With the help of the mysterious old monk who put all his eggs in one basket, Cui Hao finally broke the dark disaster fantasy of the devil king David, which made him suffer a violent counterattack, die miserably and turn into nothingness. In this case, the fierce ghost fire on the ground suddenly disappeared. Only the Buddha's relic on the stone table rolled around and rolled to Cui Hao's feet.

At this time, Cui Hao seemed very solemn, with his hands folded like an eminent monk. He quietly tasted the last paragraph and felt it deeply. Before that, although Cui Hao knew hundreds of national skills, including Buddhist Kung Fu, he didn't know the essence of Buddhism. Now he has a special feeling.

"It seems that I really have some great Buddha fate. In the future, if I am tired of the world of mortals, will I really become a monk?" with a self mocking smile, Cui Hao has no sorrow or joy in his heart.

Reaching out, Cui Hao took the Buddha relic on the ground in his hand and looked at it carefully. His face showed surprise.

The Buddha's relic was the size of a glass ball. It was gray, introverted and simple. It seemed like a stone ball. What surprised him most was that a looming portrait appeared on the surface of the Buddha's relic. It was a monk sitting under a tree with a solemn and solemn appearance.

"Really extraordinary!" Cui Hao couldn't help admiring the Buddha's relic.

Having obtained what he needed, Cui Hao didn't need to stay here anymore. He made a solemn and incomparable gift to the void. Then he respectfully said, "master, thank you for your great kindness, and the disciple will never forget!"

Having said this, Cui Hao turned and began to go down the tower. In fact, Cui Hao didn't know that this time he broke into the soul tower of the town. In fact, the greatest advantage is the tempering of his mind. He clearly realized that part of the Buddha shocked the marrow, and the whole person became more intelligent and agile. This opportunity is quite rare!

Cui Hao experienced a lot of hardships when he went to the soul tower, but when he left, he was very relaxed. He was in a good mood. Although he experienced danger, the result was satisfactory.

At the moment, outside the zhenhun tower, Xiao Hui was already anxious like ants on a hot pot. He was more and more worried about Cui Hao's safety. If it weren't for a group of monks in the Jinguang temple, he would rush in directly. Compared with Xiao Hui, Xiao Qi still lies lazily in his arms and falls asleep. Although he is sleeping, Xiao Qi and Cui Hao have a subtle feeling. He can clearly feel that Cui Hao is okay and is getting closer and closer to them. This naturally shows a truth. Cui Hao succeeded!

The time passed slowly, the Zen singing outside the zhenhun tower echoed constantly, and Xiao Hui was pacing constantly. His handsome face was anxious at the moment.

"Why don't you come out? Big brother, won't there be any accident?" he rubbed his hands anxiously, and Xiao Hui was very worried.


Just then, the door of the soul tower was pushed open, and a barefoot man came out of it. He was very embarrassed, but his face was good. This man is no one else, but Cui Hao who has successfully returned.

"Hahaha... Brother, I knew you would be fine! Great!..." his eyes brightened, Xiao Hui laughed excitedly and walked up quickly.

At the moment, Cui Hao's face has a smile. He is also very happy when he looks at the little ash who rushed over with a smile. When he walked out of the town soul tower again, he had a feeling of survival. However, he still didn't regret his choice. Even if there was little chance, he had to try one or two!

Seeing Cui Hao walking out of the soul tower of the town, many monks in Jinguang temple were excited, Hula surrounded, and two of them had already asked. At last, Cui Hao's eyes fell on the old monk in front of him and nodded, "master, I'm lucky to live up to my life. I've completely destroyed that evil idea!"

With Cui Hao's words, many monks cheered. For them, the evil existence in the soul tower has always been a huge stone at the bottom of their hearts. They are worried that it will get out of trouble at any time. Now, there is no need to worry about it. It is completely safe.

The old monk was very excited at the moment. His white eyebrows trembled. He even grabbed Cui Hao's arm and said, "good boy, it's hard for you! Come and follow me back to the quiet room in front. I'm looking forward to what you've experienced in the soul Tower!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao nodded and left with the old monk. As for Xiao Hui, he hurried to catch up with Xiao Qi in his arms.

Although Cui Hao walked out of the zhenhun tower unharmed and claimed that the evil ideas there had been killed, the people of Jinguang temple were still not 100% relieved. At the first time, two eminent monks wearing cassocks led several young monks to the zhenhun tower to find out.

Not to mention how these monks explored the soul tower, Cui Hao followed the old monk all the way. Finally, he came to his hut again.

After the guests and guests took their seats, Cui Hao thought about it and began to talk about it at the urging of the old monk. He told in detail, even some of his psychological changes. In addition to hiding the secret of the golden light, he even told the mysterious old monk's virtual shadow. Original, Cui Hao said all this again.

After listening to his story, the old monk sighed deeply, showing a dignified and incomparable posture in his eyes. After a long time, he sighed "Benefactor, the situation in the soul tower of the town is really dangerous! Sorry, I didn't know the degree of danger, so I let you take a risk. Fortunately, you didn't have any accident, otherwise, it would be my sin! According to your description, this mysterious Buddhist monk should be a super strong man in our Jinguang Temple two thousand years ago. He can finally burn his last strength , put all your eggs in one basket, admiration! I have to admire it! "

Cui Hao naturally nodded in agreement with the old monk's words.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something, and the old monk said with a trembling tone "Almsgiver, I promised that the Buddha's relic belongs to you. But before that, can you let me have a look? I only heard that the Buddha's relic was on the eighth floor when suppressing evil ideas. Therefore, I didn't witness the supreme sacred thing of the Buddha! If almsgiver can let me have a look, I will die without regret!"

Cui Hao would certainly refuse to be another Buddhist monk, but the old monk made him feel very secure and comfortable. Therefore, after meditating for a while, he stretched out his hand and took out the Buddha's relic.

"Elder brother, is this the Buddha's relic?" he looked curiously, and Xiao Hui asked.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao nodded and said, "yes, this is the Buddha relic! Xiaohui, with this baby, you can completely suppress the evil thoughts in your body. At that time, you will be a real normal person! Hahaha... Are you looking forward to it?"

Touching his nose, Xiao Hui said with a smile, "that's natural. Thank you, brother. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to get this Buddha relic!"

At the moment, the old monk has carefully studied the Buddha relic. His face is solemn, worshipful and respectful. Seeing him like this, Cui Hao is a little nervous. The old monk seems to respect the Buddha's relics very much.

After a while, the old monk handed the Buddha's relic to Cui Hao and said with emotion, "wonderful! It's really wonderful! Benefactor, you must treasure it in the future!"

Nodding, Cui Hao said with a smile, "that's nature. Don't worry, master. It's a relic of the Buddha. It's sacred. I'll be especially precious."

With this, Cui Hao handed the Buddha relic to Xiao Hui. He was too excited to take it. Xiao Hui grinned excitedly and thanked Cui Hao again and again.

In this way, after Cui Hao's hard work, he finally helped Xiao Hui get the Buddha's relic. In the future, he has a treasure to suppress the evil and evil breath in his body.

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