The body of the black robe flopped down at the entrance of the passage, like a dead dog, and the prison sword in his hand made a clear sound of the knife, clicked and embedded into the ground. Seeing this situation, Cui Hao breathed out a long breath and was relieved.

At the moment, Cui Hao's body is very weak, and there are a lot of blood marks all over his body. He looks very embarrassed. However, there is a touch of pride and pride in his eyes, because he has defeated an enemy holding Dan four products!

Although the whole person is very weak, after killing the black robe, Cui Hao feels that the feeling filled in his heart is becoming stronger and stronger. His soul is ready to move. Even Cui Hao has a feeling that he can't suppress it and wants to spray it immediately. This feeling is just like a cup of tea, because there is too much water, it makes me feel diffuse!

I don't know if I can be in such a state. Cui Hao has no time to think about these things. He feels that his body and mind have been strongly sublimated and a breakthrough is imminent!

At the moment, the black robe had been killed by himself. Hua Yunbin was still hypnotized and stood in the corner. Cui Hao naturally had nothing to worry about. Therefore, he didn't hesitate. Suddenly, an indescribable and unidentified breath gushed out, vast and ferocious, and his soul was extremely excited, even buzzing, With this breath suddenly jumped out!

Yes, now Cui Hao has a feeling that his soul jumps out!

The so-called one flower, one world, one grass, one spring and autumn, people are the spirits of all things. Everyone has his own heaven and earth in his heart. This kind of heaven and earth is illusory and real. Therefore, general practitioners are used to calling it knowing the sea. This kind of existence is a field that only the strong in the realm of King Kong will involve. At the moment, Cui Hao feels that his mind jumps out with his soul, It has a strange place, which has been opened up, expanded rapidly, misty and mysterious. He didn't know what it was, but he had a feeling that he knew it was his own understanding of the sea, which was born because of the spray of the mysterious atmosphere.

The birth of knowing the sea means that the soul has been strong to a certain extent. At the same time, Cui Hao's soul that jumped out suddenly merged with the mysterious atmosphere. Suddenly, many incredible and wonderful changes have taken place. Cui Hao didn't realize that the mysterious beads in his body turned quietly at this moment, and an invisible ripple also integrated into Cui Hao's soul.

At the moment when Cui Hao's soul jumped out, in fact, it was already ecstatic. In an instant, he completely realized that he was just a layer of window paper. At the moment, he was easily pierced by it. Not only that, Cui Hao's soul continued to rise, rise, and under the protection of the mysterious atmosphere, it suddenly rose to an incredible height, buzzing, the mysterious atmosphere vibrated, sending out a weak but real fluctuation.

In the vast void, there is a mysterious atmosphere, which is extremely noble and mysterious. In this void, there are nine boundless, vast and huge rivers. They are not real rivers, but an illusory existence. Some are red with fire, like surging flames, while others are flashing with thunder, like thunder, Some are milky white and crystal, flashing the mystery of life

These nine long rivers are too vast. The power they emit is terrible enough to easily destroy the sky and the earth!

At the end of the nine long rivers, they converge to form a chaotic River, which emits a terrible smell of Hongmeng ancient and groundbreaking, as if it is the source of all things and the beginning of heaven and earth.

If there are super masters here and see these nine rivers, they will be shocked. Even the powerful ones will be as small as insignificant mole ants in front of them! At one moment, somehow, the chaotic River trembled slightly and seemed to be attracted by something. However, it soon returned to normal. On the contrary, the boundless River emitting the breath of life flowed slightly, and a milky liquid rushed out, and suddenly disappeared

"Hua la... Hua la... Hua la..."

As soon as this change appeared, the nine rivers made a clatter together. In an instant, they each had a tall and great bank, emitting an invincible, tall, noble, high and inviolable breath. After the nine figures gathered, they naturally emitted an extremely noble and high breath, If there is a powerful deity here at the moment, under this breath, he must crawl on the ground and have a deep fear and worship in his bones!

Such existence is far from what a powerful person can relate to. It is unimaginable!

"The river of life has bestowed the essence of life. It seems that in the four hundred and eighty million universe, there may be a small fellow who is entitled to jump out of the cage and become a god of the universe!" one of the figures opened and rumbled.

Nodding, the figure in the long river of life spoke softly and incomparably "yes, I can feel a sense of jubilation in the whole long river of life. It seems that there will be more powerful cosmic gods under the command of the goddess of life in the future!"

Shaking his head, another figure said "That's not certain. This life talent is extraordinary and can cause the vibration of the long river of life. It may become a cosmic God. However, you don't have to join the command of your goddess of life. I, the God of destruction, also welcome his attachment! Just now, the long river of chaos shook slightly. I thought it was that thing, but it's not that thing..."

Shook his head, another figure said "Alas, the nine of us have jumped out of the cage, and there are hundreds of cosmic gods under our command, controlling the infinite territory. But what about that? In fact, we can't escape in a new cage. The power in the long river of chaos is the most powerful ultimate power. Only by obtaining its power can we truly surpass and become invincible! Even if we are Depending on a long river of elements occupied by each, the so-called divine personality is condensed, which is just a false divine personality. If it is not recognized by the long river of chaos, it will not be invincible one day, and there will be a falling disaster. Even if more than ten cosmic Gods work together, we may fall... "

"Do not be too pessimistic, we still have hope! When that person did not succeed in stepping into the chaos river? If not the nine of us jointly attacked and made it fall, maybe it had condensed the real chaos goddess and achieved invincible! In those days, although he fell, but the essence of one body left behind the most precious trace, turned into a ball. Disappear, if we can find it, we will have a chance... "

"We naturally know this, but the territory of this chaotic void is really too large. 480 million universes, any universe can be called endless. How can we easily find a baby to escape? Moreover, who knows which universe it has escaped into?"

"Well, we'd better sleep again and feel the mystery of the elements. Perhaps, when we completely integrate the ultimate mystery of the elements we master, we can bypass the analogy and control the long river of chaos! The left things will be handed over to the cosmic gods under their command to find."

"Yes, sleep deeply. It's not easy for nine of us to occupy the long river of nine elements..."

The boundless mysterious void triggered a conversation between real invincible beings because of the slight vibration of the long chaotic River, and Cui Hao was the initiator. He still didn't know that he was not even a small ant in the eyes of invincible beings, because the mysterious beads in his body caused such a discussion among big people

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