rose again. He burned the last trace of divine soul and turned it into a bright Buddha light, which was his last desperate blow. Subconsciously, the dark sun of the devil king David retreated, because it was also very weak and didn't want to consume again. However, to his surprise, the Buddha light didn't rush at him, but at Cui Hao who fell into the illusion of dark disaster.

"The Vajra Sutra says: Subhuti, like I cut off the body for King Goliath in the past. At that time, I had no self, no one, all living beings and no longevity. Why? When I was dismembered day by day in the past, if I had the appearance of people and all living beings, I should have anger and hatred. My Buddha was dismembered by King Goliath inch by inch, and my heart was peaceful without hatred. This is the power of the Great Buddha! Action is empty, sitting is empty, and my words are silent Everything is quiet. Even if you put the white blade on your head, it's like a sharp sword cutting the spring breeze... "

Like Hong Zhong and Da LV, Cui Hao suddenly heard such violent drinking in his mind. This was the last help before the collapse of the old monk's mind. At this moment, he felt that he had been taught by his soul for a moment and understood the mystery of this sentence in an instant.

"Walking is also empty, sitting is also empty, and the silence is all empty. Even if the white blade is on his head, it is like a sharp sword cutting the spring breeze..." chewing this sentence, Cui Hao burst out a strong and incomparable light, pure, bright and warm

"Ah! No! No!..."

For a moment, Cui Hao broke through the dark disaster fantasy. Under such a situation, the devil king of David was attacked again. He could no longer carry it, screamed, collapsed and turned into nothingness.

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