He roughly told Wang Changsheng about the wonderful treasure land. When Cui Hao asked him what he thought, Wang Changsheng was stunned. For a long time, his eyes burst out with essence and excitement "Big brother! Happy event! What a great happy event! With such a great treasure land, we have our own foundation! Although the fraternity group is developing rapidly and prospering, its foundation is very weak. Not to mention the existence of state machines, it is a powerful gangster, who can easily build a huge foundation for us The collapse of the enterprise is actually quite dangerous! Although you have four divine beasts as your backer, if the backer falls, we fraternity group may become a big fat meat in the eyes of some big people! According to the development trend of fraternity group, this possibility is inevitable and must be prevented in advance. Therefore, what you found is absolutely impossible Jiabaodi can be called timely rain, which is of great significance“

Wang Changsheng didn't think about the profit, but made some remarks about the foundation, etc. hearing his words, Cui Hao was shocked. In addition, he was more grateful and vigilant. Fortunately, he had such a beautiful second brother to preside over the overall situation for himself. We can clearly see the real problem of the enterprise. Indeed, today, fraternity group With the rapid development, Cui Hao is bound to become the fat meat in the eyes of some big people in the future. It is necessary to take precautions in advance. Moreover, it is safer to rely on anyone than on himself. It is precisely because of Wang Changsheng's remarks that Cui Hao secretly made up his mind to cultivate his own power from now on.

His eyes sparkled with excitement, and Wang Changsheng continued to say, "yes." Big brother, that feng shui treasure place, the safety coefficient is far beyond the treasure room, as the true foundation of my group, it is more appropriate. We bought or rented the mountain area completely, and it has been somewhat developed. Moreover, the pond water and the cream essence of the longevity pond in the treasure place are also rare health care and good nourishment. Xi ah, we can develop many industries. Water is the source of all things. Clothing, food, housing and transportation. Many industries are inseparable from water as an important material, such as medicine, food and so on. With such a favorable factor, the development of health care industry will be like a fish in water and make a sensation quickly“

Wang Changsheng is worthy of a beautiful life style and has great erudition. He made a clear analysis of the regulations, which made Cui Hao nod and agree with him.

With some satisfaction, Cui Hao said Second brother, all rivers run into sea, and I know many valuable medical classics. There are some miraculous ointments, medicaments and so on. If I take some of them, I will use them to blend into the cream and the earth milk essence. I think the curative effect must be. It will be very magical. It will be difficult to make a sensation at that time! Although the conditions for establishing a pharmaceutical factory are very harsh, my interpersonal relationship should be no problem. In addition, we can also develop cosmetics. Women in today's society are very willing to invest in themselves, especially in cosmetics. I'm going to prepare several pieces of nourishing yin and beauty care water. I've thought out the name, just call it How about the fairy water series? Of course, we can also buy one or two poorly managed cosmetics enterprises, which have some foundation and are easier to develop“

At the moment, Wang Changsheng nodded excitedly and rubbed his hands. He was very excited Brother, I'm excited when you say this! It seems that the next strategic direction of our fraternity group can be determined. This matter can't be delayed. I'll start to make preparations immediately. Of course, this news is also top secret. I'll first invite tenders in the name of fraternity group in the country to find high-quality water source areas for common development, Baichuan city Because Chengdu is a mountain range in the region, the economy is very depressed. I believe if we invest in them, we will win the ownership of the mountain range of the best treasure land! "

Cui Hao just thought of using the pond water pharmacy in Baishou cold lake, but he didn't think carefully about how to get that area. After Wang Changsheng said this, he immediately smiled and said, "second brother, you really have countless tricks. You can be called Zhuge Kongming around me!"

With a faint smile, Wang Changsheng joked "Brother, if I were Zhuge Kongming, would you not be a royal nobleman? Hahaha..... Don't worry, I'll hand over this matter to several executives in the enterprise. I believe it will soon attract the attention of Baichuan municipal government. If we operate properly, they will take the initiative to attract investment! At that time, take that mountain range, even a larger area Domain, I believe the problem is not big! "

Cui Hao naturally agrees with Wang Changsheng's plan. He only gives a general direction. For specific things, he still needs to rely on Wang Changsheng to coordinate the overall situation and make many arrangements. Of course, if the fraternity group can successfully occupy that area, Cui Hao still needs to go there in person, because it is too dangerous and he will surrender The beast is still hidden in the cold pool of longevity.

Speaking of this matter, Wang Changsheng pondered for a moment, and then opened his mouth "Brother, I have an idea! Apart from the core secrets, the operation of treasure land must be in the hands of a limited number of people, such as you and me. It also needs some real talents to go. Naturally, I will reasonably distribute the talents within our fraternity group, but who will take the seat? It's a very troublesome thing. After all, who is such an important position So my suggestion is that President Qin and President Hou are both poor now. You can hire them at a high salary and even give them some shares to let them see the hope of restoring their own enterprise. I believe they will gladly agree“

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was stunned and said with a cool smile, "second brother, your suggestion seems a little... Alas, I originally wanted to help her bring back Milan international and give it to her management based on my love with President Qin. After you said that, I couldn't. However, this suggestion is also good. After all, there is no free lunch and paid exchange, so they are more at ease! "

In fact, when he said this suggestion, Wang Changsheng was not sure. Hearing that Cui Hao agreed, he immediately said happily "Great! Brother, you don't manage the enterprise very much. Maybe you don't understand the value of President Qin and President Hou. They are real business talents, especially Hou Jintao. This time, if you can recruit him, I plan to make him completely join our fraternity group!"

With that said, Wang Changsheng looked like he had a bamboo in his heart. He was a beautiful life style. He was born with a seven tricks and exquisite heart. Therefore, he looked at many things very thoroughly, and his plans were very reasonable and appropriate.

Cui Hao nodded happily and said kindly, "second brother, it's hard for you! Eh... How about this? They're both here tonight. It's better for us to strike while the iron is hot and completely finalize this matter?"

Wang Changsheng naturally had no opinion on this. He smiled and nodded, "well, brother, it's rare for you to be so interested in the enterprise. Why don't you leave this matter to you? It's Fair for you to talk to them. I'll invite the two presidents here. I hope you can persuade them to join the fraternity group!"

With that, Wang Changsheng left in a hurry. Naturally, he went to find Qin Xiangxiang and Hou Jintao.

A moment later, he returned again, and he was followed by a pair of men and women like Bi people, who were Hou Jintao and Qin Xiangxiang. After a test as if they were suffering from life and death, the two of them could be said to have achieved good results, more in love and inseparable.

After some greetings, Cui Hao didn't talk nonsense. He went straight to the topic and began to say his request. At the same time, he revealed to the two people how magical and precious the Baishou cold pool he owned, and this temptation was also very effective. Both of them were very excited. Finally, Hou Jintao took the lead in nodding "OK! You have given me such favorable conditions. If I don't agree, isn't it too arrogant? Xiangxiang, what do you think? Do you want to join?"

Originally, Qin Xiangxiang was still hesitating. He saw Hou Jintao promise. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded and agreed to it.

Cui Hao was very happy to be joined by Qin Xiangxiang and Hou Jintao. They were also typical workaholics. As soon as they reached an agreement, they immediately fell into a heated discussion.

Although you can't tell them something about the best treasure land, you can't hide things such as Baishou cold pool. Cui Hao quietly told them. When they got the news, they were shocked and excited.

If they are asked to challenge a new industry, even if they have enough self-confidence, they will inevitably be a little nervous and uneasy. After hearing Cui Hao's story, Qin Xiangxiang and Hou Jintao are full of confidence and full of confidence.

They are worthy of being business geniuses. Soon, they put forward a lot of useful suggestions and views. Some of them naturally coincided with Wang Changsheng. The four people were very excited to discuss in the office.

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