This monster not only has rough skin and thick flesh, but also has strong scales and can hardly be broken. Moreover, it has such extraordinary intelligence that it can understand people's words, which makes Cui Hao more excited. He wants to recover it completely and guard Baishou cold pool and dragon vein for himself. After a simple estimation, Cui Hao felt that the monster broke out with all its strength, which should be comparable to the general avatar strongmen. Even, it can restrain the general avatar experts. If it wasn't for his own accident

When asked by Cui Hao, the monster trembled and spit out something as bright as a pearl, Cui Hao felt a little messy and couldn't help thinking, "is there really a monster in this world? Is this monster actually a monster? This kind of thing is the legendary inner alchemy?"

Everything was Cui Hao's guess, so he asked tentatively, "is this your inner alchemy? Are you afraid I'm not at ease, so you spit out your inner alchemy and want me to attach soul power to it and imprison it?"

Sure enough, hearing Cui Hao's words, the monster nodded again in a hurry. At the same time, he issued a low roar, which seemed to indicate that what Cui Hao said was good.

He was overjoyed. At present, Cui Hao urged the golden light in the perspective eye. After countless explorations, he understood some of the beauty of the golden light in the perspective. One of them, he always felt very useless, but imprisoned his soul. Unexpectedly, it has been used now. To imprison the soul, the other party must not resist at all. Moreover, the soul power is not particularly strong and has many restrictions. Cui Hao doesn't know when he understood it in panic. He hasn't been used before. When facing the enemy, he prefers to use the power of perspective eye to hypnotize nearby, speed and other special effects.

In front of him was the monster's inner alchemy. Therefore, Cui Hao began to try again and again to operate the image of imprisoning the soul. He failed again and again and tried more than a dozen times. Finally, he succeeded in a perfect fit. In a moment, he saw through the golden light of his eyes and formed an illusory golden shackle. In a moment, he fell into the inner alchemy and merged with it.

Only Cui Hao could clearly see such a scene. He once again lamented the power of the golden light in his perspective eyes. Although Cui Hao's soul power has soared, it is still impossible to separate him directly and form imprisonment. Although his physical body is strong enough to rival the King Kong strongman, there is a huge gap between his soul power and realm, just like an insurmountable gap.

Trembling all over, the monster stared round in vain, roared with an incredible roar, roared angrily, and then it seemed to understand something and lowered its head reluctantly.

Seeing the monster's posture, how can Cui Hao not understand? In fact, from the beginning to the end, the monster didn't intend to sincerely surrender to himself. It's just an expedient measure. Its internal alchemy should have a lot of cleverness, which can slowly kill some soul imprisonment. But this time it was a miscalculation. Unexpectedly, Cui Hao would urge the soul of perspective golden light to be imprisoned.

Through his own experience, Cui Hao clearly saw the power and mystery of the golden light in his eyes. He felt that he was imprisoned by the soul in the inner alchemy. It seemed that as long as he had one idea, this inner alchemy would completely disintegrate and collapse into invisibility. At this moment, he felt that he really controlled the life and death of this monster.

He was very satisfied with this situation. Cui Hao looked down at the huge monster crawling on the ground and said with a smile, "You evil beast, do you still have the idea of resisting me in the future? It's time to fight! However, I'll forgive you for the first time! Hum, if I find anything against my will in the future, I will burst your inner alchemy and die completely!"

"Ang! Ang!..."

Creeping on the ground, the monster's head dropped more, and the reluctance in his eyes gradually converged into helplessness and despair. Neither man nor beast wants his life and death to be controlled by others. It's hard to lose freedom.

If you want to really recover people's hearts, you must give both grace and power. Cui Hao knew this very well, so he smiled again "Of course, as long as you don't betray me, you can still survive here. Even, I can take you to see the vast world outside. I will provide you with plenty of delicious food. In the future, you will be under my command. There will be many benefits, and you only need to obey some of my orders. Don't take back your inner alchemy quickly?"

Hearing the speech, the monster nodded hurriedly, but there was no despair in his eyes. Although he became Cui Hao's subordinate, he also obtained relatively loose freedom. Moreover, the monster was very smart and had been eager to see a wider world. This time, he finally had a chance.

"Er... What's your name? What shall I call you in the future?" Cui Hao frowned and asked in some confusion.

"Ang! Ang! Ang!..." shook his head. The monster roared loudly, as if to tell Cui Hao that he had no name.

Seeing this situation, Cui Hao thought for a moment and said with a smile, "since you don't have a name, as your master, I'll give you a name, eh..... Why don't you call it Angang beast? The name is good, pleasant to hear and easy to remember. So it's decided. In the future, you'll be Angang beast!"

After understanding Cui Hao's words, the monster nodded happily, and nine strange scorpion tails swayed. Since then, it has its own name, called Angang beast.

After successfully recovering the ang ang beast, Cui Hao continued to move forward with it. In the cave ahead, Cui Hao found a lot of gravel debris. He asked the ang ang beast curiously what was going on. Therefore, the ang ang beast directly bit off a stone on the cave wall, containing Dan nitrate, swallowed it directly into his stomach, and then spit out some stone debris.

Seeing this, Cui Hao suddenly realized that these stone chips were eaten by an arrogant beast. He couldn't help feeling pity for the monster he had just recovered. He could only swallow some stones every day. He was really poor! Cui Hao secretly decides to bring a lot of food to Aung Aung beast when he comes back next time.

Continue to move forward. When we came to a corner, the beast stopped and roared with fear. He was unwilling to move forward.

In fact, not to mention the beast, Cui Hao himself has a very heavy heart, as if a terrible pressure is constantly spreading and oppressing himself. What should I do?

After thinking about it, Cui Hao didn't force the beast. He was more determined. In front, he should be very close to the dragon vein! The dragon vein contains powerful and unparalleled power. Similarly, its breath and majesty are also quite terrible! At the beginning, Cui Hao once saw a dragon vein that Taoist Tianji tried hard to get. Because it was subdued by Taoist Tianji, it did not give off its own authority, and a dragon vein that had never been subdued would not deliberately restrain its own breath.

He was very excited. Cui Hao ordered the beast to wait for him in place, so he approached him carefully.

Step by step, the pressure became stronger and stronger. Fortunately, at this time, the mysterious beads in Cui Hao's body vibrated slightly, which made the pressure almost disappear. For a moment, Cui Hao felt that he had unloaded a heavy burden, so he continued to move forward carefully.

"Hmm? What smell? Why is it so fragrant? It makes me feel floating when I smell it?" at one moment, Cui Hao twitched his nose a few times and thought secretly in his very curious heart.

In the void, there is a fresh and incomparable fragrance, which is faint, refreshing and very comfortable.

The whole person was excited. Cui Hao hurriedly accelerated his pace and walked towards the front.

When he turned a corner again and saw the scene in front of him, the whole person was shocked, but his heart was ecstatic, because the scene in front of him reminded him of a word, a possibility!

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