Cui Hao didn't know that his ecstasy had caused such a huge change because of the slight vibration of the mysterious beads in his body. At the moment, he felt that his soul was buzzing and shaking. It seemed that he had been baptized by some power and became more thorough and powerful. At this moment, it was clearly an invisible soul, Cui Hao has a feeling that it has turned into a crystal diamond. It is ten times stronger and ten times stronger than at first!

At this moment, his perception also increased. I don't know how much. The realm of the unity of heaven and earth became clearer and clearer. Cui Hao could even feel a strange fluctuation. This is a fluctuation of the mysteries of heaven and earth. Although it is very vague, this situation should not be mastered by a practitioner who has just stepped into the realm of incarnation. This is the characteristic of the strong at the level of King Kong!

"Hua La, Hua la..."

At one moment, Cui Hao felt in vain that there was a bright and warm white light with a strong breath of life. Suddenly, it was integrated into his body. Then, he was dazzled. He felt that yin and Yang were reversed and heaven and earth were in chaos. Then, his consciousness suddenly blurred and became more and more blurred

In a trance, the years are long and the world is vast. Cui Hao feels that he has turned into an ordinary catkins, wrapped with a seed floating across the river. Finally, it directly landed in the soil and wants to take root and grow here.

At first, the soil here was very dry and there was no water at all. Moreover, because it had been baked by the sun for a long time, the ground was cracked and ravines everywhere. Under such an environment, Cui Hao's seed was almost dying. However, perhaps out of a kind of life instinct, Cui Hao's seed didn't give up and kept accumulating. His heart was full of hope. Even if he said how difficult the environment was, this hope never stopped.

Finally, I don't know how long it took. A spring rain came down. Cui Hao's seed left and began to absorb it crazily. Then it scattered amazing vitality, gradually grew tender buds, and finally recovered from that dry state.

In this process, Cui Hao felt the power of life, invisible but incomparably powerful. It came from the deepest part of his heart and was constantly brewing by Cui Hao. In this case, the seeds transformed by Cui Hao should break through the earth and grow up soon. However, a very solid boulder appeared above the seeds he transformed, She was so huge and heavy that she pressed the seeds transformed by Cui Hao, which made it difficult for him to really flourish.

Such a situation makes people feel desperate.

"It's hard!"

Cui Hao feels desperate. He is a seed now. He is in the soil and has the qualification to germinate over the years. However, there is a huge stone blocking the road above. How can he germinate?

There was despair. Cui Hao's seed was full of fearless confidence and continued to grow hard. At the same time, his soul was shaking. He even felt a strange secret method, which was extremely profound. He completely placed the power of his heart on the void, forming a state similar to immortality.

While feeling this secret method, Cui Hao kept insisting and growing. He always had a fearless spirit in his heart.

Gradually, I don't know how long it has been. Cui Hao has forgotten the time for a long time. The idea in his heart still exists to get rid of all difficulties. Even if it is death, he should nirvana in death!

Cui Hao, who turned into a seed, roared. Although he was still oppressed by the boulder, he slowly stretched out two tender green leaves, so tender and so weak. Although the tender bud is very tender, it contains the most powerful Qi, which is the power of life! At this moment, Cui Hao had a new understanding of the power of life, and the understanding of the secret law also rose.

Incarnated as a tender seed and bud, he accumulated step by step, and the power of life became stronger and stronger. Finally, this power turned into a strong and majestic power of life. Finally, one day, with a loud noise from Peng, he drilled out of the crack in the stone, and he felt a color, which is the color of life, the fearless color!

This feeling soon disappeared. Cui Hao recovered himself again. After a trance for a moment, he opened his eyes and showed a strange look in his eyes.

He was puzzled. Although Cui Hao recovered himself, he was still thinking about his experience after his transcendence. Before, Taoist Tianji once said that he was transcendent and felt some of the mysteries of life, so he could live longer, and so did Cui Hao. However, he still had some doubts, I don't know where the key to my understanding is.

In fact, where does Cui Hao know that although the understanding between him and Taoist Tianji is the mystery of life, there is an essential difference, because Taoist Tianji understands only side branches and wrong links, while Cui Hao understands the real mystery of life and the essence of immortality!

"The soul reposes in the void and absorbs the aura of heaven and earth. Even if the body is destroyed, as long as there is a little soul reposing in the void, it can recover slowly... Moreover, if the body is injured and operates in a special way, it can recover quickly, but it seems to consume its own savings and potential..." Cui Hao said to himself after thinking for a long time.

This is his greatest harvest. He vaguely learned a way to place his soul in the void. However, this method seems to require too much soul, and Cui Hao can't use it for the time being. If this method is really successful, Cui Hao feels that he is almost immortal in the face of ordinary enemies, as long as he can not crush the existence of nothingness. Moreover, according to his various feelings as a seed, Cui Hao also understood another way. This is a pure method to operate the body, which can accelerate the recovery of the injury. It is very extraordinary!

"Nirvana... Rebirth... Well, this ability, I call it great Nirvana!" after thinking for a moment, Cui Hao made such a decision.

After carefully checking his amazing harvest this time, Cui Hao was very satisfied, very satisfied.

Such a delay has passed for nearly an hour. When Cui Hao looked around, he found that Wang Changsheng and others were all around. As for Hua Yunbin, he was tied up and his mouth was blocked. He stared at a body on the ground with a look of horror. It was a man in black and his mysterious master!

"Brother, you finally woke up. I thought you were too hurt and shocked!" Gangzi said after rubbing his hands.

"Boss, aren't you in the way? I was just going to see your injury, but President Wang said you were meditating and feeling, so I didn't dare to move you. How did you feel?" asked Hai Rui with concern.

Seeing Cui Hao open his eyes, Hai Rui and others hurriedly ask. They all really care about Cui Hao.

In this regard, Cui Hao smiled, waved his hand and said, "I'm not in the way, everyone. I feel in good condition. Let's go and take Hua Yunbin away. The body... Is handed over to the people of the police system. This person is a strong man in the divine court."

Hearing the speech, they nodded to show that they knew.

At the moment, Hua Yunbin actually got rid of the effect of hypnosis. However, he was tied up and blocked his mouth, but he couldn't even speak. He was pushed and pushed forward by the crowd.

Outside Tianci manor, Meng Ying led a large number of police waiting. She was very angry because there were a group of people who also belonged to the police system. However, she was tit for tat with him and was not allowed to send someone to help Cui Hao.

"Look! They're coming out!"

During the confrontation, I don't know which policeman shouted. Suddenly, the people followed the prestige and saw Cui Hao and others come out. Qin Xiangxiang and Hou Jintao were supported, while Hua Yunbin was restrained by five flowers.

"Great! Cui Shao, you really didn't disappoint me. It's worthy of being the man Meng Ying likes!" there are colorful eyes in Meng Ying's eyes. Meng Ying is very happy.

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