In an instant, he broke this palm sized stone. Although the shadow turned into a shadow quickly, Cui Hao could see clearly in an instant. The long shadow was a long tail covered with scales. The tip of the tail had a sharp barb, which gave people a sharp and incomparable smell that could destroy everything.

"What's that? How come I've never seen such a tail? Is there really any monster?" Cui Hao was nervous at once.

Without waiting for Cui Hao's imagination, a huge black object flashed out at the corner of the cave ahead. It climbed the top of the cave with a terrible speed and rushed straight towards Cui Hao. There was a strange sound of "Shua Shua" at the top of the cave wall, the debris fell one after another, and a fishy wind came along, It made people look sad.

"Ang! Ang! Ang!..."

Starting from the corner, he climbed to the top and came quickly. The speed of this dark shadow was amazing. When he was about two or three meters away from Cui Hao, he suddenly jumped down to the top and shouted horribly. Like Hong Zhong and Da LV, he felt the eardrum buzzing even if Cui Hao didn't check it, You can imagine how amazing this roar is.

"What monster? The cry is so loud......" Cui Hao frowned slightly, and hurriedly urged him to look through his eyes.

Although the huge shadow is fast, Cui Hao can't see it clearly. However, under the perspective eye, it can be seen clearly. In front of it is a huge ferocious monster like a hill bag, like a giant bear. However, it is covered with a thick layer of dark scale armor, flashing a deep light, with red eyes and a smell of fishy gas, There are eight thin legs like spiders, and behind them are nine slender and strange scorpion tails like scorpions!

Under this attack, the monster's nine scorpion tails stabbed Cui Hao at nine different strange angles. They were fast and fierce. The sharp inverted hook stab made people shudder!

"Good beast! Hum!..."

In the face of this attack, even Cui Hao didn't dare to underestimate it too much. At this moment, his body suddenly twinkled, shaking the wind and blowing the willows. He was able to avoid the attack of nine scorpion tails. Then, the whole person was like a human figure in a rapid sprint. He was as tall as a general, roaring and fierce as a palm, and directly patted on the monster's body.

With a bang, the monster's body trembled, but Cui Hao was even more shocked, because he felt that the scale was really too thick and powerful. He was afraid that ordinary avatar experts didn't dare to connect it. Did he resist? Although his body was slapped upside down for three or four meters in an instant, it looked like a healthy posture, which made Cui Hao have an incredible feeling.

"Ang! Ang! Ang!..."

Angry, the monster roared like a giant thunder again, and its huge body flashed again. Eight spiders' thin legs brushed and Shua quickly made people feel dizzying, and its nine scorpion tails were waved again, like nine terrible giant whips, stabbing Cui Hao!

"This is a rare opponent!"

Seeing the monster attack again, Cui Hao brightened his eyes. He simply began to fight with it and use it to sharpen his kung fu.

"Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

At one moment, relying on his body, Cui Hao was so strong that he forced him to attack. At the same time, his body shook and fell 18 times. Suddenly, the scorpion tail of the monster swung and was shaken involuntarily. He could not hurt Cui Hao at all. This is the terrible power of dipping clothes and falling 18 times as a unique skill!


At a certain moment, Cui Hao's body opened as if he were stretching his bow. At the same time, he breathed out, shouted and punched. This fist is Zhenwu Dang devil fist. It is powerful and mysterious.

"Ang! Ang! Ang!..."

Although the flesh is strong and has nine strange scorpion tails, when facing Cui Hao, the monster still eats and shrivels. He shouted angrily, but he was hit by Cui Hao again and again. The thick black scale armor really has amazing defense. However, it can't stand Cui Hao's attack more than once. Moreover, Cui Hao's attack contains the explosion of dark strength, which will make the monster eat and scream constantly every time.


At one moment, the monster suddenly opened its ferocious and ugly mouth, and suddenly a thick dark liquid was spit out, like a sharp lacquer arrow, directly impacting Cui Hao.

Cui Hao didn't know what the dark liquid was. He was awed and didn't dare to hold it up. He hurriedly flashed a clever flicker on his body and immediately avoided it, so that the liquid sprayed and dropped on the cave wall and the ground. In an instant, there was a "hiss" sound, a strong black smoke rising, and an extremely unpleasant pungent smell in the air, Obviously, this dark liquid is highly toxic!

Smelling this poisonous gas, Cui Hao hurriedly held his breath. At the same time, he quietly ran the perspective eye and the golden light flowed through his body. At this time, he found that some poisonous gases that had invaded his body had disintegrated by themselves. Some stunned, a moment later Cui Hao reacted. At the beginning, when he was studying Kung Fu in Yangdian, he used to give the group of old antiques in Shengu as experimental products. His body resisted the attack of jiuzhuan Jinshen liquid, and his body was invincible.

After spitting out this dark poison, the monster roared again and rushed at Cui Hao.

"Beast! It's really hateful!..."

Perhaps his anger rose in his heart, or he was almost sharpened. Cui Hao suddenly broke out, and all his strength was transferred. Suddenly, his whole body was flashing like a ghost. At the same time, Zhenwu Dang magic fist, which shook the void, was hit by him. As for the other party's nine scorpion tails, Cui Hao didn't even pay attention to them. He had clothes and eighteen falls to protect his body. They stabbed his body again and again, and all of them were rippled at once. He couldn't hurt himself at all!

"Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

Cui Hao became more and more ferocious. He punched the monster and shouted loudly, and he grabbed a scaly scorpion tail, made a sudden force, roared and beat it out!

"Dong! Dong! Dong!..."

The ground trembled under Cui Hao's anger. After his real outbreak, his power was really extraordinary, as if he were as fierce as a human. Finally, although the monster was rough and thick, it couldn't carry it, and made a miserable sound of flattery.

After ten minutes of beating in one breath, Cui Hao fell to the ground and looked down at the monster.

"Woo woo..."

There was a deep fear in his eyes. He saw the monster crawling on the ground, trembling and bowing to Cui Hao like a human.

Such a monster is absolutely intelligent. Originally, Cui Hao wanted to solve it, but when he saw it begging for mercy, he moved in his heart and said, "you beast, can you be convinced? Are you willing to submit to me?"

Hearing the speech, the monster nodded hurriedly, indicating that he was willing to surrender.

Seeing this, Cui Hao began to think. He was worried about the monster. Although he wanted to help him guard the place, he was not sure. What should I do?

So he finally tried to say, "although I want to forgive you, I'm afraid you don't really surrender. What should I do?"

Hearing the speech, the monster trembled and kowtowed continuously. Finally, he spit out a strange and bright thing the size of a pearl from his mouth, which sent out a strong aura fluctuation. Moreover, Cui Hao saw that there was a reduced version of the monster virtual shadow.

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